The original English voice (Portal)
Can you tell me where can I download the original voice acting to the Portal? I want to listen to Glados (and others) with the voice of Ellen McClane. ))In the same subject and you can discuss the sound in the game.
Maybe someone will be useful to my recipe to add English voice acting in portal:
1) Download this file (if the link is outdated Google english portal.gcf the search engine will give lots of working links)
2) Unpack the archive anywhere, then the resulting file for filename portal english.gcf is copied to the Data folder! for example my case C:\Program Files (x86)\Portal\Data
3) And last change the name of the copied file portal english.gcf portal English.gcf (replacing the existing with the same name of the file Russian voice)
And I do cool Repack with the ability to choose the interface language and voice acting(can be combined).
I have steam, and knowledge cc_lang, so you suck yuh