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VioO 19.04.20 08:49 pm

Skills. What are your favorite? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

what are your favorite skills?especially interested for long-range combat.
they are such a variety,I can't choose yet :( tell us what you use
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Kolomiiets 19.04.20

And I'm not a fan of online. So you need to play what we have.

Kavkaz01 19.04.20

Biotik-destroying,wave,onslaught (the shields just don't fall down, burst in and drove to bend) Shotgun snap and blade Azari.
Engineer-Masking,popot energy ignition, and then techno komba and komba fire. (not too good in the vicinity but at a distance top the damage per head) Snape is everything on this build, shotgun if you got too close.
The madness never soared'm just a chill guy.
PS Soldier only played in 1 part, VERY boring and not interesting. In my opinion.

Crudus 19.04.20

Biotika, a profile of the adept. Skills: throw (radius-length-double throw),singularity (radius-reload-extension) and spear (damage-breakdown-power) for finishing. Thanks chip biotic echo this build gives an unreal deal massive damage to enemies. Combo decides, echo drags! ^^

Yura Malikov 19.04.20

first, dual ignition, then a double shot, it turns a fiery combo, so you can finish off with a spear while hanging on a throw - will be a biotic combo, and such a combo chain, which flies with a sphere and a shield to dead in 4-5 combo, and generally use multiple profiles in one say skills with cells, and another type above

saa0891 19.04.20

Those who like to play as a soldier and especially sniper turbochared (in fact, this ability provides a replenishment of ammunition that is for example very useful on insane difficulty when ammo may run out and run after them it is dangerous) pump is mandatory because it not only increases damage and rate of fire (which itself of course is very good) but most importantly increases the number of rounds in the store,and for example the Black widow becomes 5 rounds in the magazine and 8,rate of fire,damage,and a large store of rifles make a killer thing have Isari instead of 2 rounds becomes 3,so huge DMG this rifle out of the competition,combined with the profile of the soldiers and the ability of sniper concentration when the killing damage increases,it's all epic.

fLaMaster 19.04.20

All. The only problem is when you cannot reach the enemy.

The X-Files 19.04.20

I putukate cons but I absolutely do not understand the need for the sniper rifle, well there is no such situation in which you need it,the entire game is tied to the melee so the incentive to pump shotguns,a pistol tried to play but unlike the original game there is a gun is hard to play:
1-not applicable to the auto mode
2-pistols why that much twitch
3-accuracy and weak accuracy
I do not understand why so few weapons in the game with auto mode and then there is the damage such that it is easier to throw to the enemy and melee energy dagger to kill the enemy while you're in disguise.
Who of the players like to press on the mouse button a hundred times shooting a machine gun?
Armor liked the N7 for under biotika
1-swinging azhno to 2 ++ and legs and hands and head and armor to 80go level
Skills:Remove panels,wave drum and a spear ,automatic Hurricane .
In General, it's a shame that when you begin a new game, when choosing a specialty, in fact, the skills remain the same for pumping and there is no individuality for each profession.
And basically do not care what rock, what skills ,tired pumped skills, went to the Infirmary and for a penny he dropped all skills to 0 and re-distributed as you please at least yourself, even teammates.

saa0891 19.04.20

The X-Files wrote:
I putukate cons but I absolutely do not understand the need for the sniper rifle, well there is no such situation in which you need it,the entire game is tied to the melee so the incentive to pump shotguns
If you do not understand why playing sniper (not only in this game),then you probably useless to explain.
On account of the melee,the madness you pretty quickly nasihat lead,so ladies don't run,for with snapey they even no time to reach (well unless it is some sort of destroyer or krogan relics thick),moreover they can be removed at very great distance without straining,or where no need to run,though of course often the animations and enemy movement write such a pretzel that it is full P,spawn is also very retarded,but everyone plays as he likes.

fLaMaster 19.04.20

Sword Azari + onslaught and no you will not be full. Because during both abilities HS only vulnerable to the seizure of large.

saa0891 19.04.20

fLaMaster wrote:
Sword Azari + onslaught and no you will not be full. Because during both abilities HS only vulnerable to the seizure of large.
Well,you're a storyteller, I wonder how much time are you going to blame at least the demon sword Azari in the madness when around a bunch kets you Spud,it's all the more crap.

