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Kostyan K2stalker 10.07.20 10:49 pm

Impressions of the game (Deadlight)

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Nemezis 10.07.20

Yes, also worked a couple of times.

Freack CROLL 10.07.20

Can't put out the fire, where the tanker to overturn the need for the roof ,I have it and with an axe chopped and shot her and squeezed strongly, what do I have to do????

Nemezis 10.07.20

Just speed up and hit him with the shoulder

Tom X 10.07.20

Went for 5-6 hours. Overall liked the game. The gameplay is fast, fun, puzzles are simple but varied. Visual design is also excellent, especially the backs, as noted above. For the audio portion, no complaints. What are the drawbacks, then it is possible to note the not-too-convenient keyboard control(on some situations) and weak plot(if you compare with the same The Walking Dead). No, he's not bad, but personally I have strong emotions did not cause, and endings. Saw both, and, honestly, neither the first nor the second did not understand - there was some innuendo.

But, anyway, the play is for the other platformers on this topic, and even more so on PC, I don't remember. 7,5/10.

cybr4rm 10.07.20

The game is interesting. To control with the keyboard really hard. The ending, of course, transcripts. Overall, haven't played these games, so was happy.

RedSociopath 10.07.20

The game is great, however, the passage I was looking)))

Alex04444 10.07.20

The game is very impressed, best game in my opinion. I want to collect all diary pages, to clean out all the corpses. Control of the game - that, if the aim was easy, these experiences would not exist. The gameplay is varied, often need to connect brains, the design-gorgeous. My score in the first 2 hours of the game - 10/10.

Jackson[x] 10.07.20

Yes it is, and then cool

4313 10.07.20

twice I tried to go through it, TWICE !, and both times have did not have the nerve, you stupid race with obstacles, sprint-action with elements of parkour that is the real genre of this game, nor the one key thing they can't pass the first time, be sure to die five times this is very annoying, the office is generally full scribe, somewhere sharp as diarrhea and somewhere like the tortoise, zombocom on the laws of physics at dick's waist in the water they move so well as by land, in General, and the onanism of the nervous system. may rating -5\10.

Sir.Rumata 10.07.20

Four thousand three hundred thirteen
This feature of the genre. the inability to pass the first time, gives the opportunity to think, and dotopat purpose their between the ear nerve and then the joy that the ordeal is over. But the game is 2 hours pass. You must be a stupid student, you would only be stupid in the Codes to shoot.

simpson747 10.07.20

A game where fighting with management. Toy itself is very pleased with how genre and performance, and it reminds me of Limbaugh. But was forced to throw another thanks to the consoles.

Diman94 10.07.20

The game is not bad, good to kill the extra time.
I had to mark time and to think long)
as is not always possible to see the slope from the wall or any place which can be hooked

two hours you say?) I'm seven and a half passed!) I guess I'm still the sloupok
died can count... )

Infiltrator 10.07.20

Good game, despite the fact that the genre is not're interested, we have. Liked the plot, the zombies and not shooting heaps, and the ability to get away from them.

saa0891 10.07.20

Liked the style,but the game itself is too short,given that it is a common platform and work to create levels there is very little,could these levels at least three times more done,do more puzzles,as well as to add pumping GG.
The ending is strange,why he could not on a boat to sail away.

Who like these games about the Apocalypse,I strongly advise Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition game much more interesting,and the design locations great.

TIGERblacK 10.07.20

The main character of the game is Randall Wayne. Surviving the zombie Apocalypse, Rendel goes to Seattle in search of his family and friends. A sense of hopelessness, the dark atmosphere of the dead city is amazing. This is one of the best platformers in my opinion. Here's a great story, the atmosphere, the style, bright juicy picture with good detail and wonderful music. Everything is beautiful. Interesting gameplay, including the use of weapons, but the undead here more than bullets, so you have to find the best path, avoiding the walkers. To die in the game often enough, but after examining everything, it becomes easy. The game is the optimal duration, during which she did not have time to get bored. There are also many things to collect. Traversed in the same breath. Highly recommend.

Rating: 9/10

P. S. the passage of spent 6-7 hours.

Damned_Soul 10.07.20

The graphics and Sound are on the level. The gameplay is pretty good. The last Level was a little strained with these shootings times with 4 passed) the passage took 3 hours.

Just another User 10.07.20

In General, as everyone already wrote, the game is very good and atmospheric, the gameplay is fast and enjoyable. Recently passed War of the mine and these games are quite similar, although it seems to be quite different.

Lightman_R 10.07.20

Deadlight keeps the screen due to three elements: the right atmosphere of the game, the PARKOUR and level design. After the zombie beaches and zombie-slaying fun has arrived, Deadlight is perceived as a breath of fresh air. Crush the skull of shadows (the local zombies), and hewed his way forward, will not work - will eat immediately. The best method - fast dashes through the streets and parkour. Still the main weapon of the hero is wit and speed.

Disappointing that only the secondary plot. During the passage of forget about the main goal of the hero. Who is he looking for, what he mumbles under his breath - it's boring. Something interesting is happening only at the end, in the final video.

A fresh approach to a hackneyed theme

stranjer8 10.07.20

Spit on the plot and the atmosphere (which in that part of the game that I've seen is quite good). This arcade side-view, and in these games, gameplay is the most important (with very few isklucheniem). And gameplay is not interesting. This banal platforming with jumping and climbing. There are zombies with which to fight. But it's not interesting. The geeks are all fat, and the main character fizzles out after three swings of the axe, where even one zombie is not enough. So get pleasure from killing zombies does not work. This game could save the elements of stealth, but is not present here. In the game there are no Stasovich instant kills (which could save the gameplay) nor stealth (duck in the game but it has no effect).

Well, at least the office Claudia is normal, although the game pokes a gamepad in the face.

In the overall game exclusively for the fan of zombies.