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PERFORATTOR 09.02.20 02:08 am

Questions on the passage (Loki: Heroes of Mythology)

Anyone up to the giant wolf came, that in an icy lair? What kind of trap it enticing? Puffed up with friends, puffed - lured him to a trap, and he POH.
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Scorpion-wek 09.02.20

Another question after I put the patch need to start a new game ( most other games have and this one?)?? or you can continue with saving?

Android 07 09.02.20

No, it will only continue to play on. New is not necessary. Just in case you can copy the folder of Characters C:\Program Files\Cyanide\Loki in another place, but usually it is not damaged.

Android 07 09.02.20

Will download the patch in a separate folder. Will keep the folder Characters. Click on the patch file. will the installation. All. now copy the NoCD file in the game folder and everything. the patch can be sent to the recycle bin (if disk space is not enough) or on CD with NoCD.

Kundun 09.02.20

Zdravstvuite,u men9 takoi vot slu4ai:9 v4era pro6ol uroven Gero9,ubil seta i ostalos edinstvennoe zadanie v novoi line time a zadanie takoe:Voiti v Muspellxeim gde naiti nado after togo kak voidew Surtu.tak vot 9 stal iskat' vxod v Skandinavskom mire i s pomo6iu strelki ukazivaushei put' 9 do6ol do vixr9 znanii kuda void9 9 naiti ne mogu ni4ego sxojego s vxodom v Muspellxeim..est tolko vxod na uroven vixr9 znanii i konkretno vixod ottuda no viid9 strelka ukazivaet obratni put' vo vnutr'.9 obbejal mnojestvo raz tam v no vxoda Muspellxeim no nemogu naiti..9 v tupike odnim slovom.mojet liudi s bolshim opitom podskajete bit like' i 4to delat'?9 igrau Egipetskim koldunom i on u men9 seichas 84 urovn9 a vse tolko interessnoe na4inaetsa i ujassno xo4etsa doiti do konca.jdu vashix sovetov.

LiSp 09.02.20

->Kundun is one to one same problem,went through all the quests what was and was not avoided all the worlds a few times but never found the entrance,tell me what to do :) game Version

Kundun 09.02.20

>>LiSp>>vxod v skandinavii naide6 ti tam je gde i kak raz ubil Zme9.

Florida 09.02.20

Sirs! Hello. Help. Stuck at the entrance to the Palace Set in the portal Chamber Set (is wall to enter the portal, I can't, the wall is not pierced, not jump over, etc. garbage, I see the portal, but the hero wall can't pass, the passage is closed, is patch to pick up the book of the dead or find it somewhere else (where?). Where to find the Mausoleum of the Abyss and Funeral hall Tutanhamona??? Worn out look, are all swept at the 10-th circle - NEMA :-( . Further, from Karnak, I do not have entrance to the valley of the Kings, only in the desert of Abydos and from there on the Giza plateau or in Hermopolis. The Scandinavian't found the lair of Fafnir (not to be confused with the wolf Fenrir) in the task Siegfried and the dragon, but the search Set in Scandinavia, too, counted and put the goal. Do Greek women are unable to find the secret underground temple (i.e., the entry found, but there is a stone and only the stone is visible a portal stone unfortunately does not break???? as in the case of the House of Seth) and the lair where??? Although a Greek, like me, counted in full and opened the rapids of time. But the items hanging some drawings of the secret weapon of Minos, and that no one wanted to pick me up ???? Although Olympus got Zeus spoke, and then earned the Portals of time. A disk like litsenzionniy - Akella. Level 53 Greek women, do not want to lose, for others less like to play.

Florida 09.02.20

Brothers! Found The Valley Of The Kings. So I dolt king of heaven :-) Sure it has access from Carnac. Live, Play on.

PS But the other issues remained in force. Who can - prompt. Thank you all in advance.

Florida 09.02.20

Okay, read from above in the forum, I found where to look for Fafnir (question removed). About house of Seth kind of figured on example the lair of Anubis (question removed).
More importantly, how to kill Anubis (it multiplies, I lives missing). What to do? Fourth attempt - not given!!! :-( How the hell to fill up, huh? Who went - respond, pliz polst. Changing weapons does not helps.

Florida 09.02.20

Anyway , I'm here with myself and chatting : -) then tell you how to defeat Anubis. Suddenly someone come in handy. You want to use skills. Type revealing strike, eyes of Medusa, etc., that will enjoy. Bubbles also come in handy. Anubis slows down and beating him on fry and monsters do not pay attention, then they finish you.
In the end the truth hit the scales, there is a ladder on the hill, and why it killed me, but the job to find and kill Anubis counted. Rzgovor with ISIS and ..... there W as one.

