Weapons (Wolfenstein)
Mp40 is by far and TESLA for sure and your suggestions:?Oh well, little to him)) Here a week ago there only rifle Yes MP hung. By then the pistols, knives and other toasts that the trailers clearly lit up.
But the main thing is that the old weapons left, and if the niche will no longer be something I do not care
The main thing - that was the MP-40, the Tesla Cannon and the girls from the Elite Guard :) And that's all there is, so we are waiting.
Yeah. And with Thompson as efficient elite guard Helga von SS chief on the turn to catch. Accurate, easy, convenient, quick-firing a few rounds sorry (((, a Woman in the queue caught - hell run away)))
The main thing that was - the Luger(a classic of the genre), FG-42,MP-40, Malice, and silent sniper(can't remember the name).
Nash Skaarj, silent sniper rifle is OSA М1С Snyper. I love her. Any will be removed with one shot.
Spano-the clairvoyant sight this feature seems useless... and from the trailers it appears that it was not the Nazis and other night optics. Quantum vymorazhivaniem here was, and optics was not)))
This is a fee for versatility :D because actually in RTCW spyware the sight was not only the night, but, apparently, infrared (remember the thick fog on the outskirts of X-labs).
Based on the new gameplay video, we see the good old flamethrower, Faust cartridge and mount supernatural weapons too
Yeah... I Remember from the tomb in RTCW with one Luger left. Found out then his true power^^
And weapons will be:
Luger, MP-40, MP-43, Kar-98, Panzerfaust, Flamethrower, grenades(2 kinds), of Teslian, Veluma cannon(Proton emitter or Veilgun, because of the energy Veil(Velour^^) works.), Dynamite. Sorry, no sharpening...