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Cold Mind 22.03.20 09:09 pm

CTF Champ #7. GO! (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Seventh open championship at capture the Flag, begins!
This time the championship was international and, without a doubt, the most skill in the entire history of CTF tournaments on PG.

Tournament format: 5v5 CTF with the captain's selection.
Dates: October 2 - end of November 2017.
Organizers: Ness, Cold-M.

GENERAL RULES [Cool edishen]Mode: 5v5 CTF [Normal Weapons]
Game system: circular. In other words, each team plays each other one match. And at the end of the championship will be held the final between the two best teams.
Points system: the winner of the map gets 2 points, if the teams draw, each team gets 1 point. The match lasts until one of the teams will take 3 points barrier. The third map is played with overtime, to win one of the teams. With technical defeat in the match the team receiving any points. With the technical victory in the match the team gets 3 points.
A list of tournament maps:
* CTF-Grendelkeep
* CTF-UCMP4-Virility_LE
* CTF-Archanastre
* CTF-CBP2-It-Lite2
* CTF-FP-Anfractuous2-LiTe
* CTF-VaultCity-LE-
* CTF-DeepSprinta-PRO
Archive with maps for the championship
Before the match each team picks their map from the list and notify the organizer of its name. The coincidence of the selected cards, the organizer tosses a coin and thereby determines which team you should choose another card.
▌ Important: the team can select each card only twice in the group stage of the championship.
In the absence of agreement between the teams about which map to play first and foremost, the organizer decides this question by the toss of a coin. The team whose map will be played first, in favor of the Red Team. The emblem of the team not to choose. I hope sracha emblems will not be :D
In case of equal points after two maps played, the teams will play the final map with the overtime, to win one of the teams. The decisive map is determined by the method of alternate striking from the list of remaining cards. Starts the strikeouts the team that put smaller flags on their performance in the previous two maps. If the teams have no difference on the flags or any of the cards was not completed by mutual agreement of the teams, the order of striking is determined by the organizer of the scientific method of tossing a coin.

Some of the rules, not in a hurry to scroll:
teams should play their matches within the allotted time frame specified in the Schedule;
the team may reschedule your match one time only, warning in advance the organizer.
- the captains agree on a day and time match each other, and then inform the organizer about any arrangement. To inform the organizer on the day and time of the match as early as possible, so he had time to prepare;
- scheduled match may be cancelled 30 minutes before the announced start time of this match, otherwise unprepared team gets technical defeat. After the cancellation of the match captains must immediately peredogovarivatsya the date and time of their match;
- the team late on the server more than 20 minutes, receives a forfeit loss on the map;
- if you disconnect the player from the server during a match, the game is on pause. Player waiting for about 15 minutes. If the returning player did not happen, when both parties agree to finish the match format 4 on 4 player". In this case the disconnected player is allowed to return to the server only after a map change. If agreement between the teams not, the match is postponed. The remaining time card with the current account played through;
- with the consent of both parties, the match can be postponed or even replayed on another day if there are force majeure circumstances. Under such circumstances are: logs on the server, both teams have not enough players, pings two or more players above their norm another day they can fix the problem, someone has died over a hundred times in one map;
- play and finish in the format 4 on 4 player" is allowed with the consent of both parties. Missing players should be close in their value is shown in the table the captain's selection;
- server settings: mutator UTComp, No Adrenaline, No Superweapons, No FriendlyFire, Double Damage: Enabled, WeaponStay: Enabled, Netcode: Enabled Goal Score: 0 Time limit: 20 min Translocator: Enabled, mutator UnPause;
- during the matches, participants should use their real name under which the registration was made to the championship, in conjunction with the tag command.
- substitution of players, the deliberate use of bugs card, insulting players, using cheats and Windows are punished technical defeat of the game and other sanctions at the discretion of the organizers and the public;
- participants are required to record demos of their matches, because the opponent has the right to request, in order to verify integrity of your game;
all contentious issues are resolved by the organizers. The organizers reserve the right to make corrections and additions to these rules during the first game of the week;
rating teams based on points acquired. If multiple teams end the group stage the same number of points, the order of priority of the following factors:
1) the Result of personal meetings of these teams.
2) the Difference in the number of set flags in personal meetings.
3) the Number of set flags in personal meetings.
4) the Total difference by the number of set flags.
5) the Total number of set flags.

RULES FOR Finalde best teams advance to the finals. The winner of the championship will be the team that will score 5 points in the final match.
The team that has gained less points in the group stage, chooses the first map. Then the cards are chosen by the team that is losing on the cards. In the case of the same number of maps won, selects the team that lost the previous map.
In the event of a tie on the first map, second map chosen by the team that gets more points in the group stage.
If you want to continue the finals on the fifth map, the game is played with overtime, to win one of the teams.