Kundun 09.02.20

>Florida>izven9us' pozdni za otvet,bivau prosto redko a uj na etom forume tembolee poskolku play opro6el ne o4en davno to i i zabrosil otkrovenno govor9 poskolku koncovka ne stand togo.nu 9 ti viju na6la otveti na mnojestvo questions,stand li6 polistat temi na forume.nu 4to skazat tut':v taini xram geroi vxodit tolko na urovne Boga ina4e no.a s u Anubisom vot men9 li4no bilo menwe vsex problemi bil men9 on nezna4itelno,pod4erknu pro6el Egipetskim 4to 9 ego tak koldunoma razvival:pointi s lvlov kidal vinoslivost v i v energiu a paralelno razvival naviki podbira9 vs9kuiu bolee less cennie ve6i i podnos9 po4itaemomu bogu Setu kotorogo ugrobil aj 3 no raza spra6ivaetsa za4em?:)odolev daje bogov vkonce v poedinke edinstvennoe Loki skazal 4to mne eto to 4to on dovolen dostijeni9mi moimi:)da i ne tolko on:)

Florida 09.02.20

Fenik said. Well, what a difference in the end!!! The main thing will pass or not pass. Here. Though of course any game can go. Well, let them imagine Loki will be pleased with the achievements :-). But what beautiful surroundings to Scandinava and Greek women (in the sense of pictures, castles, ice caves, Greek temples, phoenixes, etc. - I was enjoying). But Egypt and Aztecs are not impressed.
Well, in General what should be the end of the game? The type will come out God from the monitor and will give you the UEFA Cup!!!!! that is to say for the valiant merits to Motherlands, or will present the Order of the red Star honorary Soviet pennant and certificate of merit of Course, Comrade of Takoyeva, for their gallant achievements on mochilovo enemy armies..... :-) :-) :-). Well at least Loki didn't say to be continued, wait for disk 2, or is there a Loki 2 (the sequel), ahahahha, although you never know, not to be the voice of doom.

Regarding poshukayte on the entire forum - so poshukayte that could naryl, and I could not, that said. Although then she digs it, where, and how. Without clues would now where to find the lair of Fafnir, so I would probably not found. Praise unsubscribing here. Here's to find the Lair and would have been beautiful. But I'll find it myself. I have the game too, not very long ago acquired. So I still wonder. To reach the end.
That's not quite grasped how the hero goes from Death in Character and then God??? Or just need to start from the level of Hero or God? I started small, with Death.

Florida 09.02.20

Taksss once again the very same yourself and answer ahahahha, about the transition from Death a Hero or God, depends on the level of leveling. Like so. My Greek wait at the 57 level. Apparently cotenna go into the level of Hero. My mother, well this is how many more suffer 8-).

And about the game itself, sometimes exhausting all of these assholes to kill, only to gain gold or equipment faster, sell, or bring God Yes again rush to fight.

Kundun 09.02.20

>FloridaDobri ve4er.kubka nu 9 ne jdal:)dumal li6 mojet pers izmenitsa(imeu vvidu imidj:kril9 i vse takoe)no uvi.Na uroven sleduiu6i slojnosti perexodi6 li6 after togo kak vse proide6 osnovnie kvesti predidu6ego urovn9 slojnosti,a lvli jelatelno ka4at' intensivvno,9 naprimer ne ostavl9l jivoi du6i after seb9:)i predstav 9 uroven Smertnogo pro6ol pri tom obsto9telstve 4to daje ne znal 4to banki s eleksirami prodautsa v city:))begal li6 s zapasom banok podobrannix mnou's monstrov.vot tak.nu ka4at gre4anku i skandinava t9jelo no s bossami 1 na 1 problem u nix menwe toj otmetit' nado.nu jelau tebe uspexov;)

Florida 09.02.20

Yes, at the expense of the jars you're a little mechanoise
if there is a trader - so he can buy all that is possible (would be gold), it's just the drugs he sells, it only sometimes on quests is. I of 15 pieces 8 spent in the battle with Anubis.

Normal And the Greek and Scandinavian, wait here, Egypt was, and went for the shaman - fu, I don't like her and that's it. Even too lazy for it Bada.

Okay, thanks for the best wishes.

