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PERFORATTOR 09.02.20 02:08 am

Questions on the passage (Loki: Heroes of Mythology)

Anyone up to the giant wolf came, that in an icy lair? What kind of trap it enticing? Puffed up with friends, puffed - lured him to a trap, and he POH.
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Android 07 09.02.20

Well, what about valuable ... viewing a topic. Pay special attention to the files .bat and everything will be valuable. :) And will be fun to play, not worse than Sacred.

Gizmo1to5 09.02.20

I have a problem. Play the Scandinavian I can't get through the gate entrance to the underworld! Quest fulfilled which Charon was given, about 5 corpses. 500 coins, too, had offered him the gate is closed do not pass what to do version! What to do help the good people!

Gizmo1to5 09.02.20

There was one problem I put the patch Game start 1 time and then do not run but it's not so bad. I hate the hero zeroed out or what short of money, bubbles, clothes are left and that's why the level 1 was.
And yet all the completed and current quests udalls! Is 30 hours of game time down the drain???

Android 07 09.02.20

I do not understand what the gate? I do so: the cursor two clicks to Charon and immediately download new locations. Have ever come back from the portal Entrance to the underworld, to complete the quest the Argonauts (5-th bodies). The game run without the Patch? It's still there. Hurry you can install the patch, or you have a license? Such a bummer as you have happened with any patch was not. However I still always keep the Characters she's a little weight and prevents such troubles in case of reinstall, or rollback to the previous patch. Generally the strange glitch. Obtained with level 1 armor and weapons no longer suitable, or what? All the points and skills have left? Do you have a disk whose? Try, then write.

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

Hi please advise me what to do I play Egyptian (level 25) and the black pyramid (the quest with mirrors) in the house of darkness can't find the second mirror, it simply does not.

Android 07 09.02.20

If you mean to light 3 of the prism in the job a Black pyramid of Anubis, they are all in different places.
1-the Entrance to the black pyramid
2-the Chamber of darkness
3-Way dead
Click the task. At the bottom a list will appear. Move the cursor to the first prism and an address should appear. Of course uninformative, but all the same.

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

In the house of darkness can't find the second prism, it simply does not checked all !!! The first and third I saog and second to none where not looking? Maybe this is a bug?

Tamusya 09.02.20

Guys help... and then my paranoia started... I play shaman... was the world of the Aztecs, went to Scandinavia - there is this nasty Goblin all fucked up - all gathered, and he Atahotel Phoenix to pick up (and then it completely disappeared)... and not react in any way... I was upset, ran in Greece, and there garbage (where there already is there) a cursed statue, whether it is three times cursed, the spirit of evil does not appear... went to the gates of hell closed, while the obols and the Argonauts were sent and all but one of the figurines has to be made (the cure for this damn epidemic identity is found) ... and now Egypt - ISIS does not want to take part of the body (running around with a dissected corpse - don't know what to do)... re-start reluctance - almost 50 level :( save the good people!!!

Android 07 09.02.20

Phoenix feather - I mean the quest hope? So it is for Greece Athena. After passing the quest is necessary again to talk to Athena and she sends into the arena to be fighting with the monsters.
In Egypt there is additional Quest to find the crystal. It is located in Scandinavia. The Aztecs quest to find a cure-it in Greece in the Valley of the bulls Scandinavia's additional quest to find 3 runes. They are all in the Hall of the damned by the Aztecs. All of these quests will receive when the job is done and you can move to another country. And then we have to proveriti with the gods. Exclamation marks they don't appear to Have to click on God. For example in the Scandinavia after the date of the quest 3 runes One gives another quest to kill Thor. All these quests are optional and can be performed at any time. Even going to the next level of complexity, you can return to this level and do quests.
Losing a hero is not necessary. You can just copy the folder with the game C:\Program Files\Cyanide\Loki\Characters folder Characters. To reinstall the game and replace the new folder on your Characters saved and the new in the basket. The game will continue. Yes, I wrote above that address you can find out by hovering at the bottom of the job menu the cursor on the line of the task. Maybe you are all gathered? Or written-to include body parts ISIS? Most likely you have nepatinka version of the game. Need to install at least patch 1.0.7, and if a drive license and you do not mind the drive, then immediately put the patch then earn charms of reducing the recharge time of the skills of the gods by 25% for each God his own Amul. Quest the obols of the Argonauts gives the boatman. What? You got from his quest to put all five obols, and the boatman, the quest is not accepted? In fact it will carry you further in the game.

Android 07 09.02.20

Maybe a bug. Because the 2-pyramid is in the House of darkness. before leaving it is a long corridor (branches) to the right, approximately in the middle of the corridor just behind a wall and is the 2nd pyramid. On the first (short) branch is a crack that needs to close harvesting in Scandinavia a crystal.

Tamusya 09.02.20

the boatman, as you phrased it, the quest took, transported me there and the gates of hell are closed :( tomuzhe I have a pirate campaign but I of its current bought... Phoenix feather you need to create a trap of earning for!!! all components were assembled, to all the gods I've walked by a hundred times :( ISIS, I'm all Packed up - you are quite chtol me for a fool( and a cross on it in yellow too, I see, and she from me his fat ass gate and never takes the stuffing :( ... in the valley of the bulls I have already found and completed ( I wrote in a previous post) well I see people have had problems... surely no one hasn't decided?

Android 07 09.02.20

but I of its current bought... It said. Most likely it nepatinka version of the game. Need to install at least patch 1.0.7, or for which there is a NOCD.

Tamusya 09.02.20

and what is said, because the seller is my friend, and he passed the test!!!

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

And what is the patch cures these problems?

Android 07 09.02.20

I wrote. You can immediately put or later for them to have NoDVD. If the drive license, you can immediately put is the latest and to him the medication is not likely to be. I.e. have all time from the disk to run the game.

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

Thank you

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

Where you can download saves with etim passed task???

Android 07 09.02.20

Anywhere. It is necessary to get past it. Except after installing the patch the problem remains?

Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

The patch still need to download(I no bad ) but I will download. I just tried to find a path a little shorter.

Android 07 09.02.20

Even if we manage to get around this quest there will be other glitches. If the net is bad, then just download Loki patch international 165Mb
and the cure to it. The patch can immediately be put in the game. It replaces all previous patches. In subsequent patches, No-CD no.