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Super Reptile 29.06.20 10:49 am

Trialsy area Ivan (Unreal Tournament 2004)

Hello guys, I'm your new trainer trial. I was taught by such teachers as EVA and DarkSide. And now I will share the knowledge mastered. My name is Ivan, but you can just call me coach. Currently, I'm training Pokemon.
If you want to learn the trial, but did not know where to start, then this is the chance to start climbing to the top of the Great Unreal Tournament. And if you train hard, it will become as Great Trialsome as Heku, Demon or DarkSide.
In our classes, respect others, no insults and ridicule I will not tolerate. Ask questions only on the merits. Training not to be missed, every day for half an hour or hours necessary to devote to the trial. Before mash: young walldodge 100, 200 jumps, 50 jumps shield, etc.
Upon completion of the course you will receive an electronic certificate with the completion of the trial. This diploma you can attach in your forum signature so that other players see that you have graduated from the course of trial. This will give you the respect and recognition in the eyes of other players.

ATTENTION!!! Advance warning, the entrance to the hall is forbidden for a Barker as carnage (X111). Carnage, you can look out the window of the hall, but the entrance is forbidden you.

And so, our program:
First: basic movement (jumping, of walldodge, saidjan, silajani, etc.)
Second: Easy trial (pass the light card for the trial)
Third, the Average trial (going through a trial of average complexity)
Fourth: Jumping shield (basic shield jumping, jump in height/length, shield walldodge, etc., the passage of light cards by shield jumping, strictly in the first person)
Fifth: the Complicated trial (pass card high complexity)
Sixth: Multicoding (pass card multimodem)
Seventh: the Complicated shield Jumping (through a complex shield jumping, you are allowed to use the third person)
Eighth: the Super Trial (cards that mix DM-shield jumping + multicoding)
Ninth: the secrets of the Trial (that is hidden from mortal eyes, a Great interview DarkSida about super shield combo for 10-11k uu and other secrets of the Great Trialstop)
Tenth: certificate of completion of the course

at the end of the main course go for more classes:
Training catastropically in UnrealED
Learning UnrealScript scripting (will be invited guests, such as the GP and UnShame)

At the moment the course finished early:
Pokemon (located half way, at the moment he finished easy, medium and complicated trial, but has difficulties in shield jumping, it is very difficult for him)

Our classes we will conduct a server-Downer - ut2004://
A distinctive feature of the Downer server from other servers on the trial, is that there is translocator, abbreviated TRANS. On other servers you will not be able to use the TRANS and will pass the map long and hard, unlike in Downer, where you can for the entire map to put some shemales that will naturally ease your passage map. This is no ordinary shemale that you can throw like a stick, no, they are put right on the floor, you can't throw them. So Downer and differs from all servers and so Downer lives and the people playing on it, because there is a shemales. When I talk about some other trial server I'm primarily interested in if there's a TRANS, if not, I categorically refuse to play on this server.

*You should have a keyboard (preferably ergonomic), a good mouse (preferably X7), Mat good (preferably expensive), a pen and a notebook (every approaches we will fix in a notebook, and at the end of the course to summarize our sessions).

**Also I request the admin to post my topic to the theme of not hanging upside-down, and always stood at the top.
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goneja 29.06.20

Called still's disease in the thread. But the carnage warned!))

Hindzya 29.06.20

X111 wrote:
None would be happy for the first major success of the Manager of the Russian UT-komyuniti!
as it is not rejoice, rejoice, and even the chronology'm a PR success:


Super Reptile 29.06.20

So guys, I'm sorry, but you have no idea, yesterday morning, drove my daughter to school and got in an accident... in the hospital right now, just brought out of the coma... mmmm (moaning)... leg still hurts. So the classes carry over to next week (if all goes well...).
Stay tuned.

And yet, I know, there is a question about: that I have with Sarina Valentina?. Can't I once a month can afford to juggle for Sarina? Incidentally, I have a wife and daughter, even the little Canary. Hey you, do you think that I'm obsessed with TRANS people? Enough is enough, stop all this talk. Think first of all about the classroom.

