Optimization (The Surge 2)
So,guys,how do you optimize?A couple of words)So expect odd XS. + Plane with some problems, constant drops from 60 to 30 fps, had to cut down.
Razen 5 2600 + RX 580 ~50-75 (limit 75 put) of papasov on high 1080p
I think the problem is in the API Vulcan, in fact support the new NVIDIA 10**+ and radeona
1050ti oc, minimum payout vyrobeno all 40-30 fps when miserable plot even risen 3 grafon cooler. In General developed not respect your work... Flow of biomass continues.
changes in the decanter relative to the first part, I have not noticed, but the game became hungry, although the situation is with stability is quite good: there are no friezes, nadgrajeni textures, etc. and of course investing temporal smoothing in the kit.
hmmm,the difference in the schedule is,as in the study models(On ultra) fps at the level 95кадров(ртх2070)
optimusone not really, but shit, the first part of this plan was an order of magnitude higher
MaxxHouse303 wrote:
even risen 3 grafon cooler.
What is that and then you just lied.
Test games
Steve Taller
the resolution scale increase at least до130 , you have to live 75 % . it will be better .
Steve Taller
2070 and 2 rocket x, or one 2080ti
In VIDOS 1080ti severely sags.
Therefore, the option like this - you can try 1080 and two rocket x
As it is now imagine two 2080ti and two rocket-a, plus all the hard acceleration = 8k 60fps in everything and everyone)))) Savage power!
Almost a year ago, in November, the people threw off VIDOS where narisovannye 2080 (without ti) and two Rocket x issue in the first unoptimized dogs in the 5k - 290 fps!!!!!!!!!!!
Feral power!!!!
I immediately thought came to mind, if you put four Titanium and connect four rocket X (who knows, maybe in the future there will be a fee with a huge number of recording slots) is what exactly you can not change the platform, at least 30 years by my count and play all the games in the 10k at 60-70 fps. But it would cost a little more than two mil, along with overthrowing the top percent! In comparison with this capacity any card today will be the same as Gifors 210 against 2080ti)
I'm talking about the rocket X is not realized, is that the additional card of some kind? and the wood under them are updated and which slot to insert them and how they get along with Discretly? th and they and the rays can?
Zox-Zox wrote:
In VIDOS 1080ti severely sags.
because this is a mediocre card and it's new projects in 4K for no reason except for some isolated
Steve Taller
1080ти mediocre card?)
That's what marketers have been brainwashed)))
Steve Taller
Download the drivers for them under Linux. But they stood up under Windows - reboot the computer and go into safe mode.
At the command prompt, enter - Install_firmware batch file for windows.bat
Then in the properties of discrete device Manager video card, change the resource memory range 000000d000000 on 000000REDX000000ROCK
Then restart the PC and change the registry tab 3&11583659&0&E4, which is in local machine-system-current, control set enum – pcie - VEN_8086&DEV_A294&SUBSYS_7B461462&REV_F0 3&11583659&0&XXROCK and it is changing the tab - driver {4d87e97d-e324-11ce-bfc1-08002be103345}\0026 to {4d36e9RIP-e325-11ce-RIP-08002be10318}\0026
After that, the device Manager is videoadapter will be locked and a blue screen appears. Again, restart the computer in safe mode. Enter Install_firmware for windows.bat+ {4d87e97d-e324-11ce-bfc1-08002be103345}\0026 to {4d36e9RIP-e325-11ce-RIP - 08002be10318}\0026
Reboot the computer. The device Manager will be of videocamera again blocked, but the driver stand. And the rockets will be activated. The only problem is that a program that give any information on the graphics cards, such as aida or gpuz will not answer, that is, issue an error and closes. Don't know, maybe it's a joint Korean programmers, maybe something else. The important thing is that Rockets will work in full power!!!
Steve Taller wrote:
because this is a mediocre card and it's new projects in 4K for no reason except for some isolated
No. Just a game Surge 2 - unoptimized piece.