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yok0o 11.06.20 09:00 pm


Played almost all duel for 1 night. Parties are great, thank you for your promptness
Congratulations to the winners!:
1st place - XBALANQUE - 100% WR
2nd place - PvPDrUiD - 75% WR
3rd place - dropnutij_mul is 62.5% WR ( in a BO7 for the 3rd place was won 4-0 )
Written on Dynamix and collect prizes and / or pledges!

The final table:
Updated the PVP Ladder:

Very disappointed in the turnout at previous events, but we do not lose heart and try again to raise pvp to pg from his knees!!!
And so, having prayed, let's start!
The tournament will be held according to the rules of Fair Pvp.
The format of the - checkerboard ( each against each ).
The time of the 28.01.17 - 29.01.17 . The collection starts at 17: 00 each game day.
Points will be awarded for winning unique meetings bo5 ( 3 wins ). The first 3 prize places will be awarded prizes, first 10 receive bonus pvp ladder points.
A controversial situation ( equal number of points among the contenders for the prize ) will be addressed by a series of duel format bo7 ( to 4 victories ).

Participation in tournament is free, with the traditional collection of mortgages ( Ist rune ). Deposits will be returned upon completion of tournament for those participants who have played all their duel. In case of no show the collateral goes to the prize pool next tournament.
To participate in the tournament must apply in the traditional way:
1. Character name
2. Game account
3. Character build

To take deposits need to 27.01.17 . To change which character you are taking part you can also to 20.01.17.

For violation of the rules will be awarded a technical loss or, in extreme cases, disqualification.

Prize Fund:
1st place - runes Vex Gul
2nd place - Vex rune
3rd place - Gul rune

Participants of the tournament:
1. PvPDrUiD *G. G. G. / wind Druid
2. pdhm *hdin / hammerdin - - merged
3. Luftwaffe-SS *zhr123 / blizzard Sorc
4. XBALANQUE *wind-druid / wind druid
5. Allres *Allres / hammerdin - merged
6. T-Wolf *Trololo_3000 / wolf barb
7. powemy *zawem / fire es sorc
8. dropnutij_mul *dropmul. / poison bone necro
9. fpk *Flame[15] / fire es sorc
10. Lightresa *magnys54 / vita lite sorc
11. NaomiSmalls *maraj / blizzard sorc
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Biza_NPT 11.06.20

No inappropriately

F1r34ng3l 11.06.20

Do you have to be a genius to understand that those prizes increase the number of participants.

Aler 11.06.20

you have to be an idiot to think that. at the last tournament with free participation and good prizes, I registered 8 people and it was cancelled.

yok0o 11.06.20

mojet u tebya est' jelanie iz svoego karmana dobavit' run v prizovoi fond? napomnyu 4to proisxodit vse tol'ko za moi s4et

victor_3000 11.06.20

guys, sign up for the tournament... and then I was like actually no one signed up never win =(

QLinkee 11.06.20

Can you first of wakabara need to collect?

victor_3000 11.06.20

no, thank you.

victor_3000 11.06.20

it is sad that the tournament win for vex recorded Hamer Yes visor in enigmah. where the common people?

Bambuca 11.06.20

The common people is not the point ?
Someone has a huge number of runes invested into Persian, accordingly it is very difficult to oppose something

pvpdruid 11.06.20

And the fact that his last tournament 2nd place took Sora dressed for lo , this, too, is not it? If you don't know how to play, not Noah!

Bambuca 11.06.20

Why the heck I your Sora, if I don't want her to play.would like collected. for fire or piterskogo tournament, which was canceled. Fig clear that Sora doesn't need new, and it is cheaper

Bambuca 11.06.20

I like this tournament at all will not fall

annortheone 11.06.20

He did it not to fall.

Andruha90 11.06.20

No tournaments D2 specks.

saratoff64 11.06.20

I honestly don't understand players... ng Tournament ogruntovyvat this the same as all of us simple player, puts his Runci to the prize Fund in hopes to raise the level of pvp in the realm, and you're whining and prove something about not enough big prizes and about too expensive dressed characters... i.m.h.o. - each Chara has anticar, which is easy to fit, such as Hamer's Vind tune, fire Eska cope with Vind tune in turn fire the ESC to go under many other chars. The more (not necessarily well-dressed chars) of the participants, the more interesting to play, as well learning to play with a given class you can't always take the first places you can cut on the turn... I personally for example will take on this tournament, any and all skillery with the puck, screen team sapesco here later, I'll see someone win...

Torum. 11.06.20

Now would be on a dead server, something to revive...
You probably Edro stoked and the candles go to put. The problem where global this ridiculous stuffing about low prize money.

saratoff64 11.06.20

Torum, well really, what candle? what Edro? What are you talking about? What are you talking about?

Bambuca 11.06.20

This is already a giveaway some work) Gathered a normal Persian, well done. Go and play them.
The damage from the hammer and skylarov decent, can be dull smolkli to get screwed, and if we dasati good at it, you might be able to gain something.

Huge request to the participants, record videos of your duels, it will be interesting to see

NoneOne2010 11.06.20

The prize does not need out. Having brought such a cloud of runes, this detail does not matter. And pvp only goes between the glass tubes, which is all there is, and poverty again go to her and you will discourage any desire to go to tournaments.

yok0o 11.06.20

zna4it ona niweta i v moralnom plane raz 1 porajenie otbivaet jelanie igrat' dal'we