The scheme of the ship \"Ishimura\". (Dead Space)
Looking for a diagram of the ship Ishimura can't find please help.Hasiro
Ishimura is a space ship.It happen all action game.When you finish that Chapter you can see this ship with a dedicated compartment(the compartment in which the actions will take place next Chapter)
I pinned the episode when we rasstanovka after we go to the cannon and moisten the huge monster, after we moisten his door open, monster flies at a speed of approximately 2m/sec, and since In space there is neither air nor gravity, the corpse will fly until you crash into th thread. Now imagine: it took 2 weeks, flying cruise liner, the captain's voice: '' and now you can see the ship ''ishimura'' the first ship of the class PLA... AND WHAT the hell IS that?!?!!?? All quit drinking.'' )))))))
From Kendra was a gun with 1 vastrel head breaks. Hammond was a General in the military. Mercer necromorph did not touch on the orders of the hive Mind. Kane is one of the survivors plasma saw stolen. And the temple, and the virgins were the same slicers as Isaac.
PS Houuu the same ))