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StalkerVirys 24.07.20 12:25 am

regret buying?

I bought the Curling iron is the fourth year and a half ago. played in 6 games during this time. SIX. nothing can buy it? I wonder often if there are questions consolers?
prior to that, was a native of Baker and in addition tetrica other consoles had
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Maxell23 24.07.20

why would you want to work you can ask vidyuhi

Twig 24.07.20

For six years, moved on to the console and not too. About games, I have never had the desire to play all in a row or some high demands to the graphics, so I was happy with everything. Well, in different indie sometimes play on PC, but many eventually come out on consoles.
By the way, now, probably, everywhere there are shops with the possibility of exchange of discs, no problem to change a past or a boring game. I do not use, but say it usability.

Thorgal 24.07.20

Took the time PS3 for the exclusives. As a result, during the three years he played in 8 games. 4 games waiting on the shelf. Two weeks ago bought a PS4 with a few exclusives. No one as yet is not the DIN. Just connect the box to the TV next to it and threw the game on the shelf. 95% of the games go through on the PC. Do you regret about buying consoles? No. Why do you regret it? Because exclusives. Sometimes you want to play them.

Velcius 24.07.20

Not on your Nelly. Have always been console gamers, played on PC only 2 game. This device for gaming, that is if I regret about buying the device to play when I want to play? WHAT?

RussPAIr 24.07.20

The author, I bought a Curling iron about 8 months ago, I signal in ~ 36 games.
The question is how? 1. A freebie from the subscription. Not always the normal game, but even so, there are great (enough network to look handed out over the past six months).
2. Buying new games is expensive, bought BU sites. Saving big. Or for discounts of 50 percent. Ancharted 4 1700 R, tolerant to exclusive.
3. Given the second paragraph. After playing sold or changed.

Conclusion: no regrets. Important to have the right approach. Plus, if the batter for days, then naturally not enough money for the purchase of new products etc.. But for periodic sunset completely, and passing thorough takes time.

Soomochka 24.07.20

Bought, do not play almost, but not regret anything. I bought and bought.

N7_TeRaN 24.07.20

Bought mostly because of the exclusives, one Last of Us beats all the money spent on Curling, and playing with the sofa, but still in a multi-platform play on PC, including not zheleyu about buying