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[666] MaxXx 19.06.20 08:55 pm

Where I went Pucky McCreary? (Grand Theft Auto 4)


Your assumption? Whether it has something to do with the next part?

Final credits TBoGT=en_us>=it_it type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess=always allowfullscreen=true width=640 height=385>
Where the cut of the screenshot above(10.35) and on 13 minutes the aircraft with the inscription LJK flying away into the distance
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CSpeed 19.06.20

on the 3 screen radar from gta 4 (green health and blue armor, and the grey radar - style Quartet)

TommyAssassin 19.06.20

Fake, this is mod of the palm for four, he was raised.

Vingo 19.06.20

that's exactly the Niko character looks like in the pictures,another map,and Nico I saw on his Desk)

Vingo 19.06.20

But a hundred pounds rokstarovtsy just not going to do this scene,especially with the secondary character!

VICtor94 19.06.20

CSpeed well duck, why? the game is still being developed! not everything has changed!

k1slim 19.06.20

These screens are fake,Hello!

Bartaty ED 19.06.20

Undoubtedly fake, 4 with mods.

VICtor94 19.06.20

Ne nu eto ochen, ochen nu, ne, no horoshii feik :)

OOO!!! Ya ponyal kuda otpravilsya Patrik!!!
On sibiralsya ehat v Irlandiy... a potom podumav zabil da nu nuxui etu Irlandiy poedu v Vice City!!! YYYHHHUUU!! :)

k1slim 19.06.20

No transliteration and mate,huh?

VICtor94 19.06.20

Sorry :)

Ken Block [plyashet Hard 19.06.20

left pictures!
I think that Rockstar will change the hood in GTA 5
and on the screenshot he 4

igor from 1992 19.06.20

hell knows there is a mission where you are in the original 4 kill or Derak or Mcreary

GTAshnik10013 19.06.20

Igor NO 2
Yeah ))))) this finally funny your posts are to read, there is a choice between Francis and Derek Mcreary, they ordered the brothers to each other, but that in no way relates to Pucky..
On a subject: probably in Ireland....

Dead4 19.06.20

most likely at home in Ireland to see the homeland

Sukkubus 19.06.20

First came to mind his native Ireland, but he's somehow in the dialogues mentioned his love for Australia (beach and girls). On the other hand Vice City also can boast that.
I hope the developers of this moment will not miss in the future. Really want to know.

igor from 1992 19.06.20

funny to read your posts, there is a choice between Francis and Derek Mcreary, they are brothers ordered each other
really this mission was I'm on my PS3 all the episodes and all the original has passed but I do not understand what you meant in your comment of the dude or you forgot that they have the surname 1

nik gtasa[Zorb] 19.06.20

Igor NO 2
PF... your comments can only be understood the second time, when you try to put commas. By the way, where are they? Тебенравятсякогдалюдипишутхрензнаеткак?

Bola1695 19.06.20

Likely to Vice city.Just about it in 4 parts I heard a lot from some of the characters.

Velikiy Pisatel 19.06.20

As you may have hesitated.Vice City,Vice City,Vice City,Vice City.San Anderas will point.

Helena No4ka 19.06.20

A Great Writer
Not Anders and Andreas that is Saint Andrew :D