Boost network trophies (Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception)
Hi all. Assemble the people for boost the trophies of DLS modes plunder and team objective, because they are very few people playing.Date and time: 26 February at 11.00 am
List участников3 who will come on boost:
If anyone else need DLS trophies, feel free to add. We should have 10 people for a comfortable game. Who can't come, write. While we don't get the 10, boost will not start.
Better to look for a strategist. Or even on some foreign website. And here just can not find anyone.
Unfortunately, not all came at the appointed time in the boost of robbery. Who needs boost for trophies in this mode, write here. And I'm not able to play online. I have had a month of problems with the psn network. Swati falls off constantly after 5 minutes after login. Did run a test connection to the Internet and not all is successful. My nat type was determined only after 30 seconds and this is what he writes: your router does not support IP fragment. Because of this communication in some games may be restricted. That's how it is. Can someone tell me what it is and how to solve the problem with departures? Because of this, I have to watch YouTube without the network (when it crashes, but the video itself continues to vosproizvoditsya and I continue to watch it on). I don't even bother this this screen log on to the network. I'm used to watch the game, despite the fact that the screen is slightly dimmed. Now it seems necessary to call the master that it is properly configured modem. Probably settings it flew off to the factory defaults and it is necessary to open all necessary ports for normal operation of the network.