Ч0ткие scepters (Diablo 2)
it is no secret that the Hummer in KL - very playful passkiller. the best stick on it - blue and their productive shopite from an NPC. when you start this daunting task, often come across all sorts of L@L-stick or almost what we need, another would be +1 hammer. I suggest in this thread to upload screenshots of magic scepters that seem unusual, or even sensible blue armor, a La wands 2 sor 3 xx 3 yy, Wanda 2 nec 20% fcr 3 xx, bone shields 30/20/20, etc.AP. secure the subject. on the topic of th best 2 1 1 stick and 30-48 FCR or shard and 75 FCR?
This scepter will APNET dps by 10-15%. It is also buns to other skill. If you rarely need a ham (like on perucac ropotovo), then you can with the Shard.
in plans HKS solo quest drops that are only naytmar and not too bad fell 2 guns 2 barb and boots FRW 30 + resources
with the shield 2 PAL and prismatic, for example, the cuts can close iratai or spurs + rare items?
another question, how fast-paced character from scratch in the HKS?? 8 ppl
Hotsy+rare items.
On the P5 already quite brisk (in fact, options on the TC there aren't really any, except that cold sorkam oasis Yes maggoty clean on first). But you need to look after.