Average FPS (DiRT 3)
This theme was created just like that! people do tests on the number of FPS and write the average number of FPS and preferably what a vidyuhi! I personally have a Ati radeon Hd 5650 1gb expansion to 2260 MB to 2 gb I average 35 FPSAt 4 I have 40-60 fps , but when 16хСЅАА already 27-34 fps , there is no difference , so I choose 4
Ghost Of The [Modern Warfare 2]
by the way when I put the antialiasing, the performance drops tremendously, and the picture gets worse) for different tests of graphics cards it is generally not put. I wonder what it is all there. Although there is a maximum of 4
cha jpg does not plow because of the fact that you have not full version of Fraps
Predelay in JPEG format
Click on your screen right knopki mouse => Edit => open Paint => Click Save as => Select the JPEG format => will Keep you where you need it )))
Here in these races(on screen) FPS is below 45 did not fall, average 50, max 60. But at the races in Monaco 30-35(. Settings all on ultra except shadows(where the screen becomes green) everything else high