fLaMaster 19.04.20

What's stopping you to fly with onset between small, and then already to kill any big? P - priorities. 130 LVL(at the moment), madness, pass without any serious problems.

saa0891 19.04.20

fLaMaster wrote:
What's stopping you to fly with onset between small, and then already to kill any big? P - priorities. 130 LVL(at the moment), madness, pass without any serious problems.
What if you're a little bit zameshkalsya you immediately and nasihat,again, I already wrote some this particular haemorrhoids,attack with the sword in the madness is very weak,how are you going to pick the same demon,the destroyer of relics I'm not even talking (Yes, even an ordinary Dedicated and long killed) quite compares with the sniper or tabasom damage per second,about 130 level all killed,try to jump at the first passage and not when you're all pumped.

fLaMaster 19.04.20

I play 1 level. And beat the demon in a mile, or anyone else not a big lure for suicide. About the minus of this game wrote in his comments above. For this, it is possible to take something to pierce armor and kitit.

saa0891 19.04.20

The saddest thing is that even companions merged,if you used your skills could be combined with the skill of companions ,and besides, you had 8 slots,and four slots mates have where you could put all you have and not steamed.They were really needed because the GG was a clear specializati and companions all this was compensated by increased interaction between the PC and companions (now these stupid profiles and only three of the skill),and now it's just nerds that you have no control,even though some semblance of customization just cut out,in fact, it increasingly alienates the game from the genre of party RPG,Biovar completely merge in what were once professionals.

fLaMaster 19.04.20

Deb. Another one about balance too lazy to explain.

saa0891 19.04.20

fLaMaster wrote:
Deb. Another one about balance too lazy to explain.
Play Dragon Age: Origins or Neverwinter Nights, and tell about the balance,what developed are unable to make interesting,varied enemies (God Yes, they even race original are unable to figure out what to say about the fact that all the planets inhabited by two and a half are the same animals,some neutral fauna are almost there,two and a half boss and this is the new galaxy which should come as no surprise) it just shows their inability to make balance,instead, the game is all just cut and Castries and the game is becoming more and more like CODE instead of a party RPG,the interaction between GG and copagenum Andromeda completely merged,and it's sad.

Bagrat_od 19.04.20

Good day, I decided to collect Bild on the maximum number of combos of explosions.
The profile of the researcher. CD of those skills, it is desirable to maximize.
1. Ignition. may prepare and detonate. For armored targets
2. Poloshenie energy. may prepare and detonate. For boards
3. The blast wave. may prepare and detonate. Pumping radius

I think to try some more variations
1.ignition (armor) + pull + throw (where traction will be responsible for the removal of shields,and will be able to throw enemies)
2. singularity + ignition (armor) + overload (shields).

PS I miss the pressure, but it's nowhere to shove. a bit managed to compensate with a sword Azari and biota. irregular researchers. The skills of the soldier only to shake the passive.

Tell me what build of the above are perceived as more successful?

VioO 19.04.20

used the first build is my favorite skill ))consider them indispensable

Bagrat_od 19.04.20

On NG+ have enough points to collect 4 different profile.
The game became much more fun, unless of course bring consumables respawn restart abilities.
1. Researcher (overload, inflammation, shock wave)
2. Scout (Overload, inflammation, inviz)
3. Adept (Lance, onslaught, Singapore)
4. Engineer (VI relics, assault turret, inviz)
Each of these profiles unique animation acceleration and Oborotov. Wrote earlier that tarelki weak, I don't agree. Drone the engineer gives a total of three flying robots on their side, I personally expert a great game. (in General, at least for fun, well comes).

BerkutArmageddon 19.04.20

Researcher - Throw + Turbocard + VI Relics.
Loved the throw back to the first part of the trilogy. It turns out a spectacular mess when the cool down is reduced by reducing the weight of the equipment.
Turbochared - increases the damage of guns, useful against battleships and/or large local fauna.
VI Relics - additional combat unit, is very tenacious thing.

Other profiles spit. This lack of ears.
Orozco: pulse ammo, Cobra, Widow (regular), and N7 eagle.
Prefer distances Widow and Turboatom, rarely with Cobra. In head-on battle first the battle is shot (like a double pumped). The rest of the situation.
Vrazhina literally out in the trash. Sometimes you don't even have time to react.