Why many do not like the game? (Warface)
The responses do not use insults\foul language, allow only adequate arguments and counterarguments.goroziy1
The question is normal. The answers to the questions - assumptions (those who like) or responses (those who do not like it)
Was a cheat was worthless chucago rank, and then banned. 2-3 Years under the tail.
PS okay right now I play Left4 and BlackDesert and your various let the rolls glubako in 3ад
1) Vargas develops
2) You were banned for cheating (rightly so)
3) because of these ur**s of warface and hate
Most of these kids don't want to play it because I think that cheaters-buckets derives,not dredged!But that same COP is still quite a lot of cheaters.Same bugs,etc. (Ping not the case.damage etc etc)and in the third case:It's the youtubers who poopgame from head to toe.While their audience listens to them,and why such an attitude to Warface
People just don't understand what a free game can't exist without the paid content
Yes, and there is a new branch from suppliers-Legendary where the weapon even surpass some Donat
From the graphics to the drags (can roll in plus veterans to the standard)
Well, if we talk about damage, it's people for the most part oblique. 1 of 15 the damage is probably, and the rest for excuses to say or just do not notice that miss.
And chitakov, to be honest not so much. I play without, but about every 5th rink call me a cheater (with the game from 3.5 (when chasing Snape and not sit in corners) - 15 (when you sit in sight)).
+ decides not to donate, and the device (mouse, computer, headphones, Mat, etc.) and the Internet.
I have a donut(Enfield, mA, bushmaster, kaliso, АХ308, hanika, дп12....). Often take trunks from suppliers or on time for Warbucks. Without the donation the game is quite comfortable. And people play dirty because in 2014 2014 was a quite different. Wild dizbalans, the influx of cheaters from 1 to 25 ranks....
Krukrukruzhka wrote:
This is the argument of the person from the herd? Meil ru, making frequent renewal, often arranges various competitions, distribution, e-sports events, etc. They unlike many other working on your project, develop it.
Wargaming - in contrast to many other working on your project, develop it.
Gaijin Entertainment - unlike many other working on your project, develop it.
Grinding Gear Games - unlike many other working on your project, develop it.
Hi-Rez - unlike many other working on your project, develop it.
Obsidian Entertainment - unlike many others engaged in the project from Mail.ru and now develop it. Running Soap)
Actually: LOL - you.
Not that didn't like it,just other games are played.This is not interesting