paladin zeal smiter (Diablo 2)
igrau single paladinom lvl 62 na mne fortitude grief exile shit, tolkochto vishel na 1 akt hell. 1 lokacii na mne vstretilsya unikalniy monstr zombi's imunitetom fiz atake k, i u menya srazu vspomnilas problema na 2 akte u menya takzhe tam bili problemi s privideniyami u nih u [brandy craft] imunitet k fizike, issue che delat? vtoroy vid oruzhiya taskat?street_vaiper
if you really can't, then here's your opportunity)
karoche po teme . kachnul paladinu svoemu sanctuariti auru i protiv undeadov izi brizi voobshe kak po maslu. nu a s temi kto ne undead fizicheskiy i imunitet prisutstvuet to takih prosto zapinivau yadom ot grifa, eto ya eshe bez karoche infiniti, infiniti dumau voobshe esli budet budet lehche lehkogo
a nu i v principe should be demon's imunitetom k fiz atakam to u griefa est kachestvo kak takoe +150-170% urona po demonam
most come here to participate in discussions and to relax, and instead we get this heresy, which cannot be read
__Slayer__, one simple player looks at you like #### ;D
PS the PC, my favorite Persian, and do not want to answer on the topic. :(
+150-170% urona po demonam
the immunity will not remove
i eshe che takoy vapros luche snachalo zamaksit holy shield or sacrifice?
all done!
but the damage done by Smythe still defines the neck mainly, so it's POH
braton vklu4aew sanktury auru i rubiw fiz immunnuyu nejit like falenov na normale
street_vaiper wrote:
holy shield or sacrifice
i hammeri concentration
problema pisos. vot v chem sut, sometimes ya ispolzuu charge folenov ubivat a to oni urodi razbegautsya, i sometimes prosto moy geroy zastivaet na place kakbudto zastryal ya ne mogu ni ni begat atokovat niche nemogu, hilki mogu zhrat pomoymu no eto tochno ne, tolko esli perekluchu na drugoy vid oruzhiya (W) ili menya esli ktoto udarit. chto za fignya? igrau single . takoe sluchaetsya chastenko kanechno ya mogu perekluchitsya x2 W nazhat no hotelosbi uznat chto eto...
when, during charge ceases to act Holy shield, this kind of shit happens
this bug
karoche ya eshe paru raz poigral i ponyal kak eto proishodit, karoche esli est mob, i ya na nego charge nazhal i begu na monstra i v to vremya kak ya dolzhen ego udarit menyau atakuushiy skill charge obichno na eto drugoy zeal to on zastrvaet zastivaet