Balance (bow vs melee) (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Been hard imbalance between bow and weapon (any) melee. Who as solves this problem? In addition provozovani and zabivanii the presence of Luke (for not even shaking it and throwing everything in a mile-fights, he still remains more effective).macsim702 wrote:
And it is possible to increase the number of arrows? and then 30 PTS quickly end
The number of arrows increases with level like. Maximum 70 normal arrows and 35 special. Besides, at the end of the game there are bows that turn normal arrows into special. If 35 arrows for the big dust is not enough, then 70 arrows personally, I have always lacked.
I bow fell , he was a regular in the green (poisonous) turns.
Otherwise I after each massacre 2 -3 quiver spend. And one poisonous arrow is on 3 units of 2 types of resources.
The difficulty was shown in the video. Yes, and I personally checked everything. The 50's are also added. Except for the elite. But any elite falls with a single shot.
I don't know how that's possible ,playing on medium difficulty and after apnuli 50 ,48 lower LVL enemies not seen
it's such speficy hardcore ,when you have enemies below LVL 4-5 ?)
I have almost all opened ,50 were somewhere in the middle of the open map and NPC everywhere was 2 LVL below max
The biggest imbalance between a warrior and a hunter so this is the legendary sets
there is, though, obviously, the best your booking (no matter the miles or the bow or stealth) is techstate of violetchi with a perfect roll. For Lucara example:
+% damage of the hunter
+% damage to headshots
+% damage from the bow (or +% total damage)
+% damage from heavy attack (ranged) (engraving)
also extremely suggest engraving the transferring chance of a critical damage, as headshot itself autocrit.
Therefore luceram best run in the top Violetka than to assemble legs. However the intranet can suffer greatly due to random combinations of styles of armor )
And Yes, the imbalance is. A bow handed down to 82 opponents in the battles between Athens and Sparta. Bonuses fire + explosive arrow ignite from the crowd, and usually those burn without further intervention. When the three Adra will accumulate from bomb-shot. In short a lot of powerful AoE. No idea how this can be malesnica crank. Ogabella tried to set fire to one enemy and immediately run to another, but it's sooooo slow. Do not go to any comparison with the bow.
Also, onions make up to two million headshots. Vancott almost any merc on nightmare.
here is my personal benchmark:
so far, the best build is not found. Made them the most similar, with the exception of spears for +100% damage, put stat from Daguerre to +15% total damage. Damage is slightly less (11K warrior instead of 13k as the author), but also with the same wave of all stand.
choa wrote:
No idea how this can be malesnica crank.
Malesnica fire+ring of chaos - the same effect, especially if the stats on the fire intensity and duration.