Help with passing (Final Fantasy 8)
Tell me where to go after I killed two lizards (where get quezacotl). If you need to get down how to do it (I have it stubbornly unwilling I).guys, please obyasnyat like stupid de house edéa? swim swim at the southern part of the map and how I can not find (( from Trabia to swim? please help ((
another alternative to the island is called Paradise island.
And where is this island Paradise? And what charms are on this island?
There you can find a lot of good things( the monsters drop.If I am not mistaken and the thing that gives guards the ability SPIRIT + 60% to learn it is still necessary for the upgrade to the latest weapons from all the heroes.)
There can be a good idea to pump(only antidotes lot to carry necessary)
And where is this island Paradise? And what charms are on this island?
The same as the island of Hell. Where I do not remember.
So I found this thing, because the weapons Squall to the maximum is not pumped.
Well, she's all the characters needed. It's available on 2-disk, to steal the combat vehicle when the characters hit the road from the base.
So go to the Islands of Heaven and Hell and win this thing(by the way it in Chocobo world you can get)
Totally forgot that:
The island Closest to Hell is located South-West of Galbadians of the Continent (one of four circuits that surround the South-zapady transition). There you can find exclusive types of Magic: meteor, Holy, Ultima, Aura, Flare, Full life, and a Triple.
The island Closest to Heaven is located to the North-East of Astara among Archipelagos. There are the following types of Magic: Tornado, Quake, Ultima, Triple, and Holiness.
By the way the location points of Magic very quickly replenished.
About the island of Hell, I knew all right. But for the location of the island Paradise of respect to you!
People who know where watch the house of Aeris,
to get infinite money? Final Fantasy 7
Do you need it?
I took a few times passed, and I had no problems with Gilani. Is that only in the beginning of the game
Plastaken UTB too, my favorite was the... remember a long time ago on the 1st (!) plastaken played it... SchA on the computer often overplayed.
People I lost Windows with the save game ff8 on ePSXe 1.6 emulyator when I was in Estar! That's the 3 disc! If anyone can give me a save game around this place! Help pliz! I would be very grateful! - plz read..
Plz help who than can)