Error"Discontinued operation of the program\" (Watch_Dogs)
Immediately after the Ubisoft splash screen(or rather a few seconds and the splash screen with explanations about the autosaves) the game stops to respond and appear immediately has Stopped working"Watch Dogs...Laptop HP Pav Dv6 Percents - AMD A6-3430MX APU with Radeon HD Graphics(4CPU) ~1.7 Hz
RAM - 6144mb paging File - 16GB graphics Card - AMD Radeon HD 6520G(driver new recently installed..). Set skidrow's release - first copy-paste the crack to the bin folder, then went to watchdogs.exe to create the profile in uplai, went into offline mode(in jublee), then ran GameLauncher_x64...
I had the same thing, create a shortcut Game_Launcherх64.exe(or as it there) on the desktop. Well watch_dogs.exe run from the folder, wait until it will start uplay, and then on the desktop run this game_launcher.exe. Try it.
Remembered I also downloaded the other crack, not the one who, along with the torrent Edison went. Somewhere on YouTube link found when the garbage this was. So try another normal crack download and do the same, it should work.
And press the button Show details.... and read what caused the crash - no luck:)
I flew until I no paging file turned back. He's just 2 years is already off, because 8 gigs of memory and no other games are not outraged, and here's..
and how many gigs have coma
in Minya approximately every 40-60 crashes
on Pareto
is by choosing the games tab and there latest line of AMD Radeon Dual Graphics by the way if I pirate the DLC
Please tell me why I have not started the game.Graphics card AMD Radeon HD 6670
Here are the parameters of the system
After loading the splash screen hangs and all.
That's what gives after loading a new game
here, I also do not have this tab..the problem was solved another way, just downloaded the latest version of the AMD control center and we have to now <3
proleteli down and there will be a to Download the latest version of the software AMD Catalyst
well and choose what suits you) he will install an updated version myself and I can run the game) personally helped me so
I'll check =)
does not go to the link above he tried to find a log and serovno comes not just white tab =(
no downloaded and serovno crashes when loading