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scareproof 27.02.20 01:36 am

The solution of Technical Problems v.2 (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords)

It discusses any technical issues with the game. Before you ask a question, make sure that it has not yet been discussed in this thread or the previous one.
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Dart Montross 27.02.20

Fashion any set? Can pirates-repak rocked?

AngelLock 27.02.20

Darth Montross
while the response wait time to solve) most Likely due to the mods installed to a specific version of the game,which version will not say because I don't remember(I mean patch). And so fashion was the cut content, and a planet of droids.

Dart Montross 27.02.20

Yes, me too because of the mods (the Mandalorians) was a black screen.

yodax6 27.02.20

KOTOR 2 crashes with the error after creating the character. Tell me how to run. In the ini file contains the necessary changes, run compatibility with win xp as administrator. Installed 2 different versions, none came. Video card integrated intel win7. The first part went without problems.

stalker382 27.02.20

Fashion before the game set? Try to remove .ini. Everything has redenoticia can help.

Speaking of black screens with all the mods - they come at me when you want to start the dialogue, but something prevents him (for example, after Devastator was videos, but instead of Malachor I appeared on the Black Hawk and the planet, as if, reset. It was as if I was not there yet. It was all due to the fact that after the departure of the Spoiler was supposed to be thought command, about the flight to Malachor.).
So I decided: removed the Override folder and replaced almost clean copy. The fact that you play with TSLRCM and made a copy of him, but does not change the fact.
Was a time, again put fashion and again the flight, but during the entrance to the Academy. Coped the same way.

The moral of the story - do a backup of the clean override.

Dymyaschiy Demon 27.02.20

Guys tell me what to do.The fact that when in the beginning I kill the droid miners,then it can't move.Play the seven.What do I do???

yodax6 27.02.20

Mods no. Clean version of the game. I understand that the problem is in the built-in graphics card from intel. Is it possible to do something with this? Wood updated.

Dymyaschiy Demon 27.02.20

Well guys help me!!!!!!!!!!!I want to play,I have the same problem.

stalker382 27.02.20

Here I don't know. Heard it radionovskiy vidyuhi not like, but nothing about Intel.

Neon samurai
Vertical sync tried to turn it on?

Dymyaschiy Demon 27.02.20

Tried.No effect

ironHAMMER.ms 27.02.20

Neon samurai
Save game-load try. I in the first part helped in such situations.

Funny Nick 27.02.20

is it possible to put such a resolution of 1920x1080 ?

Gamele 27.02.20

After some time of character control (approximately 1 minute) the character moves only one space forward (the result of pressing any key of the movement is forward movement on a given axis (when you rotate the camera the character still goes forward along a given axis)). Help, please. Windows 8 x64.

Galen Marek STARKILLER 27.02.20

Maybe someone can help...
Put 2 on eight. Play seems to be fine, but as soon as you start to turn the mouse or keyboard to the side, right or left, the game crashes. All parasail, solutions not found and different patches and put fixes and compatibility, nothing comes up.

Rikudo Nagashi 27.02.20

A key one is Windows 8. It sucks the game is running. Google windows 8 problem with kotor 2 and find solutions to the problems.

Alexbelog 27.02.20

KOTOR 2 crashes with the error after creating the character. What to do ? Windows 7 home premium

Dart Montross 27.02.20

You have a license?

Gamele 27.02.20

Rikudo Nagashi
Nothing find, many were looking for.

Rikudo Nagashi 27.02.20

God, how is it. Third link in Google:
Come, read. And Yes, though the English text, Google transleyt decides.
You can also try to put The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod, some guy from America this has solved the problem. And to put the compatibility in Windows XP. Or a seven, it almost doesn't matter.

Gamele 27.02.20

Rikudo Nagashi
Thank you, poprobuyu.