I made an empty lot and stuffed to the Sims,was ogoroda their fence without doors,wished I set the tile,and astarial the fire,and they all sdyhali,but in General I Sims haven't had to kill,it will be necessary to start.But in Stringtown have one grandmother,she uchastke a bunch of graves and she is still with Tina deosai lives,tipo Planica.I do not remember their names.So in short have etyo grandmother in the memories is that she slept with death,and how her child took the children home,and right over this child download the film the family conducts experiments,and still have family military mine Grant,so they have a mother,but there is a photo as it is night in the taxi sits,and in the memories that she died,and her grave on uchastke the grandmother and when the grandmother dies,she leaves a legacy of bobl to that on which the experiments are performed,the former son,and she dies like everyone else,her death comes with a Hawaiian necklace and they are talking about,the grandmother picks up bag,cocktail picks and supposedly goes to Paradise,and grave unee unusual,and gold.
Just in your grandmother when she was dying was a platinum aspiration, and then the grave will be gold:)I have almost all the elderly with platinum die because they are already at the end of life for various reasons, it forever becomes a platinum:)and the grandmother a black widow in her memories after the wedding from the death of her husband and so a few times she all the maids and the pizza killed:)and this man is not a real death but just people in costume of death so what can be done if you create a SIM code to enter, and his name is death and the names of the spaces:)of course maybe not so but I even doubt:)
Yes probably so,although Mahoy all you can,but as it is the pizza and the maids killed?and why?she still in flashback,as her husband left,and then she killed him,and how Nervous Subject took det.house,and then he moved to those scientists and they experiment on him.And I remembered grandmother's name was Olivia specter mine.
I she is a get and was once nigmos she killed them easily aroused or acquainted and invited well beyond 4 walls and he dies...Well way to much and why?Yes, I think she just liked to kill everyone:)well, if she slept with the REAL death then see this death terrible death:)baby they got Neitralnyi
Yes,in different translations in different ways ,in the old-Necronomicon HD,a new specter,or Vice versa,and the child from death she has to mine the Nervous one Subject On which experiments are performed.
By the way can me who a thread remind can the SIM die while playing them on the public site and if it can then from what?
no,the public can not,I tried it,it was red and he was not dead,but on his residential site.
I bought my SIM a sleeping coffin. She lay down and I next to the wall of the set. And she couldn't from the grave stand up because the lid was not raised. So she's there with a week lain. I decided to pardon her and the wall was removed. The coffin was opened the SIM card out of it fell in a puddle by a person(the coffin stood in the street, it was early spring). And died immediately. Not very funny to read, I had it just to see.
And th for this site мтс2? 0_o
And by the way where clothing e... Podravina )))) download ))) ?
and right now I'm busy with one project... hmm :)) I create the location of the wasteland. the houses of refuge. Sims - zhitili Obeidi. tale of steel - cops. the raiders are supposedly milestones caught in the chamber for torture throw .Rangers stuff... so here is a mono raider drain all the prison crap . a tale wakes to come to pounce on the raiders . in short how do describe it, it is what was intended.
PS by the Way , as an idea ??? :)))))))))