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MrWorld 21.10.19 10:13 am

Impressions of the game (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

I know it's been a long time but I would like to know what you like the most in Skyrim.And in a certain respect can write about the comparison фолыча4 and Skyrim,all the same game from the same Studio,do you think folic better or worse.It part 4
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Norman Bates 21.10.19

The new location will be the second addon. Toussaint. And Yes, the Witcher is not about research, it's about the story. And the story in the Stone hearts gorgeous. And the bosses in the Stone hearts are way better than the original game.

saa0891 21.10.19

Norman Bates

The new location will be the second addon. Toussaint.

Then we'll talk.

The Witcher is not about research, it's about the story

I like how some folks manage to turn disadvantages into advantages,it is primarily a game,an RPG with otkrytym world and therefore interesting locations is as much an integral part.
I just killed a quest where Shani helps us to get to hunters for witches,and in the end there all confined to one house,but the map is not too shabby for such district,plus not even given the opportunity for example the peaceful penetration by using the same Shani,well, that would at least like to diversify the gameplay (even in the second Witcher it did),and so throughout.

LongVampire 21.10.19

Morrissey are all tied to the strip of fatigue, roughly speaking you're going to miss often if you have it not full:D

MrWorld 21.10.19

there are new enemies tipo spiders and boars))has expanded to locations in the North,and the campaign mode is excellent.compared to the games of the gazebo they have great performances and directing
Not habitually)made certainly interesting but as it is inconvenient especially for the modern player

saa0891 21.10.19


there are new enemies tipo spiders and boars)),.

Two and a half new monster is of course great.

expanded locations in the North

It's still the same forest,mountains and villages not something new,and that could surprise.
Just imagine that we are on the ship we get a completely different,for example the Eastern location,with a different architecture, monsters, style,clothing.isn't that cool.

and realized great

Am I to argue.

Norman Bates 21.10.19

Open world in the Witcher is not necessary in principle. And besides, this is the first experience CDPR, and the world was good.
Yes, Oxenfurt Academy I was also disappointed. When he said that in addition it will open, I expect that we will be able to wander around the campus, go to the Department to Shani. But I don't think it's that big of a minus. I captured the story itself, and the rest I just wasn't paying attention.
Yes, in Skyrim the world more interesting. But if the Sky is still and the world was as dull as the plot, then it would simply be pelted with tomatoes. Research is the only thing that can capture Skyrim, so it's not about the plot or characters. In the Witcher the same focus on plot and characters, open world in it is secondary.

saa0891 21.10.19

Norman Bates

Open world in the Witcher is not necessary in principle.

All clear,what else can you say.

Yes, Oxenfurt Academy I was also disappointed. When he said that in addition it will open, I expect that we will be able to wander around the campus, go to the Department to Shani.

About this speech.

Research is the only thing that can capture Skyrim

Here you are very much mistaken,unlike the Witcher, TES allows to pass the game completely different classes and ways,the gameplay is totally different.

Serafim_94 21.10.19

Well, once I decided to carry a giant supply of alchemical ingredients from Whiterun to Riften. Be sure to overload on 1000 points no fast travel, no transporters not working, I bought a horse and went to her.

First bandits attacked me in the usual place at the dam. Fortunately, the character was an Archer, and somehow I managed to fight back. The horse was wounded.

The second was attacked by robbers in the Eastern part Aftenskole forest, and then my poor nag was dead. Shoot all, I found that to Riften to go is still very, very much. Especially step. And then it hit me. Werewolves have no inventory ,and therefore there will be no overload.

So I morphed into a werewolf and a quick trot ran to Riften. About 20 meters from the gate I run into a patrol of guards reftinskoe. Trying to escape them on the way, even 10 metres I run into an Imperial patrol. And then the timer ends and I turn back into a human. With overload.

Fortunately, both of the patrol begin to knead each other. I can oculist away, and then sneak to the gate and quietly to bribe the guard alone. Only 1000 gold and no one saw anything.

Here is Skyrim. Fall and some were not.

Norman Bates 21.10.19

But the meaning of this? In Skyrim nothing will change, whether you're a Khajiit-mage, or an Orc thief. World it does not react. And it kills the whole wagering. In the Witcher though one role, but at least you believe that playing the Witcher, and Geralt can behave differently, in terms of dialogues.

saa0891 21.10.19

Norman Bates

Well, if you don't see the sense in different gameplay,the way of passage of a particular game for a particular class,I don't even know what to say.
And roleplaying just is bad that you again do not understand,you can play war witch,a vampire,a killer, a werewolf,necromancer, etc.

MrWorld 21.10.19

I agree I hope the next TES will be no worse and even better and much

Norman Bates 21.10.19

All roleplaying in Skyrim in my head. Yes, you can create a character, give him a history and character. But this is where it ends. The world of Skyrim do not care what your character race is, what his character, and even what his class. And the change of gameplay, depending on the class it is extremely mild wagering if it can be called a wagering.

saa0891 21.10.19

Norman Bates

All roleplaying in Skyrim in my head

Rather in your head that something was wrong.

weak wagering

Thank you laugh.

Norman Bates 21.10.19

And what's so funny? In the same, hated by many, the Inquisition, class is changing not only the gameplay, but the world reacts to class and race, GG.

MrWorld 21.10.19

Norman Bates
in Skyrim, too, respond to you.not everyone likes mages or black elves

1LoL1 21.10.19

In Skyrim I zadrotil before,I love,and I zadrot!

