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panyok597 14.06.20 10:01 pm

The maximum value of enchantment (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

Don't know, did you raise this topic or not, but I wanted to ask.
Is the maximum value of the enchantment magic recovery of 72%?
Somehow it... I Want to enchant for example Kaku thread rags, in particular, finally out adaptation of the clothes Triss from the Witcher 2 for CBBE.
Well, skill enchants pumped full, + Bank to increase encanta 32% (alchemy too pumped to complete, + 4 clothes, enhancing the skills of alchemy 29%)
So why on earth have robes the master skill mana 150% and I got only 72%?.. In 2 times less. But the skills of destruction can be brought under 29%, which is more than the robe of the wizard. Where is the justice?) And why, let's say on clothes (no armor) enchant the recovery goes better than in the armor, and the same...

Well, I was just wondering if it is possible to obtain large numbers of enchantment, especially these 2, please answer)
Well, for reference, some other indicators of enchantment that I made up
Alchemy, blacksmithing - as already mentioned 29%
Stamina, health, magic 72 units.
Attack one-handed, two-handed weapons, etc. +47%
Resistance to fire, cold, etc. +54%
Magic resistance +29% (Broke the shield of solitude, gave a gain in comparison with the standard measure)
The rest is not used.
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panyok597 14.06.20

took a set then put back welded vosstanovlenie waited an hour
What kind of recovery it is all o_o?)
Why set to off if the current is not scrattin a stronger set?
I don't understand what you write. No orfografii, no grammar, no meaning)))

mad wolf 14.06.20

Don't know how you go out)
perhaps we go out because we know how to do it.
didn't you just know yourself what to cook and what to do with it - it is somewhat obvious and is generally not as +29% - for a different effect.
if you really interested - look at the forum, I have a link to yutubovskih movie threw, but once again advertising this cheat reluctant.
I was hoping that this bezlimitku 1.4.x fixed, but it looks like I'm a hopeless optimist.

panyok597 14.06.20

LAN, I'm not going to search for anything. I think I played as they were intended by the developers. And LVL 71, have in fact almost the end of the game)

mad wolf 14.06.20

I think I played as they were intended by the developers.
exactly. in this regular way - sewn limit. and rightly so.
and unlimited alchemy (and through it - unlimited enchantment) - made in a hole in the algorithms that the developers have done unintentionally, without thinking about it. and that is - cheat.

Proto_ui1010203 14.06.20

don't cheat and bug the difference is sooo big)

Levich 125 14.06.20

I also increased regen magic, then went the other way: reducing the cost of magic destruction (robe, amulet). Try it.

Pril Balsam 14.06.20

It's not cheating, it's mangisto

And we all strive for that.

mad wolf 14.06.20

Cheryl's desire to fuck everything and more/better meeting with a hole in the gameplay that gives bonuses arbitrarily large power - makes 99% of the game pointless and quickly kills interest in the game.
rivet armor at +10000 health, mana, gloves for 800+ armor and a dagger 100500 damage - bug allows TGM nervously Smoking...

don't cheat and bug the difference is sooo big)
cheat it becomes a bug if the game will intentionally use to make life easier for GG...

How to understand, to make a separate school of magic free to cestovanie?
for example, perfectly legal to wear GG in four clothes in -25% destruction and all destruction spells cost 0 mana.

BLVCK BEVRD 14.06.20


if enchant 100 as you say, you can enchant to reduce the cost of spells... tipo spells illusion spells cost 25% less to cast... take 4 the clothes and all... -100%.. ie spells don't spend magic mostly... I did a recovery and destruction... in one hand a barrier to another fireball ( for mages)... all the rest just don't have... the more of destruction magic cool perk is - if castes with 2 hands the opponent loses his balance... it even works on dragons... it was not used this ability, well, everything)) and mages would be weak

panyok597 14.06.20

Good, I thought spells ... spells cost less to cast ... these type somehow affect the regeneration, is not understood correctly the first time and even forgot about the enchantment), And went to the branch one-handed weapon+shield+restoration and nemnogoih conjuration and destruction) sad(
But anyway, after all the iron gets stronger than magic... to Kill draugr-warlord for example 2 with splash weapons... Magic as something much more longer goes...

Zhirnyy Kot 14.06.20

Iron crappy beats, but morrovindskoy Daedric sword.... especially sharpened...

panyok597 14.06.20

Well, I mean arms, of course Daedric))

mad wolf 14.06.20

but morrovindskoy Daedric sword.... especially sharpened...
with good sharpening Daedric sword has insignificantly stronger than steel - but that it normally need to grind perks much more.
so Daedric in Skyrim - it's basically a show-off...

To kill draugr-warlord for example 2 with splash weapons... Magic as something much more longer come out
who cares how long it takes the murder of one of dragora if it not reaches and mana is not consumed?
But dog dump in a dozen Dragunov-chiefs - mage to disassemble still fun.

Zhirnyy Kot 14.06.20

Yes, when sharpening on high Daedric wins heavenly steel about 20 damage at level 283 on the above morrovindskoy but I wrote him and did not speak. Iron turned up to 140 with the same baffle.

mad wolf 14.06.20

Oh, look what you... yeah, iron is not really tochitsya, because it has no perk.
And the steel well tochitsya and not only in heaven. heaven is just easier...

Zhirnyy Kot 14.06.20

And when the blacksmith 150 already do not care on Groundhog need perks, and beautiful weapon I want

Pril Balsam 14.06.20

rivet armor at +10000 health, mana, gloves for 800+ armor and a dagger 100500 damage - bug allows TGM nervously smokes..

The figures have a touch unrealistic, don't understand how this is achieved. I think the player Stela is, be proud-be proud of yourself, play Superman, and throw the game. Or return to the game where he had a real game balance.

I'm here right now fully pumped Central branch of enchantment, to the bottom put 5 points. In the left branch is 1 point. In alchemy - 5 points in lower point. Enchanted. Received bow damage with 36 fire. Sharpening a bow - 162 damage, when previously non-nested points in the enchantment - was 115. From stealth now a giant with 2 strikes here. And the ancient dragon was caught, so while he was engaged in a mammoth shot him with 10 bullets.

I mean, being a weak player in nevrogenny the enchantment, when nested become quite a superhero, not even using the holes in the game.

Ah Yes,now I have 65 level.
Well and used a double wrap of the properties of the potion enchantment, followed by the creation of armor with the enchantment on alchemy. The 1st time was +25 second +28.

3uoH 14.06.20

there is another way, it's not as wild as a bug with the potion on the recovery, but it also likely was not foreseen by the developers.

At the same time you can wear 2 helmets: Falmer and any wrap. That is, in total we will have 5 items to increase the skills of alchemy, not 4th.

saa0891 14.06.20


At the same time you can wear 2 helmets: Falmer and any wrap. That is, in total we will have 5 items to increase the skills of alchemy, not 4th.

It has long been fixed by the patch.

lordofwater 14.06.20

A bug with the potion of restoration is also corrected. In patch 1.9 is not working. At the moment if to take into account additions increased enchantment give:
+10 enchantment - 4 things in the kit Aidala
+10% increased skill of enchantment, the black book Painful Regent when choosing skill of magic
If someone has something else to find - write.