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VICH68 18.05.20 08:30 pm

Time machine

Lord, if you had a time machine, or some other device to time travel, how would you have used?
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Wolfenstein 18.05.20

if only my time machine was I would unlike Makarevich four-thread heavier playing.

ToxaF1 18.05.20

I'd go in November 2008 in Brazil at Interlagos, and his wheel Hamilton. Felipe Massa would be world champion and ... And, whatever. History does not tolerate subjunctive mood...

Kamred 18.05.20

You had been anywhere on the planet and at any time. Would enjoy it.)

Respond to comments. If you disappear from the present into the future or the past, then the present will not disappear. The universe will exist without you. The main thing is not to create a paradox time loop. I wonder just how well will the consequences of the paradox (e.g. the bomb exploded - see the explosion, and the paradox would look like?)?

vftor wrote:
Supreme beings
Who are these higher beings?)

MunchkiN 616 18.05.20

as will appear the consequences of the paradox (e.g. the bomb exploded - see the explosion, and the paradox would look like?)
if peck's physics take advantage of the time machine which travels to the future will look like a black hole the characteristic radius to which it goes in the future. earthlings it's not really like but upon arrival it is the substance that sanchito on the event horizon sat and crowded bombanet together. this in itself is a paradox as if from one point of view below the horizon everything must sign but if there stremitso 0 then paradoxa will not.
but the time machine which znaczaco in the past goes it is a problem itself is a paradox. don't know how to present it.
the problem is that voschem in the universe there is a certain amount of energy. part of the energy is like that matter. if the journey to the future paradox about AZM does not occur as with a black hole although it vascheto Hawking the universe is energy and steals in 10^60 years of the bunch, and no nedodaet steaming. with the last it appears there is a problem that energy had to go somewhere and when in the past she appeared.
if Penrose rights or something with all sorts of lovers of the multiverse then how would the paradox of the flight of time is but it is small and solvable, and then, in principle, might be back in time to be very cool and understanding as chenibud 5мерное.

anyways I now looking for this child, is thought to fix this thing. znachitsa, I have a time machine, I know it. I decided to make this experiment. I'm on day ago and meet there with you and I do it several times cast in one day. if my current two so this experiment shows that the possibility of a time loop and it did not break. when I typed a lot - Minh is a control thing which I have to leave. this opens up an interesting perspective if I sohranena items because one of them will not be.

Kamred 18.05.20

MunchkiN 616
Under the paradox I had in mind. Let's say we went back in time and killed Napoleon's childhood. Then there is a paradox, as it present existed in history. Here is the paradox I have in mind. But here too there are questions. Can there not be a paradox? Can the story just rewritten? A controversial issue. In your post I found the idea of energy. Although physics and higher mathematics for me, the dark forest, but I suppose that if everything is energy, then you can try to study it and to find the reverse. It is possible to open the manipulation of time and learn how to turn it back and forth.
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
anyways I now looking for this child, is thought to fix this thing. znachitsa, I have a time machine, I know it. I decided to make this experiment. I'm on day ago and meet there with you and I do it several times cast in one day. if my current two so this experiment shows that the possibility of a time loop and it did not break. when I typed a lot - Minh is a control thing which I have to leave. this opens up an interesting perspective if I sohranena items because one of them will not be.
Here, you can nakopirovali one place in the universe the same energy. Yourself.

By the way, I thought again of Napoleon. It turns out that before we killed him, there was some energy, and after we killed him, it has to dissipate and to be replaced by another. It is possible that this causes the destruction of time and space. But here is the question: if my theory is correct, then why to introduce energy (your copy itself), but to remove it it is impossible? I have a suggestion that is simply impossible to create paradoxes. How much energy went in, so it should be out. Your copy itself is a paradox, because the universe no one like you. You will have to destroy their copies, that is, how would you dissipate the imposed energy.

Maybe I'm wrong, but interesting.)

vftor 18.05.20

The Supreme being is the developers and gamers universe. The developers have created a virtual world in the solar system, and gamers with different galaxies, in charge of the nation and state, play-spend model of development of the personalities of the people, solving their problems compatibility of galactic societies.

MunchkiN 616 18.05.20

in the case of Napoleon particularly no paradox no. let's say you killed him and only you will know what would hit the world in the next 300 years. your knowledge what is unusual are not like yourself. if time machine as it takes an area of space with all that is there and moves somewhere.
the problem begins at the quantum mechanical level and the problem is in the fact of time travel. if rapid travel in the future, this event is very ordinary and it is everywhere according to the laws of physics, realizovyvat be. such things as the energy appeared or disappeared in itself is paradoxical, and if it exists then the world is not as simple as Drake's face. anyway, there are no laws of conservation of energy fundamental is not working.
what I have described about the opportunity to interact with them in the past or from the past it is only a very entertaining a special case.
for comparison, if left as such during teleportation or teleportation by means of reduplication does not have these problems.
as for coming back after a trip to the past that it is hardly possible to determine. the fact is that if roughly to throw a kilo of potatoes there won't kill anyone in the past AZM matter = energy then there is a chance that will change several sorts of electromagnetic and other nanoparanoia processes from which people can make any other decisions and again, all broken.

A.Soldier of Light 18.05.20

vftor wrote:
not everything is permitted.
Agree with this, by the way...

Kamred wrote:
the consequences of the paradox
here's paradoxplace? The explosion of the brain 8)

Yczh-Kazym 18.05.20

no time paradox, no... because there is no time..... only white noise tachyonic particles........ Genesis - the lies of the generations..... painful product of the mind called the life...... one cannot travel over the edge of his consciousness..... because the concept of nothingness is unknowable....... and the world is only a fading spark a dead flame in the endless darkness of nothingness......life is a disease........ death - the cure.......... oblivion is the truth...... only the unity of the mind will allow you to heal and merge with the darkness........ in the unity of the truth.... make us one...... make us one..... make us one make us one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one MAKE US one

rPeBoJL 18.05.20

you are a UFO in GTA were not looking by chance?

AR3E 18.05.20

I would comically played the role of popdance.

Yet he found.

Kamred 18.05.20

MunchkiN 616 wrote:
in the case of Napoleon particularly no paradox no. let's say you killed him and only you will know what would hit the world in the next 300 years. your knowledge what is unusual are not like yourself. if time machine as it takes an area of space with all that is there and moves somewhere.
You realize that this means that you can at any time to kill anyone and to change the story? I don't think it's that simple. There must be consequences, especially long period of time.
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
as for coming back after a trip to the past that it is hardly possible to determine. the fact is that if roughly to throw a kilo of potatoes there won't kill anyone in the past AZM matter = energy then there is a chance that will change several sorts of electromagnetic and other nanoparanoia processes from which people can make any other decisions and again, all broken.
Suggest that may to return. I think people's decisions and processes do not affect the time travel. You just wander back and forth.

Wild Rider 18.05.20

Back to 2009

Wing42 18.05.20

Who do you think you scare severely deformed in Photoshop a bowling ball?

beria2 18.05.20

How, how? The money would have earned due to the difference in rates.

Yczh-Kazym 18.05.20

This Kiselev.

0Bers0 18.05.20

Would correct their mistakes.

kogwinovanton 18.05.20

I would matmul so far in the future as I could)

Pupsik22 18.05.20

Vote or lose!
Do not vote and.... you still lose!
Go back in time and vote differently? Do you think will win?
Fuck you! Lose, lose, lose...

the endless misanthropy o 18.05.20

In November of 2014. I would have had time to prevent that now. Or in April 2012, but then there would be the risk of having another November 2014. I could save the lives of 2 people, but a further chain of events would have been significantly changed.