MunchkiN 616 21.10.19

the first thing I saw in skirama this obscenity grafona
ride 40 seconds in the wagon I was pobezhal remove Grifoni higher maxes
miserable shadow. not all shadows. textures that brought my farts into orbit.
I vowed not to buy this game until the gazebo will not release some sort of graphic abdat.
and ische there was poor optimization dual core but I would not particularly saw
already the afterwards Skyrim I started to fall to 20 fps and the maximum limit grafonola shade was not available to me because of 10 fps but then I without thinking hit him with the newest coolest graphics card and satisfied gain 30фпс with ENB. ATO ENB in Minya was 1-5 fps ones I managed to slow it down to 15-20 times probably. 6 times heavier than krayzisa varkhayt, pawson. this had to be load for year 11 to slaev 580 and 6990х Radionov.
and compared to the fin I big difference is not noticed. I was uzbekon inability to select a character at the beginning of the current thief, mage and warrior VF? dawakin a wooden oak character without a voice. own voice pack for HS, I would like more oble and stupid faces talk and gg is not.
not bad that the dialogues become more alive. oble the world was put on pause all the time talking.
infuriated management and the inability to customize it. saved a mouse with programmable buttons like on cellphones. neudobno the use of spells. manna nor recovered cannot be cast with 2ручным weapons. all this console shit I was vnesebya. but there was a sneeze and a cry of cult toumbou when in short the blows of Pocono. each kolniak was on the avatar dawakin and it is there the couple fuzz-ro-Yes.
the world was beautiful and tough design. it completely saved the game, finally the shadows from the houses. but Grapow was nepotrebno little. although I like the night crawling through the swamp admired North atmosfernoi rainbow listened to where the girl was the root of nitro and other atmosfernye sounds. Mouzon. like peredomnoy opened the gates of sumrada, pawson. I czasami wandered and contemplated the Northern tundra soap. had a fight with a walrus, dived in polyny.
pumping loot all the stupid people was sealed. plus I stuck a Ford and it took the bandits again and all my loot is gone.
actually great story Nitsche can not say. I had a very strange praise of the game. for Guild quests for the mage in particular was highly flawed. the story itself can be compared for example with Gothic 4 which has been delaying the least bricks with the only difference that the side quests had more research triplea and openfold. all this was very strange but I understood what the main thing is the graphics and atmosphere.

to the output of fallout 4 I am a strong impoverished. can say I played on that hardware, which tried to overturn diacheck Skyrim. so edit the config and add graphnow happened in Minya at a minimum. in other matters, the same thing happened with F3 and NV because it's zabagovannoe shit normal mods and the engine from falling apart. also oble but in vremena obly 1 gig cards were like 12-16 gigs conductive and 32 bit depth and operate... well voschem clear.
but however grew to manhood. more or less normal. shadows do not need much to cheat. however, their level is a little outrageous. beautiful fog in pomeshenie. current here there is no modern embossed graft and model again enough sizeoriginal. soap teksturki but most of my none more max not to eat. the main thing that in a small resolution pitch eye especially not for anything zatsepilo. except for flat water. graft however, that kruzis bombono was very far from being enough. not all modern Grifoni experimental is.
the rest are all about the same. the only thing is the atmosphere. the atmosphere in fullauto pretty specific and controversial. but if you don't think and eat it might be okay. stylistically, I think it was closer to the original but retained recognizable from the last part. but I like that pasrat ' when I played in the first bioshok I thought that I should look fullout 3 here are the current under the water like a bunker. fun transferred by through traffic, the atmosphere in F3-4 such of America the days of missiles in Cuba.
own I realized that I'm playing Skyrim with guns in a different universe, no, elves. and curve construction poselenii. uncomfortable pointless and unfinished.
I liked that every one the debris finally found a apply. the hero the hero says and tweetsa in emotional wagering. but it turns out badly. a couple of times I suffered that in the dialogue I was receiving what I wanted. then the monotony of spawn locks passwords and vases of vgonyaet peck despair. attachment just to level on some point on the 30th level and starting povtoriatsa job depressing. and like all normal.
was surprised that applying the same kolokolovo game adelana on the patterns and developmental Skyrme favorite of all the craft, home and Stripping suddenly caused such a shitstorm of discontent in Peja. visible sistemki high was. not, start here. but instead everywhere the Witcher 3 and Valimaki nabirayut.

Key Ovald 21.10.19

Sooooo beautiful. Especially if you catch plugins and SweetFX.
Waterfalls, butterflies, you just want to walk and look around. Birch is just wonderful!
With the rest of a lot worse both in terms of quests and the rest.
The cave is more original than Oble, most have at least tiddly, but the quest that allows you to not just to examine it. To explore address, not pacing back and forth, not knowing where to go. Scored the city's quests and go yourself.
At the same quests, though it became much more, but as they lost Nemer. In the same Oble quests were few, but they were really interesting, and not just go there, fetch/kill something.
In General, the game is still good, but requires (and previous) pump plug-ins. :)

borismoiseevrmx 21.10.19

The game is good, but... was Disappointed with the simplification of everything. Role-it is clear - the game tried to make more accessible to the masses. To speak now can not, with all (Oble for the first time speaking with every NPC except guards, was a unique dialogue). What else I noticed - in the game the same face (in the sense of the Nords one type of person, the Bretons another one) the only difference is the presence of a beard/tattoos or lack thereof. As a result, after ~100 hours of play I remember only Bellora, Telfair and Ancona. About the caves - it's good that they are not copy paste, but why make a corridor with a length of 12 meters, in which 2 the Troll and the chest of gold 63? These location do not add cost. The tasks themselves as it is not remembered (in this respect, Oblivion is much better)

Albert Yasnov 21.10.19

impressions super a lot of blood a lot of murders but one drawback or even 2 the first washed-up famous always play as the brotherhood of Keeler and the famous I don't need to be in the shade and the blades is in my opinion unnecessary greybeards [delete] all except for telling swords stuck his nose in their business why can not destroy the blades and the thieves Guild why the character does not stay in the shadows and not cut half of Skyrim Chiharu?