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Kamred 18.05.20 10:30 am

How does the \"system\"?

I have long wondered how the chips, microchips and circuit boards on the inside as it is on the screen. I looked online and found the info, what people do in factories of various tiny chips of metal, and then fill them with composite. And all this in a certain form. In General, they entire system how to properly link together. When plugging in the entire system is current that moves through the circuits. I read, in the chips somewhere there is a mechanism by which a moving current and he distributes the signals. Something like: 1 - Yes, 0 - no. I just don't understand how this mechanism works and how it is that a specific action is linked to a particular signal (for example, the button M and some kind of signal to it), as is a record of all signals (because they are more than a million). While I stand on these issues.
I've also realized that the alphabet was one of the first programs. I mean, when you create each computer, each Board, each Claudia, you need to specify the alphabet in the program of the computer for future use. And I realized that this program does not write a hundred times, and somewhere have a copy that is loaded on the chip (or somewhere?). And so everywhere. In fact, today's computer technology is merely a conglomeration of the previous one. Gradually programmed, added to the system, etc.. And somewhere there is the original.
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WOR4UN 18.05.20

I think this blog will be the most popular.

yariko.v 18.05.20

Interesting, you say... Well, try chonit to create a sort of-for example -> http://www.cyberforum.ru/blogs/914198/blog4551.html
Kamred wrote:
Something like: 1 - Yes, 0 - no.
Transistor switch.
Kamred wrote:
I just don't understand how this mechanism works
To start to go to educational institution. Or borrow books on interesting topics.
Kamred wrote:
the alphabet was one of the first programs
The CPU only executes machine code at the low level language called Assembly language. In what sequence will be executed and your program.
Infinite loop one of the most simple programs, for example ->
rjmp main

A.Soldier of Light 18.05.20

Kamred wrote:
I just don't understand how this mechanism works and how it is that a specific action is linked to a particular signal (for example, the button M and some kind of signal to it), as is a record of all signals (because they are more than a million). While I stand on these issues.
By the way, when I took a programming course, these questions are also not answered. It had everything: characters, and examples of codes, and history of everything that is PC related. And to sense that? HOW it works - the mind has not appeared (the idea of how it works, it is difficult to form it so that you, reading these lines, I understand), the teachers were not able to properly and clearly this issue, although I tried (no wonder as they pay). In General, Yes, I join in the question 8)


A. Soldier of Light
The chip is just a miniature version of the schema such as those that were 60 years ago. Assembler is the language operating at the level of processor registers (maybe 60 years ago he would have been too cool).

Kirlusha 18.05.20

Did not understand, what exactly do you mean by system.
If technically (common language) that the whole computer works on electronic pulses specified by a frequency generator (quartz).
Accordingly, the higher the frequency, the faster the operation is performed for 1\0 (Yes\no).
Further - more.
Here's a simple example: the RAM consisted of a set of capacitors and transistors. If the capacitor is charged, it - 1, if not then it is 0. So here's a bunch of 8 such condensa transistors is 1 byte of information.
Something in common:)
If it is in simple language. If all the details paint, this hefty book will be released.


And now the function of the capacitor performs a p-n junction on the chip. And I'm not sure we need 3 conditional element growth process 1 bit of memory. In the field such as process technology have been 50 nm and 40 nm.

Kirlusha 18.05.20

Well, Yes. Now the transistor can be a capacitor and something else, but the working principle has not changed.
A so-called workflow it's only the size of one transistor.
Even the same processors as was 4-stroke, (von Neumann architecture) has remained. Increased the number of blocks in a single chip (cores), and increased the frequency given by the generator and, as a result, the execution speed of machine cycle.