1. Cold-M's Team: Cold-M, GooZ, vestnik_smerti, itsinthemind, OkOfEsT.
2. Imitator's Team / SaNivit's Team: SaNivit a.k.a. hi, ImitatoR, pr!x, DM5, Marf
3. Suicide Squad: Ness, maDe megapihar`, Forsiets, Dan.
4. Tolyan's Team: Tolyan, Lasunii, desp, fortis_cor, Aldrdr.
5. Naut's Team: Naut, mnt, sl3vin, Rocky, Rasty.
6. Koffee's Team: Koffee, Pepper, raynn, Mind, CHONG.
7. St. Team: Sonicwave, simson, Saint / FAH, WesrFegT / Velouria, LiA.



The results of the first week of the championship
1. Naut's Team 2:1 Tolyan's Team (0:2 @ Archanastre [Tolyan's pick], 7:3 @ Grendelkeep [Naut's pick], 9:1 @ Virility)
Record match:

2. SaNivit's Team 2:0 St. Team (7:3 @ Grendelkeep [St. Team's pick], 8:4 @ VaultCity [SaNivit's pick])
Record match:

3. Koffee's Team 2:0 Suicide Squad (6:3 @ VaultCity [Koffee's pick], 5:3 @ Grendelkeep [Suicide Squad's pick])
The results of the second week of the championship
1. Tolyan's Team 2:0 Koffee's Team (6:2 @ DeepSprinta [Tolyan's pick], 2:1 @ It [Koffee's pick])
Record match:

2. Suicide Squad 2:0 St. Team (5:2 @ VaultCity [Suicide Squad's pick], 7:4 @ Grendelkeep [St. Team's pick])
3. Cold-M's Team 2:1 Imitator's Team (5:4 @ Anfractuous [Cold-M's pick], 4:9 @ VaultCity [Imitator's pick], 2:1 @ Virility)
The results of the third week of the championship
1. Cold-M's Team 2:0 Suicide Squad (8:4 @ VaultCity [Cold-M's pick], 5:1 @ Archanastre [Suicide Squad's pick])
Record match:

2. St. Team 2:1 Tolyan's Team (2:7 @ VaultCity [Tolyan's pick], 1:0 @ Anfractuous [St. Team's pick], 3:2 @ Archanastre)
The results of the fourth week of the championship
1. Naut's Team 2:1 St. Team (6:2 @ Archanastre [St. Team's pick], 5:6 @ VaultCity [Naut's pick], 7:3 @ Grendelkeep)
2. Cold-M's Team 2:1 Tolyan's Team (5:0 @ DeepSprinta [Tolyan's pick], 1:5 @ Archanastre [Cold-M's pick], 1:0 @ Anfractuous)
The results of the fifth week of the championship
1. St. Team 2:1 Koffee's Team (2:2 @ Grendelkeep [Koffee's pick], 7:2 @ Anfractuous [St. Team's pick])
2. Tolyan's Team 2:1 ImitatoR's Team (3:2 @ Archanastre [ImitatoR's pick], 7:8 @ Grendelkeep [Tolyan's pick], 2:1 @ Virility)
The results of the sixth week of the championship
1. Cold-M's Team 2:1 Koffee's Team (1:2 @ VaultCity [Koffee's pick], 3:1 @ Archanastre [Cold-M's pick], 7:0 @ Anfractuous)
Record match:

2. Suicide Squad 2:1 Tolyan's Team (9:1 @ VaultCity [Suicide Squad's pick], 1:5 @ Grendelkeep [Tolyan's pick], 2:1 @ It)
The results of the seventh week of the championship
1.Koffee's Team 1:0 SaNivit's Team (4:4 @ Archanastre [SaNivit's pick], 8:3 @ Grendelkeep [Koffee's pick])
Record match:

2. St. Team 2:Cold 0-M's Team (5:1 @ Archanastre [St. Team's pick], 4:2 @ VaultCity [Cold-M's pick])


Nice game and good luck!
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AS.Mind 22.03.20

Cold team vs team CTF FINAL Tolyan
1 Mapa from Gooz:
2 Mapa MaDe with:

Roy 22.03.20

The finale was a success!

