How did you otreagirovali on the ending? (SOMA)
You cried?Star-St
The Bioshok series in terms of plot, atmosphere and style, but raises quite different issues.
Alien Isolation in terms of gameplay.
To me the ending very much. I'm even a little happy for GG. In fact, he gained immortality with someone you love and in front of him forever, and I have to live alone, work at work to come home in the evening and see 100500 blogs about Andromeda=(
Original the main character had died in our time, so to speak, and it is an exact copy of his consciousness, what not the first. I'm after a copy of the consciousness in the suit was off a previous copy that would not have suffered from loneliness.
And in the end he realizes that he is not the last, another copy will forever live on the satellite in a simulated virtual world, and he would while away the time at the station in the dark and all alone. But then I'm given to play for gg whose consciousness has gone to the companion along with his girlfriend. He of course got lucky.
I dont think so there all planned, I'm still impressed, and held her for a long time.