Hindzya 29.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
now in the hospital, just brought out of the coma... mmmm (moaning)... leg still hurts. So the classes carry over to next week (if all goes well...)
Yes, you're teacher of the year. The accident with her daughter, a broken wheelbarrow, coma, broken leg? come on, class, it's all right, we will continue our lessons :))

Coach Ivan wrote:
And yet, I know, there is a question about: that I have with Sarina Valentina?
BGG, you may think there is anyone care about your relationship with photography 30-year-old uncle in a dress, Perv

Coach Ivan wrote:
Incidentally, I have a wife and daughter, even the little Canary

Super Reptile 29.06.20

you're the uncle

Ness_ 29.06.20

Funny, the pervert is not offended. :)

Hindzya 29.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
you're the uncle
according to the bio V. Sawyer - man IRL, which by the way also likes boys
in this connection there is a question, Ivan, what's his unit? ready to please your loved one? :)

Super Reptile 29.06.20

Oh shut up, you're already more annoying than this lorkowski carnage

X111 29.06.20

Where the positive hid, Valentinich? Or did you decide to go through in your cosplay awosika? Just remember to warn us if you decide of photos to upload! Many prefer to keep securinega gomosyatiny thread at a safe distance.

Super Reptile 29.06.20

Sometimes you need to put in place.

And on account of securinega thread, let stay away. Even if there is one person who will follow the path of trial, it will be a success to me.

X111 29.06.20

Unhealthy fanaticism of awosika: check
UT-komyuniti Manager 80 lvl: check
Suteki 299: check
Latent (or not) clay kicker myself: check

The verdict:

Super Reptile 29.06.20

damn :'( I was waiting for a medal, and then some report

It's not fair carne!! As if you were in the battlefield committed mass murder, and in the end would receive instead of a medal a certificate or some kind of report!

Hindzya 29.06.20

Coach Ivan wrote:
And on account of securinega thread, let stay away
Zackary area of Ivan, stay away from him!!

Cold Mind wrote:
I'm interested in complicated childrening with trannies. Coach, send me video tutorial please
Roman is ready to follow the way :)

Super Reptile 29.06.20

Okay, guys, fun and games are over, soon there will be classes, be prepared.

X111 29.06.20

Early cold though bombanut could have fun, and here is one concentrated dullness.

Hindzya 29.06.20

normal kind of humor, from Homosassa revelations to salquero, and it's when you try to get people in the mode in which plays two-and-a-half enthusiast *facepalm*
then you can be happy except for the cold, first of forum newwaver and a real homosexual! no wonder three years, the forum cut, not in vain :)

Cold Mind 29.06.20

This is already XS the number of forum newwaver, but you all scare -_-
And it seems that you have fun.

Hindzya 29.06.20

Cold Mind wrote:
This is already XS the number of forum newwaver, but you all scare -_-
someone really fucked up with their fantasies about the alleged presence kakihto there abilities to PR and made up another batch of timid of the chipmunks
continue to look for the causes of PR failure to something beyond their dull and tolerantly of pripadchev, not seasons (summer is not the season for young people - the main contingent for videoher, yeah, stupid COP-out in life have not read) and so, the old-timers remember that before you got with the activity was the order, and in the period moderstva of carnage forum has always consistently been in the top, visited a lot of people and nuwave never had a problem

well, and did so, on account of the alleged scare the members of the forum, I remind you that in vkашечках your burunduchkov nobody does not scare and as we found out here there for three years, found only one nhowever, ONE NEWWAVER THREE YEARS PR WORK CARL!!1 other normal people have long ago resigned to his misery and long Srul in osvajaci, but no, tolerant is as high continue daily to be on duty, to cut and wipe the evil forum, with undesirable friends, in spite of the dead calm or the absence of influxes of novaview nor on the opinions of others about what such modernization is here useless, he alone knows why
although it's kind of funny, not going to the forum to catch lulz, from the fact that somewhere out there constantly on duty moderat ready instantly, skatities scissors and eraser, throw in a half-dead forum perosnal fit :D

Cold Mind 29.06.20

Think of me as an elderly gardener with scissors. And remember: the garden is not yours. You're here not a single tree planted. Just hiding in the shadows of the old oak from life's problems and joys. The name of this oak – carnage :p

X111 29.06.20

Better to be old than oak navavarsha mold :b