10-15 fps on +- normal computer
In all games on my PC I have 10-15 fps, system requirements which my computer exceeds satisfactory. There has been a discussion and it was associated with the Miners, I have tested the PC using Malwarebytes and it found two problems which I fixed, BUT the GAMES STILL 10 FPS! What's wrong?skyfim
Do you have an installation of Win?
skyfim wrote:
how and where to enable this mode, I checked all the settings
skyfim wrote:
Not necessarily the disk.You can with a flashdrive.There when you start the computer hit F8,get out of the selection window,click on the flash drive/disk,and went to install.Only saves in games copy and when installing vibiraem you need section.There is actually just
Look on YouTube
You have a driver?Catalyst?It also has a mode for the maximum performance
no, the one shown in the video, everything was done according to his guide but nothing changed
Yes 7 ka.decided to check the game played as normally stable 60 frames and at the most important moment of the battle with the boss he fell
if you describe in detail the process of laying the OS will be excessively grateful, and now I sleep
Insert the disk/flash drive, reboot the computer.During restart, press F8, you will get out of the boot window, it will reflect your hard, flash card/drive.Keys arrow up/down to choose the USB stick/drive, press Enter, the screen turns black, the top left must be something in English to get published, just click Enter again.On the black window appears grey stripe, it will run lighter stripe, then you've launched the installation of Win.Get out the window with INSTALL option, click on it.Next, get out the choice of either only important additions or complete.I take full.Then he comes out with partition of the hard.Section with the old Axle removed (there's another minerasl with him at 100Mb,it is also to be demolished) create a new partition in place of the old one, choose it and click next.Everything went installation.
If you do not understand on YouTube, get install Win 7.There is a video in detail of the wagon and the cart.I use YouTube on AM4 put 10-ku
I have a new trouble... the game 60 fps, 60% GPU, but the temperatures skyrocketed:
didn't touch anything, with the exception that the guide in the video
it looks like it is still overheating, but after all before such was not. still have to reinstall Windows, by the way the speed of the cores in the screenshots is different on the ground before I launched the browser, and the second after hmhmhm
skyfim wrote:
it looks like it is still overheating, but after all before such was not
Simply did not notice, not monitored. Approx the same song, as the PC started over, found the temperature under 80 degrees on the video card. This thermal paste, clean from dust, change thermal grease.
Frequency drop due to protect the graphics card from overheating. That's a lot.
Cleaning the computer recently, so it's pretty clean inside my old man. Will try
Cleanliness is not an indicator. Thermal paste and the graphics card:
Thermal paste is a conductor of heat between the radiator and the crystal core card (primary heat source). It dries with time.
I understand you never changed the thermal paste?Not only KPT-8
Anyway, strange that the 300MHz card heated up to 96°.What's ohlala this?
[Denis] wrote:
Anyway, strange that the 300MHz card heated up to 96°.What's ohlala this?
This vidyuhi dropped the frequency and have not had time to cool down.
Now everything is clear that none is banal overheats. Reinstallation of Windows is pointless and will do nothing. The only option is to completely disassemble the video card because there may be trite completely clogged with dust lanes (I just don't know how does the cooling of your video card). Either the pasta was dried up, and she for so long had withered right, and when you was there to clean up could hurt the housing vidyuhi, or get it out of the case. And since the radiator is screwed to the chip through the plate from the back side on a spring (looked at his old Radhika HD 5850) that is banal there may be a small backlash. And since the pasta was dry as a cork when you discontinued and another clip she could be superimposed on each other which contact with the chip was broken. So we need a full review of a video card.
KillKammbest wrote:
This vidyuhi dropped the frequency and have not had time to cool down.
Load up to 63% is heated to 101 degrees.It's brutal