Ness_ 22.03.20

It's funny that when cold is totally unreasonable given the command of Tolya to finish his tournament in the asset Anatol was 1 win in 5 games. As a result, in the final meeting of the team with the most (5 of 6 from Kolda) and the least (2 of 6 at Anatol) victories in the group stage. Never in my life such a precedent is not met. :) And the team that won the least in the tournament, dry, 25:0 for the first two cards, has an opponent in the final. Epic simple. :)

zd.made 22.03.20

So just replacing despa on simulator balance

Ness_ 22.03.20

Of course. The Simulator has been specifically low estimate for participation in the tournament. To replace with this assessment it does not fit, as I have repeatedly warned everyone. But this decision Kolda, as captain, to agree to such a change. Well, plus a very large break between games, which led to a complete imbalance of the team and then cold himself admitted the truth of my words above, all you need to do at the time. And it turned out just epic circus and a mockery. And the lulz that is now understood by all except Tolya, who is just overjoyed comes to shit in the captain's conference, talking about your Slany the path to Lolo-finals. :)

Cold Mind 22.03.20

Ness, why are you underestimated assessment of the Simulator? You're supposed to introduce yourself as a cool leader who does the right thing) And the fact that the Simulator does not have the right to replace players with exactly the same rating - in what period of time you came up with that rule? I now see for the first time.
I think that the team of Anatol - handsome, very tightly played final.
And my team played much better before the New year. But we could not have done even in November and December with such a strong team.

imi 22.03.20

Ness_ wrote:
To replace with this assessment it does not fit, as I have repeatedly warned everyone
Don't know where and whom you were warned, but I do remember you offered me to replace myself (remember, you have the same rating as Gespa) to play a potential final with the maiden in the team :D what is This double standards or just jump decided to change?

z.s. Watched the first game on YouTube, poor GooZ :) Fuck you it took to the team, if you have a market is only parusski? We have, for example, when the pricks were on the team - all the information in the broadcast was in English.

Cold Mind 22.03.20

By the way, Yes, in the course went double standards. If the outcome is the Champ would have been completely such as like ness, then after a series of defeats in those finals would take place the match of his team against mine. Only he would replace on the Simulator. Moreover, a few posts above ness puts me in guilt that I did not mention a proposal to replace it on the Simulator. Like, ness lost interest in Campo, so let the Simulator replaces inactive)

As for the Goose: the entry of the final not done first. Gus refused to play at the most inopportune moment, and I even started to look for a replacement. Replacement is not found, and Goose still went into the game and TeamSpeak. Immediately it went from a fierce rage, so of course we have a sneaking idea that he would not try, being in this state. But what happened next can be seen on the recording. Gus laid out in full, and the rest of our team arranged the Bazaar (except Okotest) and not dragged.
In the previous games Stepan gave the old English, and when our flag was dragged to the center and then - I switched to an English accent. Somehow it reached the final)

Screenshots of the final

Serverdemo first map CTF-Virility: https://yadi.sk/d/WC0W4XEf3S5rfx

zd.made 22.03.20

cold, the result is final, it does not merit tims Anatol and pure puncture your like a captain and orga like in the first place. the apparent unbalance which you poked your whole Tim in TS during the game, you continued to stick to his stick and rests that all is well and that the replacement despa on simulator it by the rules. it is a pity that you did not realize that evaluation was made half a year ago and largely do not reflect this reality from the very beginning, not to mention that now they are generally far from reality. but apparently two bodies to make serious managerial decisions have you still not grown ;)

Ness_ 22.03.20

imi wrote:
I remember you suggested me to replace myself (remember, you have the same rating as Gespa) to play a potential final with the maiden in the team :D what is This double standards or just jump decided to change?
Why do something remember if the above is my post, where is it mentioned? For the most part I was being sarcastic, to cold to leave me alone at that particular moment with doigrali, because I really lost the desire to participate in this farce, which lasted for 2 months longer than planned. If we look at this potential event hypothetically, just trimmed to misjudged made, which was overestimated because of the tantrums Kolda. :)
And cold must be his own head on his shoulders. If crap on all fronts, take the blame and no excuses.

zd.made wrote:
the apparent unbalance which you poked your whole Tim in TS during the game
Would be better if the team played okay. As a number of people wrote on the forum, and in the cap C, then a puncture of the whole team. The same Itsin, instead of trying only ached, and on the first map according to the Simulator, even half of the game was. What can it be?

