TOP 5 best weapons (Dying Light)
Lay here in your opinion the best knives, swords, axes, etc.(REQUIRED WITH A SCREENSHOT OR A VIDEO WHICH SHOWS THE LOCATION)
Here is my welcome :)
though macheta and is 4th on the damage but because of the velocity it can be easily put on the 1st place
Yuri Janaev
Survival mode at the maximum levels and what your level hunter more chances to get gold (even in defeat)
Count up and I'm on PC and is also without cheats, level legends 6 , pumping firearms +150% Damage. So you mean the cheats stupid sporano
You have weak arms, I have great katana store-bought and reinforced kings, plus drawing All in one does 5082 damage.
I think the best melee weapon is a katana and a machete machete cuts faster and katana melee but a bit more radius and far from logical that a rifle and a shotgun
Believe my experience playing Dying Light for 2 years.The most powerful weapon in my opinion is a Fatal fire axe with the change to Hammer of the gods damage is 1400 and if you beat him in a circular shot makes almost everything with a single blow can still be Nominal self-loading rifle damage 3060 and the cartridges can be taken from sellers they had cost around 200-230 $.But Hammer of the gods speed is lame but self-charging is very good.Felix Isayev if you want you can send me a friend request the incentive seriosgun1 and will help you with that
AMaZZzInG DeTaNidd
I bought this crap for 28k bachey, it with first blow no one makes, no