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Morgan Yu 19.05.20 07:25 pm

Beta v patch. 0.5 (Prey (2017))

(The patch came out of beta)
Roughly translated:

• Fixed a bug that caused corruption of the savegames (there will be pacasa), also fixed some crashes when downloading maps.

• Fixed a bug at the power plant, during a break the door no longer leads to a crash.

• Fixed bug with stuck the player in specific places on the map.

• The nightmare now will always look for the player.

• In the PC version settings are now saved properly when using specials. characters in a user name.

• Numerous fixes with regards to known bugs when using Freeze gun, now it will not work through obstacles and corpses no longer seeping through the floor and ceiling.
PS This patch is likely linked to speed the passage where he used the bugs and freezes.

• Fixed a bug that due to utilitybase machines, creating an endless amount of material.

• Fix braking game, during the battle with the battle with the phantoms.

• The marker is now correctly indicates the purpose of the Caspar.

• Fixed the volume when mixing sounds of music, voice messages and cut-scenes.


(If short)
Further errors about shelters and missions, will is!
Please if you find bugs associated with the game, write on of. the forum https://bethesda.net/

How to download patch:

Whatever patch is loaded, you need to go to STEAM, tyknut right clicking on the game, click properties, choose BETA and select public-beta-patch

Official news: http://steamcommunity.com/games/480490/announcements/detail/1296319532120777013
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hty18hyui 19.05.20

The problem is with textures. Fps does not drop , but the textures are just solid soap (sometimes wardrobe even becomes groupavatar ) +some texture progruzhat straight face.

Grandshot 19.05.20

Fps does not drop, because there's a very clever system. Uploaded smaller versions of textures for performance, if there is not enough video memory.

realhero1980 19.05.20

I have another two 1080GTX in SLI and 32 gig operatives - it is the same soap on ultra the resolution - say, memory is not enough?)

Grandshot 19.05.20

Maybe your friend with the"so config on the ultra-ultra-high resolution textures just seem soap? =) In Prey is really not very good quality textures.

But if real, it's probably just some individual programming problem, for example semprenoi OS so is there. The reasons can be mass.
But for graphics cards with low video memory it is possible that it manifests itself the same system of optimization. In Cryengine it is available.

realhero1980 19.05.20

A lot of people with graphics cards level 1070-1080 complain of the same problem (read foreign forums in Steam, on the Bethesda website, etc.) - in most cases, sin just the same on the fins. update drivers from Nvidia. In short we need to wait for another patch in the game and new drivers for the card, we'll see

Sergik_80 19.05.20

If you see how the textures are loaded on the fly - that is the lack of VRAM - I have 1060 3 Gb - this is not.

Andriken 19.05.20

the guys getting and what version of the game after the patch?

hty18hyui 19.05.20

960 m 4 gig, is there

Morgan Yu 19.05.20


On account of the textures, reply, loading of textures is a bug that will fix in the next patch, usually seen in Nvidia 2014-2016.

Starkin 19.05.20