Cold Mind 22.03.20

So I here many say that it is necessary to follow formal rules, and this whole gag makes Champ only get worse. Well, if formally DESP for a skill is equal to the Simulator, then what right do I have to put a spoke in the wheel? Evaluation players were invented not by me, and was based on the survey + was underestimated ness where he wanted it. What, you think the Maid should have run from the final tails between their legs, seeing the skewed balance? To move the finals a few weeks ahead, and expect that they will take to replace Pihera, not the Simulator? No.
When I played in the group stage against the team of Anatol for replacement was ness. And we with tremendous labor pulled that match what I dashed off the above great post. You now know that the Simulator will be inactive so much stronger than Nessa? Honestly.
And Yes, ness is right that the main reason for the defeat is in us. Apparently, such problems climbs with a light imbalance :)

zd.made 22.03.20

You now know that the Simulator will be inactive so much stronger than Nessa?

You could see at least the day before yesterday in Puget Inactive at the station Simulator was half a year ago when he came to play every 3 months while the other played almost daily. Now with 1m pogom a week all polyactive and match practice has leveled off. On the other hand you gave the game itsin do not know or played tstf this year) so the result is obvious.

What, you think the Maid should have run from the final tails between their legs, seeing the skewed balance?

no. it was enough to listen to your team mates and how org to forbid to play simulator. I would take Pepa and would you rules the final. and goose would not fall down after the 1st card), but then you showed weakness...

Cold Mind 22.03.20

Very much would look like after epic drain on Virility I forbid you to play the Simulator and pushed to the server of pepper.
Even if I wanted to do, then went to the following: a team of Tolya would have completely refused to play under such conditions. Pepper assessment equal to me, but not Despo / Nessa / the Simulator. How would you convince others of the correctness of such a decision? )

Ness_ 22.03.20

Cold Mind wrote:
Evaluation players were invented not by me, and was based on the survey + was underestimated ness where he wanted it.
Kold, what are you smacking, Riley... Assessment was compiled ONLY you and me. Somewhere lower, somewhere overstatement. Both. That only is your hysteria about unjustified overstatement made. And the Simulator was a low estimate because it was one of the conditions in which he was willing to participate. And agreed with you. No questioning on the basis of which are summarized assessment of players, as it was in the previous tournament, for example, did not exist.

Cold Mind wrote:
a team of Tolya would have completely refused to play under such conditions
Team toljan, in principle, not supposed to be in the finals and dictate something she had no right. It was solely your personal decision.

zd.made 22.03.20

How would you convince others of the correctness of such a decision?

all contentious issues are resolved by the organizers.

Cold Mind 22.03.20

I mean no poll? You're standing in front of the cap. selection consulted and referred to Malda, on the other players. In TeamSpeak we learned how to evaluate who made and came to the decision that the Goose, Coffee, and Made it equivalent to tops in CTF.

zd.made 22.03.20

Very much would look like after epic drain on Virility I forbid you to play the Simulator and pushed to the server of pepper.

very much looked like after this epic drain on Viry are you still hoping to win something despite the fact that the strongest player of your tims dumped))

Ness_ 22.03.20

Cold Mind wrote:
I mean no poll? You're standing in front of the cap. selection consulted and referred to Malda, on the other players.
And in this view Malda practically was not taken into account. :) A survey involves choosing a few experts and the summation of their assessments. Then you could say that I have directly related to them (well, only as one vote). And in this case you yourself put the marks, in some cases, a stubborn donkey ignoring common sense and advice of others.

Cold Mind wrote:
we learned how to evaluate who made and came to the decision that the Goose, Coffee, and Made it equivalent to tops in CTF
NEVER to this decision did not come within the framework of this event. Made on pg is much weaker and Goose, and Coffee that clearly showed the charges. I had just gone to tears and lost in this matter.

Cold Mind 22.03.20

My grades were very different from those happened in the end. What I've made, it was a separate column in the table and subsequently deleted. And you know it. I lost there around almost since you consulted with the players and he's much more CTF played.
And then there's the big question one tear: he who wants to understate the points made, or the person who puts it on a par with Coffee and Goose. Given that the games were held in PG, then high ping is not comfortable made, and a Goose. Well, the Coffee is much less experienced. So put them on the same level deemed acceptable very few people whom we asked.
Even if pepper was playing instead of the Simulator, with a game like yesterday we merged would be guaranteed.

Hindzya 22.03.20

I think the problem is that steam still allow the organization despite his fans uporotyh
the fact that he doesn't care about the opinions of others - an indisputable fact, a Prime example - moderstvo on the forum, nobody called, nobody asked, but the tolerant has decided that he knows how it is here all will be better in the end, the forum byrenko sunk in the bottom in attendance and died, although it was obvious even before moderstva in the organization of the same chenikov, I remember on this subject is remarkably expressed at the time of DESP, but I quote too lazy to look

by sabzh always been against substitutions, especially in the final and especially the key players, other people is other people, no matter what the numbers written, this is a different team and a different game