If you need a replacement cooling?
HIS 7950:What say the experts?
)))) undervolting it is a half measure. The frequency of the graphics chip also significantly reduce come. Otherwise, the XS that may occur. And this is a poor performance.
But still - the temp above 70 for the VRM too high. Should be about 55-60 degrees (well, maybe 65 max) or below.
...Put some deep cool Dracula is cool and chip and VRM...
One more... how many of you here already.... It's so funny or pushing the manufacturer? or because without snacks?
Should be about 55-60 degrees (well, maybe 65 max) or below
You're smarter than HIS?How do I feel this card could work on from 2015 to 2018-wow?You all should be...And he is with used pieces of iron are picked.But smarter than everyone else,yeah.It is strange that you don't work for a manufacturer of graphics cards.
It's so funny or pushing the manufacturer? or because without snacks?
Psychological protection of the body?
You're smarter than HIS?How do I feel this card could work on from 2015 to 2018-wow?You all must be...And he with used glands poking around...
It worked because HIS is a brand with a serious reputation. Reputation for these companies is much more important than just rivet a piece of iron. You don't have a garage Hashanah. So they give the warranty to two years (two years, Carl!). In these two years the graphics card has very unpredictable characteristics and behavior should not give even one failure. And it is concrete . If something is not immediately exchange - no questions asked. Because the other brands will show a finger. So the engineers of these companies design and circuitry of their products with some margin. But also save your money to get more profit, that is, that the profit percentage was higher. And here you got a map and worked.
Generally you don't see used radioname of the 6 thousand series some.... There is generally something with something. PCB radically changes color from overheating - the temp over 100 and runs. Here is strength . which lay in the printed circuit Board elements on it . But the regime is so crazy. Just frustrating one - if such an individual decides to sell the card. And he thereby at the same time W..PU his about this buyer wipes. Not very nice , however. How would you feel if you instead of toilet paper used?
Stop - well you bought a card not so long ago. Is more than two years have passed already ? Like a year and a half still remains until the end of the warranty period????
And he is with used pieces of iron are picked.But smarter than everyone else,yeah.
BU what glands?
You all must be...Strange,you're not working manufacturer of graphics cards.
Of course, it should. And not just me. So everyone should be who buys the cards and then losing them . Otherwise, then let no one wipe. And that goes for everyone in this thread (except the author of the post, well, essno, otherwise..). The manufacturer is not can super WITH to put on their cards. It profit important. Therefore, to minimize costs as much as possible (though in our time, so it flows over the edge of the impossible). The maximum that the manufacturer can make is to sell the card without the WITH all. And give the job to someone (or yourself) to do WITH super - and it will be sold for cards manufacturer separately. By the way, it is likely the scheme for the next decade.
Psychological protection of the body?
and what could be behind such protection?
PS Krnechno not all sellers on the secondary market wipe their buyers. There are very decent people.
How would you feel if you instead of toilet paper used?
In 11 years of PC games I just took a 570GTX,and another for 5000.Took, opened,replaced thermal grease.And Yes,she is not looking).Each card drive is not able.And overclocked 7950 doesn't run all games.For example,Far Cry 3 during acceleration 1000/6000Мгц runs,maybe a minute or two,then hangs.But the Metro LL bench passed without problems.So in Far Cry 3 I play with overclocking only the core to 900Мгц.And she's sooooo good warm card.
BU what glands?
You don't have used as toilet paper?I even drives b/a under PS3 took,with one of them the problem arose when it is played.
and what could be behind such protection?
I don't know where your istericeski laughter.
And here you got a map and worked.
I mean,worked?And now not working?
Stop - well you bought a card not so long ago. Is more than two years have passed already ?
Well,actually, I have it after the Witcher 3 took.Here is the screenshot made 11.08.2015:
And it is a little earlier on a 570GTX: