Expectations from the game (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
Interested to know what you most expect from this game ?Waiting for a suitable plot in the first place with vivid and memorable characters. And of course changes to the basic mechanics of the game,Asasina always been positioned as a stealth-action game,but in this format it has outlived its usefulness,if you believe the rumors developed and inspired by the Witcher 3,then we can expect an RPG element which comes in perfect Yasinsky theme.
expect tons of soap, optimize Sonola, lack of plot and a bunch of wooden characters.
Waiting is dull and not an interesting plot, a bunch of towers, not sane main characters, stupid controls, outdated graphics and wild little system, a lot of paid DLC at a price two times higher than the game itself, still waiting for the violent advertising campaign and the promise to become the world's masterpiece, and of course we await the angry responses from players about the fact that every time the same thing.
Waiting for the open of the ancient world with interesting loros. Waiting on slaves and kings. Waiting for the endless desert and the Nile valley and large cities, like Memphis and Alexandria. Not so much out of games in the third person on an antique theme.
Improved AI of the enemies(thus the stealth has improved).In which the plot will be less cut-scenes .The changes to the stealth and real , that game was similar to their other creature Splinter-cell.
legusorЯ assure all your expectations are met.But you must understand people here in advance Andromeda 10 put.So as always everyone is waiting for the story,colorful personalities,and get Andromeda.And as you wrote, the truth will catch a bunch of cons.School sure the publishers are working for them,although it is actually Vice versa.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Yeah, especially him, rights about the soap, given that we have never problem with it was not. Love Haight ahead of time
black flag was mylnovat. and the older games in the series were podborany
Don't remember soap in the old parts. In the re-release was, Yes, but in the original that I do not remember (at least at the time)
there is in my some kind of effect most strongly, like bloom or whatever it is. before all the console games shoved it on the PC he often migrated. hell is motion blur and glow
taburetckinvasily wrote:
Series Abrosimov utter shit iznasilovat history...
Again stool without a brain, that there funket.
Yet don't expect anything.But if there are good reviews,look at first on YouTube.And there already decide whether to buy or not
from small customization in Unity or better. major: normal, passing the story, in the spirit of Black Flag and the Ezio stories
Rak228 All times, we abandoned towers
Noooo, what is asasin without towers? There is the whole essence of the game is to climb a ton of viewpoints and Nayarit in the hay.