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Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20 01:20 am

Raw and glyuchennaya (Rising Storm 2: Vietnam)

Forestall all from his mistake: buying the game now. It has to cut and cut, now the game is to put it mildly is far from perfection.

1. A very well crafted realistic shooting (recoil, accuracy, etc.)
1. The game is tuned for campers, the only victorious tactics for hours to sit and wait, but because the sniper class in the game is the most popular, when the map changes the snipers snapped the first week I only once managed to play for a sniper, they want to be, even the commander is not in such demand.
2. The character is incredibly slow, I understand that this is supposedly realism, but in reality the person moves faster, and then very often you spot an enemy, press the right buttons, but the character moves so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that you don't have time to shoot, even if you have all pushed through.
3. Getting stuck in textures - the main feature of the game, the character is sinking in the textures constantly, ossobenno when crawling again - often because of this killing.
4. The perestanem through the barrier, furious, incredibly, implemented badly, every bump we have to paralizat, and it happens, as you know, is slow, plus sometimes displayed icon interaction, but fails to climb. What such an interaction would be better if it did not exist.
5. The game is still sometimes podlagivaet, something is delayed.
6. We need more game modes and preferably with greater dynamics, basic modes now is a world of snipers, so if you don't like to sit for hours on the venue, you'll want to sleep for a game.
7. Balance, or rather, lack of it: the enemy commander the entire game was written to attack point of our revival, the whole game the team was revived and immediately dead, until a point is moved.

In short, the potential of the game is good, but full disclosure is still far.
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strelok312 04.04.20

Often, Yes, but it also depends on server settings.

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

OK, thank you

SaveX3 04.04.20

What realism ? What is hardcore ? The game is purely fan even in one face

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

here I am talking about)) to the realism here is as far as China, normal battle, only you can kill with 1 hit. And if ordinary means will not interfere with balance))

Konstantin335 04.04.20

How can this game compared to the battlefield? Did not like him.

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

in addition to the gameplay

Konstantin335 04.04.20

The gameplay is also not similar. I played battlefield, it is not so. There you can run around the map and throw enemies in batches. Then just out into the open shot and you're dead. Rising storm 2 need to move from cover to cover and still squatting, in some cases, crawling only. The video that was above what is unrealistic, as if staged, you try just to run, Yes I'll kill just vicunas.

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

you're confusing the gameplay is: 1 mode - capture point, where you play teams 32 to 32, and approaching the point, there is need to hold out till she will change the status if there is an enemy - kill him, otherwise the point will not be taken(like capture the flag in battle), there are standard classes in battle, including the engineer, there are fans, management the same, in the 2nd mode - it is necessary to seize the territory gradually moving to the last spawn, the captured position will not be returned (as a storm in battle).

And what you say is just a hard way here, too, you can throw in batches, the above video to help.

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

All removed this YR. The whole month I tried to convince myself that the game has at least something worthwhile, but the game stubbornly tried to convince me otherwise. Balance is not at all to say that the would be very polite - it is crooked. The perestanem through the barrier - I'd rather not have, the gameplay is a purely camping and nothing else, no ballistics (tested at different distances with different weapons), no tactics. In addition, I drew attention to the number of players in the game - 1000 a-penny people in the evening, it confirms my words, people will not be fooled. Sorry for 700 rubles.

number 9 large 04.04.20

The latest post straight from the language removed. But very sorry. The feeling of shooting here is one of the best.
So ditch the sequel it is necessary to try.

Russian_Lawyer 04.04.20

in, in! And I also one shooting kept saying, well, shooting was cool, it runs in the family. Tried to convince myself that I am biased and in fact, if poigratsya, it will begin to deliver....

Konstantin335 04.04.20

The game is good, you just didn't come. And the reviews are very positive incentive.

Aleksandr Shtyrnyaev 04.04.20

This problem appeared
The game crashes when connecting to the server(loading the map)
Before that standards were