What games you've never played and will never play?
in those which I am too lazy to downloadIt's funny, the second part of the mafia mentioned and about a third had forgotten. Humiliated a great second part, and forgot about the insignificant third? The question arises about the adequacy of the author's themes.
P. S. Okay, if the first two points is more or less clear, about the third I wrote above, and the fifth, in principle, for the case, the question remains, what the author did not please the Stalker?
I haven't played all sorts of MMOs and games focused on online and pacmanghostx and most likely will not.
hatya no, I played contra and other вуркрафт3 even played DotA but not that a card for вк3 and even Diablo 2 in clubs, and is coupled to the pitches. but IMO the type of housing and another couple was there not played and never will.
with a very high probability that I will not play games from the cloud on principle.
and with some probability I won't be playing on the console. although sometimes very KonsoleKalendar.
then the actual Board game card including a card abstract in electronic form.
my limit couple like the magazine Murzilka and Veselye kartinki. gameplay electronic Board game I've seen in the record - I see no reason to do it.
otherwise, I can't be more confident in what I'm playing and what not because I played absolutely horrible game where there was no light of greatone.
In Darakov
Heavy Raina
In Tomb Raiders 2013
In Bendy soulsi
In short,pornography
But the Stalkers and Witches very much
and other crap with the post-Apocalypse and vyzhivalok tipo dayZ and all that like Armu.....
Don't play games from biotvarey. I do not lie to him soul and all. Well, Japanese shnyazhki don't understand.
Strategy, Love, some fighting games like Guilty Gear, DoA, and other unknown to me. Just online trash, games which contain donut - these games I never will play. Just because I to him absolutely no interest, and I simply don't like!
Farmhouse and other kazualschinoy, different lipotropnye the title fit in with and online survivle, firmly suspended in the alpha stage. MMORPGs, especially Korean.
Cheap bukovany indi diarrhea of Trims, all sorts of WoW-WoT, the homeless survival game (like DayZ) and a soap kintz with a dull gameplay like TLOU. Oh yeah, and just another mini trash from bialolenka and VC, the type of Prison.
Easier to say what I have played. And 17 years of Pega experience give time to pass a lot.