unexpected rip (Diablo 2)
coraci swinging on br, I Barbara, on HC, BA'al throws a wave 3, I have 40% Dr, 22 to armor, 9.5 HP , a powerful Lich from BB ..and lag felts , roofing felts a bug, but a full HP flies during torsion and 2 Persian fall , more druid bear, too fat to die.the question is how? there was lightning , Conway was not. already 2 the br was such a moment.
if you just put in 3 wave he will not die, and then during the Lich died..
how much play , the first time such
[_JENKA_], but what is the use to find out what rip? here you know what you're gonna do in the future? :-)
lag and felts , roofing felts a bug
I lag literally 30-40 minutes ago
or lags.
I do think maybe it was lag
happened lag
hmm.. :-)
[_JENKA_] what exactly? wear more %dr? I understand that if Varick ipnotica from the explosion enchanted high, it is worth to carry GA + armor with %dr (slag/gas+dungo/string) and if that barb - umed SS. but IM it still will not save.. :-)
KISfly wrote:
There is a mean life leach, not experience
A simple topic for a long time players is discussed, and the administrator understood on its own and washed down innovation :(
Judging by the chat bear fell first. So your 9K HP could not be.
edit: and 4K HP but without the Dr% under aplifier if the mobs under the mayt fly from one friendly collective precise strike for 8 ppl
>>LE+FE unik produces invisible explosion at each phone it in recovery.
Holy shit... Apparently with a super-unique which is always Nada LE b careful:)
Judging from the chat bear fell first. So your 9K HP could not be.
Generally there it all happened very fast, they fell almost simultaneously. MB even UAC did not for a couple of frames before the audio dub-rip
>> and as the current HP was about 5% 10 times progel fulco, it didn't work)
So not so fast if you have time prozhat fulco 10 times.
Still the big question thought is whether the server that the spirit gives HP or not. So easy to add HP UAC and grit 9K HP!! VYLETELI MGNOVENNO, when he has time to realize that HP slipped, afraid to start poking Fulci etc.
edit: and another question. When barb WW-shit he Def is considered as a standing or running? So there is still probably and Def was not.
Well anyway. All these HP UAC, Def., leach, etc is quite vague. Consuls could banal adamaite:
*Mele attacks (just stopped all together at random small percentage, or a player accidentally run). Consuls actually rules dumajut.
*bolts light Jenca
* and at the end of Bartok sexotica.
Even the decor or the AP could help. And the players, in turn, could banal not to get just the randomness and therefore the Lich did not exist. All this even flavored desenhos and was obviously not happen instantly. Especially if also on Fulci enough awareness.
They simply have the feeling that the consuls it's so... Krapo casters hydras are not what can be expected. Especially if you had trawick got cuts everyday. In travice consuls still though as it is distributed in space. Ie consuls need to run more and they hit the queue and the BA'al wound, barb and the bear was standing right on the spawn I suppose. Consuls, I suppose so straight propanols through the free spaces around the barb and dru and all together namestamil and hydro close, and hit the chalk, not because I had to run unlike travica.
onaly actually rules dumajut.
By charu there is ticking damage. Except under escort sekot.
I still put on le+fe.
OK. Your version also standards. But still... the Damage that Hydra can be and to seem to be ticking again when they fall gradually and when it misses, but when hydras around a lot of Persian - they all fall together, and consuls fall, and the bolts fall. All this accumulate and a lot of ticking damage becomes noticeable damage.
edit: it just bartoke, not travice and it is felt that Hydra bite significantly.
and on the BB you can not rip so if BB can see that CP is about zero, then at the end BB you will probably die, and drink cans do not even start the rip you hung up during the BB, he just waited for the end of caste, and the only option there is to avoid - time to quit while barb not stopped spinning - will peresidel with 1 HP
LE+FE bartuc, all right. Dressed in Dr, absorba useless - KHP bears and barbarians with max ESTs and ABSA go away almost instantly if you happen to be in the right spot. One of the reasons why play on HC mostly Golder =) Damage even 10 hydras at the same time will not kill a bear with a rising sun and the resist ~50 - just the opposite - cure, as it comes from the penultimate wave - pitlord only restore HP, so the variant current one is bagnuty Bartok.
But faced with this constantly when I played a bear while stood and threw a wave, HP quite often suddenly melted it on the 3rd wave.
>>Damage even 10 hydras at the same time won't kill
Information about whether or absorbi +max fire RES I have ever seen. Damage alone hydras OFC not kill, but he will contribute in the total amount. Even bots on khbr not stand in the Hydra after the death of Bartok ;D
edit: yeah. Especially hurt NBC. Found Bartoka Faer enchant. Kilol all consuls except him. Satellite on it and Telecom and merc him. That same sickly ;D was dressed in vigor and Mele damage he inflicted.
MB admin what to write, type there - you Nuba simple , did not notice lightning, first time on BD
or MB explain minutest of Bartoka
When barb WW-shit he Def counts as a stiff
WW attack. Everything works.
passed, more words! mirror attack. everything works. ;-)
Koh2fds, not just in fear, I'm 10 times progel fulco, it didn't work)! ;-) at least a hundred.. ;D
Would the software would not know of grief :)
Andrew Hell, they assert themselves. ;D