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uslan 28.04.20 09:34 am

Poll: Where is the world Poured in or in Morrowind? (The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion)

people duck here where the world more in Morrowind or poured in
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somecreature 28.04.20

Gravity — the attraction of two bodies.

And the theme is funny, Yes.

mne bez sahara pozhaluyst 28.04.20

Yes, just gravity in the Morra is not enough... You didn't notice, there all flying in the air...

PS. I never thought that a person is considered a noob, if you do not know what gravity is... xD)

PS.S. I'm the only one here who understands that the question of gravity was set not in the literal sense?
*left to laugh with Psihodel*

-USHIHA- 28.04.20

Yaroslav .YG Govorko
you say that the Morrowind no levelnote and it's good,but there was raskazala to about level 20 and quietly cut all and in oblivion at 24-40 once the most difficult and it makes the game even stupid but hardkor=)).And it seems you've misunderstood me I meant Seredinskii caves house and the country the volcano one room=))
Why koments know the answer is not what...

mne bez sahara pozhaluyst 28.04.20

you say that the Morrowind no levelnote and it's good,but there was raskazala to about level 20 and quietly cut all and in oblivion at 24-40 once the most difficult and it makes the game even stupid but hardkor=))
In Morrowind, if you know how to play, and at LVL 1 you can kill almost anybody. (if you take the first, necessary skills, etc.. Guess it's just not for everybody. Do you like levelnote, I - no, arguing about taste is pointless.

Seredinskii caves house and the country the volcano one room=))
Why this one? There are some, and others. But they are somehow more diverse than in oblivion.

Especially if you remove the borders from the map there is just infinity...
Why no comments about this?
There are several reasons. All will not call.
So, simmered, I removed the border. What's good about it? There is still nothing but mountains. And then, apparently, and they end. Morrissey essentially the same. There are not only mountains and water.
IMHO, this phrase actually makes no sense whatsoever.

Shifroval 28.04.20

By the way for those who don't know, Morrissey is autoleveling, but he's pretty weak and imperceptible, and all because Morrissey there are several varieties of the same monster with different power and saunassa depending on the player's level.
But if you come to the tomb at level 1 and 10 - monsters of all sorts.

mne bez sahara pozhaluyst 28.04.20

But if you come to the tomb at level 1 and 10 - monsters of all sorts.
It is quite possible. Apparently, it really is not noticeable.

Geliodor 28.04.20

Oble not always it all depends on the level of the heads. hero. There are caves inhabited by only rats and quite ordinary Cougars. And caves oble deystvitelno more "roomy" than Morrissey. There are caves where the monsters are much stronger than the heads. character and do not develop porovnani relative chapters. hero. So this rule rasprostraneno not always and not everywhere...

mne bez sahara pozhaluyst 28.04.20

There are caves where the monsters are much stronger than the gg and not razvivatsa porovnani relative chapters. hero. So this rule rasprostraneno not always and not everywhere...
XS, maybe so, I haven't played.

-USHIHA- 28.04.20

Yaroslav .YG Govorko
What about arguing about taste is pointless so I agree that the topic of levelnote close.And what about the rooms I would say that Morrowind 75% of 1 room caves in Cyrodiil more and more caves.On account of the ruins can't to talk just a little I'm in Morro stagger by the Way in oblivion JUST infinity for granica and the whole joke there is a random genrate and sometimes she throws awesome landscapes I agree that the pure world is the world of Morrowind more than oblivion,but the underworld Obly more underground world of Morrissey but this is my IMHO.

Z4b3o8v7p 28.04.20

In oblivion all caves monotonous to the horror.They do not even make sense to go there all the chests legalnie.Shit.What's more even more annoying that in oblivion,every cave has several levels,which are also dull as the first.
There are very rare exceptions when I added something tasty but such cases are negligibly rare.
Complementing the post Shifa - the most terrible example of autoleveling in Morrowind bledman and goblins of the Tribunal.In bludan somehow decided to play,as at 50.One place there was about 10 rieklings-riders.But the Tribunal goblins endured all the hits with a couple wiggles.
But leveling in Morrowind only goes to benefit...unlike oblivion.
More is not better.

