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code47name 24.01.20 02:33 pm

Error Services update Rockstar is currently unavailable \"error code 202\" [PC] (Grand Theft Auto 5)

the third day can not run gta
displays this error

if you go to the link of this error, it loads the site is not in full mode
news, statistics and the rest, in the same defective mode displays

looking for a solution online, found nothing, unsubscribe the problem off.the forum as is clear - I can't
please help
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alik12345 24.01.20

Deleted Gta V. I was Thinking maybe in Gta V Setup Tool to download the game, but no. Didn't want to download the game at all. Error 202

Today I launched the launcher it downloaded a patch, and then here

The issue is they fix or am I already happy ?

Nik210 24.01.20

I disabled Kaspersky and it worked

alik12345 24.01.20

I need to check ))

UPD: I checked, I really works. Thank you so much, I'd in my life before not guessed )))
It's actually very strange that Kaspersky caused an error 202. Previously worked with Kaspersky napara ))

serega136rus 24.01.20

Guys, the same error 202, recently about a day ago, he could not go decided that Rockstar shut down its servers, and that mend, today I decided to go and not enough coming in, then after playing about an hour I came out, decided later to go, I go and screw error 202 the Rockstar services are unavailable blah blah blah...What to do guys(( put the patch on this link https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/ru/articles/200146066-Ссылка-для-загрузки-приложения-Social-Club
but nothing helped and even the DNS was set to did not help..

RuslanSuperGRAND 24.01.20

I also have this crap has appeared recently, around the end of June. Provider Rostelecom In Krasnodar. Play through wifi. The first time helped to reinstall the social club, now here is not helping...

laberiy 24.01.20

The solution to this problem is. Helped me connection with static ip address,subscription fee 150r. per month. Provider Beeline, wired Internet. After the connection is static ip, the error disappeared 202, and fix the game went faster. (decided to reinstall the game when the error appeared, but the download is constantly interrupted, the speed fell to kilobits). The cause of the error 202 - apparently in a dynamic ip(and not only that the provider Beeline) are creating the problems in GTA online. (some users wrote on the forums). Connect static ip in your account. Select the Products tab, then services. (in Beeline thus, other providers may be different).

alik12345 24.01.20

Again this problem arose :
I have Kaspersky turned off, added Launcher Gta V and all that it involves in the exceptions. Nothing helps ((

What to do ?

UPD : Removed the Kaspersky and the niche. As there was a bug and is ((
UPD2 (next day) : the Problem itself has disappeared, the question is removed )))
UPD3: there was a Problem. For some reason it disappeared one day and reappeared ((

alischeshka 24.01.20

About your problem, I had the same try this: 1)Turn on Internet Exploder; 2) Open the tools tab and disable offline mode

west1911 24.01.20

Dmitry Pashkov
plus helped)

MQFB 24.01.20

Hello !
I created a video in which I showed what to do
Here's a video)

Sprintin 24.01.20

so write, you need a VPN, but it's crutches!
for example, I have the game only today experienced this problem(
of course VPN will include, but is not an option, the speed below.
and finally, never with the VPN did not get in a big session, with up to five people!

Di1etant 24.01.20

If you follow the link, it opens the website in the server health:
I can only recommend to you to uninstall Social Club and reinstall it by downloading from the website of Rockstar.

Lol2k18 24.01.20

In short, I decided. Exit incentive. Go to start - write Firewall with advanced security in the left corner of the plate will be inbound Rules. Click and look for Grand Theft Auto 5. I don't know how many pieces you will have, personally I have had 2. Click on the first, right-click and click Properties - Advanced and traversal set Allow edge traversal. With the second Grand Theft Auto do the same. Further, all saved. Disable antivirus, run steam and it should work. Next time you can anti-virus not disable. Good luck!)

alkatras255 24.01.20

for me this problem was solved using the off switch on the internet explirer offline