Memory latency 83ns at Ryzen in
RAM bought in November as time went on Ryzen 5 1600 with my old AMD FX 8320e.But memory trouble, took two straps from GoodRam 8GB (the cheapest, but is used so...)
The denomination is written that they are 2133 MHz, 2400 exposed, this frequency is working fine. But as much as I tried to squeeze more - in any. Put 3200 MHz, voltage at 1.35, timings on 16-18-18-38 cr2 and does not pass the stress test in Aida, 2933 and just put the office at system startup. And with the current frequency of the memory latency as much as 83 nanoseconds.
A screen of Aida
I would reduce latency in the memory, MB I timings some are not entered or something.
GIBAY wrote:
MB I timings some are not entered or something.
In General, learn through the Typhoon do you have any chips and using a calculator to put yourself Riesen RAM, in subsequent questions you will answer googol.
The fact of the matter is that he does not recognize the chip in the line where it shows just says Undefined.
Here I think about this, just MB still Ryzen 5 3600 buy. Yes, that's sukuu Maleh, there are cases when the nominal frequency is not taken in any way, that is, people bought the 3200 and it is his above 2133 is not working. In this case, I can go and swap memory in the boutiques?
might just be worth the one time buy system intel core 8700 or 9900? you can see that Amadou the author is not satisfied. as for the RAM and unsatisfactory results, then everything is working fine is the norm, there is no problem.
GIBAY wrote:
bought 3200 people and it is his above 2133 is not working. In this case, I can go and swap memory in the boutiques?
In this case, see the supported memory of your mother, are there to provide 100% compatibility.
1) Current version of the Typhoon is presented to you. I have not shown, not yet updated. Although I have straps 2019, June, with chips Hynix D-die 17 nm. Here's the program to run as administrator.
2) Straps should be in 2nd and 4th slots, it is the law. It is in these slots will be able to achieve the best overclocking results, they are closer to the CPU on the wiring.
3) Acceleration germanskoi memory, in principle, is unlikely because the chips are write utter rubbish. Chips there is nothing to guess. Nanya 20nm, A-die. Clean Chinaman. Such even is not present in the calculator Riesen. Not that it was Kaka, but they are weak.
4) 16-18-18-38 3200? Optional. Need speed to raise, starting with 2400 / 2666, etc., the Voltage is safely possible from a 1.4 to give and forget.
5) SOC Voltage is very good for overclocking RAM. Actually as Riesen Calculator (but then the same with the chips question). But there and the chips need to know.
3600 is fine, it is worth it to start your build. It is less sensitive to frequency memory than зен1. Also has a producer surplus 8700. Although Зен1 pulled, I was surprised when I saw at a frequency of 3900 - 435 units in CPU Z on the thread.
6) the Motherboard has the same value. Gigabytes awful in every way, it is better to buy not to consider, met many people, some curse, others are sitting under the guarantee of Palenque. Ashrok is famous for overclocking RAM, but the power system there, on cheaper models (Yes, take it almost all, also known as Taichi) cut and assembled on the rubbish that is left from the rest.
7) of Course check the current version of BIOS and on the motherboard. And yet, AGESA came out already.
keep trying. If not, then:
A) Secondary timings as the primary and tretick ogimi, calculator to help, but the best handles push. Then the latency will be underestimated. Below 70 there will not be exact. I'll say even more, 3200С14 and 74 latency with 1600.
B) Here are the owners of 1600, and they do not complain of 2400. In the most light projects Зен1 shows acceptable, with average graphics cards. Processor the same is necessary in the crackdown to send.
C) the Decision of replacement on the 3600, will be removed two problems - 1) the Need for overclocking of CPU and B2) the urgent Need to replace the RAM, if there are difficulties of course. As 3600 CACHE is 40MB and this is a powerful argument. Moreover, with this processor RAM chases as easily as with Intel, of course until the moment of synchrony - frequency 3600 1k1 m bus IF (1800*2), someone is lucky and 3733 to. But it fundamentally makes no sense. 3000 / 3200 the most. But I soldered 3466 C14, which was surprised, before I even 3266 could not.
In General, good luck to understand. Read carefully, maybe where you're wrong. Guides fully, all painted and told.
hyper1 has written:
3200 you can get for 5K
And here he is right. Sense cheap was not much. You can just take the 3200, the difference is minimal. But so to speak, at his own mistake is a lesson.
GIBAY wrote:
Ryzen 5 7K 1600 8700 and cost 25K, I don't have that kind of money
By the way, one owner since Ali took 2600Х (apparently on sale) for 7 thousand. I bought 1600S for 6000 rubles, warranty processor.
GIBAY wrote:
Put 3200 MHz, voltage at 1.35, timings on 16-18-18-38 cr2 and does not pass the stress test in Aida
1.39 v put.I also at 1.35 v does not pass.Try first 3000Мгц,then 3133Мгц,then 3200Мгц
This is a normal latency for those broken dice.
It's like installing gt 1030 and looking for problems with fps in games.
It was 3200, 72-73. You have a really bad memory.
gryf wrote:
Kingston HyperX FURY Black
When the moment comes and everyone forgets about this disgusting memory. It seems that apart from this garbage, they don’t see anything at all point-blank.
This is AMD, and its memory controller, coupled with a bad set of RAM. Order crucial balistics 3000, 3200, 3600 or asgard in China. In general, start by replacing this parody with a processor - take 5600 / 5600X for 12-13 thousand from the same aliexpress. And the performance will be better and the processor is good, finally. Krcial baliki:
01001000 01101001
Yes, I would love to give up both percent and RAM, but at the moment there is no way, so I'm content with what I have
Well then, with handles through the ryzen calculator, try to overclock and tighten the timings. there's nothing to be done here.