-USHIHA- 28.04.20

More oblivion.Morrissey 25 km, while in oblivion 41.Just in oblivion don't need to obegat mountains, there is fast travel,and the character is much faster + horse.

Hunter162 28.04.20

I don't know where more where less. But the world in oblivion a lot parabotany. Although Yes, perisamy and FORTS, not so sweet, at times boring monotony. But I like Oblivion more. I do not understand what praise really? For the lack of perks, skills? For the opportunity to move to a giant flea? For the atmosphere in which there is only fog, dirty pool and nizkokaloriynye trees?

PS. Pumped only to level 4, completed a couple quests. Monotonous world of tired and I drank really from the hard drive ).

1jek 28.04.20

Hunter162 I give 100% that you have to install the Morra,Played OBLIVION!
what's more, you'll NEVER be able to build Your beautiful house Poured in!
only with the help of the map editor)) and in Morro no gravity prdmety!
and you can create one uniquely beautiful(the game) created the house! for example
To put the Broom,And he put on 4 ebonylove sword, on Top of the torch(blue suit)
and remove the broom, Voila! you have a magic lantern! HD) well, the graphics using the mod you can pull
almost to the level of Oblivion! +Morrissey is the levitation! where you have seen levitation in the game oblivion???
(there is only 1 mod that makes the spell Levitation, ito buggy and cut into several
(eagle eye,Night butterfly,and another crap)

Hunter162 28.04.20

Yes I have played Morra in to Oblivion. And oblivion, in Sacred in which the dialogue is better cuuute Morra. And? The world itself Morra dry and soulless, he looks at you the grey texture of the rocks and sparkles with poor possibilities, such as the lack of skills from melee weapons.

Z4b3o8v7p 28.04.20

Morra better oblivion it again.Don't even have to try,I say,not incite argument,lol:)
Morra set on it IM on the chart gives suck even oblivion,it is also a fact.

Hunter162 28.04.20

You have nothing to do here, lol:) free.

1jek 28.04.20

Hunter162 although the rating it n that lol))) hah)

Lord Icarus Indoril count can be witnout so that the computer will be slow as in max sglazhivanie Crisis+1400 on 1050 (X16).

Hunter162 skill at arms was always! and I doesn't it) that without mods Morra looks like a very miserable) especially the characters))
but there are a lot of mods(much better than poured in) for Morra, created about 1000 of the model which change the game in better quality than the Irradiation) for example I have a mod that changes the number of polygons from 5000 to 75000 and changes the quality obleski all the characters at a resolution of 4000 to 2800. buildings and terrain, I generally keep quiet) CDM) play on medium quality)
me in Morro particularly like the saturation of the game world! what oble? really filled somewhere 10 square km))
and Morrissey 25 of them and the entire world created by hand! not as oble) has launched map maker) and went to eat a sandwich with tea)
LOOK! the world of OBLIVION is empty!

Hunter162 28.04.20

I'm not going to deny not confirm your opinion, empty or full, yet, because now studying Morrowind. And anyway, to each his own. Someone Oblivion, Morrowind someone... I just told her about his first sensations, when I went to Seyda-Neal (I hope correctly wrote), and when I came out of Imp. prison. The first two days I just wandered through the game and enjoyed the semblance of nature. I say that I didn't have the same desires as Bonds to run around and explore the game world. And I'm afraid that my computer will not pull really plug-ins on the schedule. I saw on YouTube, it was a no bullshit very nicely. But the desire to run around and explore the game world I have even from the beautiful graphics will not appear. And I think that everything depends on first impressions (I already wrote). You subconsciously compare Bonds with Morrow. And it seems to have everything... And not, as in Morice! I understand I have the same thing, but in reverse.

GordonF2008 28.04.20

Yes arrive with you Talos!