Improve graphics (Enslaved: Odyssey to the West)
Finally, one of the most beautiful (in terms of design and not polygons, won't FAP to texture) and underrated games of recent years did come out on PC.But ported her any mutants left foot. Optimization of the game is excellent and even after digging in the config on my bucket gives a stable 60fps, rarely gray to 50.
But the inscription do not turn off console while saving" and the lack of graphics settings is very upset.
So let's do in 5 minutes what could not the developers for three years.
Say at once - it's long been known configs, almost working in all Unreal Engine 3 games and nothing new here, but for convenience have created a separate topic because the game really is great and deserves better graphics than that by default.
1 - Find the folder with the settings: Enslaved\Engine\Config
2 - open using Notepad the file BaseEngine
3 - Change the following settings
MotiTrue - Set to True instead of False
DepthOfField=True - Similarly, set to False
We remove the motion blur and blurry distant objects.
DetailMode=2 - Level of detail, here put 5, although the difference did not notice.
MaxAnisotropy=4 - Anisotropic filtering set to 16
ResX=1280 ResY=720 - resolution Settings, if you have a 1080p monitor then you need to change ResX=1920 ResY=1080
This setting helped to significantly improve graphics and removed the angular model, while in the game and set the resolution 1900х1080 (1920 fiction) was specified in the config to 1280x720 and it looked very shabby.
ShadowFilterRadius=2 - This setting adjusts the shadows. The higher the value, the more the shadow is rounded, the lower – the greater the angularity of the shadows. Change the value 5
For clarity, was originally a so -
And then became so
PS config not found the quality settings of polygons and how to enable trilinear filtering.
Just noticed while playing small ripples on the screen if the waves go, it seems you need to enable vertical sync but too lazy to look for it.
Who will find how to make the picture even more beautiful - I ask to unsubscribe in the subject line.
Thank you! Did what you advised - the picture became much better, and the Frisians diminished.
Someone tell me how to reduce the speed of rotation of the camera, it's just the horror of it, in the settings set the mouse speed to minimum, and still too fast(
How to remove the logo and make the game load for a second:
You need to get into \Enslaved - Odyssey to the West\MonkeyGame\Movies
and erase the file Namco, NamcoBandai, Ninjatheory, Unreal (bik extension)
Depth of field do not recommend to cut down settings in the BaseEngine. Because the depth of field mainly improves the graphics.
Danny Lamb
Depth of field do not recommend to cut down settings in the BaseEngine. Because the depth of field mainly improves the graphics.
But I decided to fix it on the contrary.
On the laptop it's not powerful enough to play it comfortably
because many of the parameters I set to False to increase performance.
So...not really looking for graphical splendor )
More important than the process itself.
Don't forget after each operation puts read Only in the Properties. Because each time you run the game resets the resolution menu on 1280 by 720.
And when you remove the logo, it is better not to delete files, and rename them. Namely, just to add to the title some kind of sign. Unity for example.
After all, not all games delete logo guarantees the performance and so they are easier to return to the place.
Although specifically here, it is possible to act rashly, if of course you feel sorry for a few megabytes.
So I advise to owners of cards from nvidia to change the value of the setting bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport to False. This will significantly reduce the quantity and quality of the Frisians in the game. On ati not tested.
In short, here's what I personally did. The picture is much nicer (most importantly - there's no motion blur). Consumption of memory in the beginning of the game I have about 600-700 megabytes.
ResX=1920 (or put another horizontal resolution of your monitor)
ResY=1080 (or put another vertical resolution of your monitor)
UseVsync=True (enables vertical sync)
AllowD3D10=True (includes support for DirectX 10)
MaxMultisamples=8 (set the desired mode of the classic antialiasing - multisampling)
Then all three files in the properties check read-only!!! Only after that start the game, otherwise the game when running these files again will edit the previous settings.
P. P. S.
If you start to slow down, then put MaxMultisamples=4 (but in the case of some very very weak).
1) EnslavedEngineConfigBaseEngine.ini
2) My documents My GamesUnrealEngine3M onkeyGameConfig MonkeyEngine.ini
3) EnslavedMonkeyGameConfigMonkeyEngine.ini
But really the game is much more beautiful melts! It is strange that I can have added time for these items to the settings in the game menu
Black Angelll
With your config the shadows become smooth (finally!) but damn!
Gamma of the game was dark. Some resolution is fixed.
Put the finished config with a good shadow!))