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JB777 13.02.20 03:28 pm

Enemy of the people (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

In General,the above named quest,the journal says that the crystal,which found shelter in Philippi can be given as Radovid and familiar to the sorceress.How to implement the second,MB, who knows?Thanks in advance for the answer.
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DRaccoon 13.02.20

Similarly, as the person above. Immediately after the Personal quest Ian, I thought I'll see the phrase. but only 2. I'm afraid if I go somewhere, Ian will leave.
UPD^ If our hero comes to the king without a crystal or even talking about it, the king just chase the witch away, without paying anything. On this quest completed and complete it disappears and the option to show/give crystal found Triss or Yennefer, even though he will not get anywhere from the compartment of the Backpack for quest items (of course, if you didn't give it to hunters for witches).
!@#$$% don't know how to describe the anger, but it turns out I had to complete the quest and look for the sorceress, and now I have useless crap in the trunk. Why not make left item involved in the dialogue with the quest completed, it is not clear.