Android 07 09.02.20

2 Kundun
I'm sorry, but read your posts break the language I couldn't read.
Secret temples will be opened only at the level of God. Some of the hallways littered with stones in order not to let you in ahead of time, such as the dragon quest we must first obtain, return, and the passage opens. Same thing with the pass in the valley of the kings and others. Drug sells MAG which is close to a merchant and blacksmith. It is strange that the lair was not found. This is the second quest in Greece? There's also the arrow go and all. Undone quests can be done at any other level then return and the quest will be counted. Each level seems to be at 50, or 51 quest. I played a Greek Archer. The second time and failed. Switched to another game. Not enough patience to get to the 180 level, though cisternal Archer. Anubis is the one who has the spirit of a number of flies? Should be the first thing of the spirit watering, then his life vosstanavlivaetsya will not. And not remembered. Anubis I was hitting from behind the pillar which stands in the middle of the freezing rain of Artemis. Behind a pillar can hide. Scales I touched it, and inside them were. The light illuminates nothing more there. But we have a lot of life to have :) what a blacksmith can improve items know? But only the blue, others it sees.

Kory-V 09.02.20

I passed the first level of the Egyptian, moved to Hero level at 48m. The wife was a Greek woman, and when I finished the easy level on 66m - she was offered not only a Hero, but God. Type for achievements!
And the question that still care about what monoliths give experience????? The rest is clear - a temporary increase in parameters, similar to the auras of the Norseman(the altar of protection, strength, intelligence), lechilka and restore mana even while running. And the altar of experience no visible effect brings %(

Android 07 09.02.20

I do not understand? what are monoliths? The worship of the gods? They take the items and give experience to develop skills. You can worship three gods. Having obtained the required number of experience selected of God (in the Beginning before worship must carefully review what God gives what skills, because skills in this God can be reset for gold and redistribute, but will spread the points from one God to another. For example, playing for a Greek Archer it is best to still worship Artemis. She's got the freezing rain (of OCC. a useful skill, you can hit from behind walls, rocks in dungeons, etc.). Also she has poison. arrow. If we take spears, projectiles, it is Athena. After accumulation and development of the necessary skills you can go to another God. The total amount of 100. Then God is no longer giving points, although the gifts accept :) be Sure to download passive skills that do not require activation. In General, we first learn skills and then start to give items. Yes, playing for the first time, I also gained access to all levels, but at the level of God there is simply nothing to do. Getting point it must distribute the available skill (or passive-the bottom row) is the ability to click on the +to the right of the skills. Then the icon just cursor is dragged in the left row down in the window. It is activated or a key or a mouse click (it will light).

Kory-V 09.02.20

Formulate the question differently altars of experience, I apologize for the inaccuracy.
On the map you can meet Stones like the menhirs, temporarily increase the parameters, or provide a temporary ability to:
the altar of power - aura to increase strength
altar armor - aura, increasing armor
the altar of the mind - aura of increasing intelligence
the altar of life - aura of restoration of health
altar of magic - aura mana
the altar of experience - ??????????????????????

Now playing a Greek. Passed mage - lightning as the main line (lightning strikes for walls, chain lightning strikes from behind the walls of the alife radius - that is, on screen 3, you can aim even through rocks at anything that even began to move in review forward and not just top view), passive skills from other gods (+ critical, resists). There are other lines of the gods spell of beating at the range alife but usually weaker and less convenient (fire blast, dark blast of darkness (it seems)). As far as I remember - the Greek freezing rain is also on the radius of the alife hits it... But it is still me... Homing arrows of course also hit on top view, but so often not there as well as stuck in the stone\rocks\hills\the trees that they desired almost completely flat terrain without buildings and ledges\vpadenii of the soil. And the disks I did a couple of times use tried - and threw this bad job. If a clear shot, of course the disk vozvraschaetsya quickly, and may even proplast adjacent - but you can always just take aim when you have a group coming in??? Otherwise, the disc flies into the clouds... And to fight back until he arrive to have already feet. And hands eyes stretch ^_^ .

Android 07 09.02.20

Understood. Altars in my experience just don't work like charms price reduction experience the gods. No matter how tried, did not notice a difference. (dressed Amul before delivery of items. For the same objects of the same count of points. What amulet, without. But Amul fast recovery of the charge in the latest versions of works. Timed by stopwatch, and the eye is seen. Discs I also tried for the sake of curiosity. Sucks. Zipper tried. Didn't know that through walls beats. I shook the poison. arrow and rain of Artemis. The first time was fair, and the second cisternal, wanted to 200 level to reach. Patience is not enough. Like to 139-th reached. Maybe when the thread reach :)