reading from the hard drive
And so, Hello. Have not left my mind one thought. There is in the case of the hard disk size to 500 GB. 400 GB occupied by trash. Going to allocate a new partition of size 100 GB. Will give it a significant difference in reading speed data( mean will I have less freezes in games?)22 Comments
Winchester no multitasking. It runs fine with only one stream of data. If you're during the copy process, or other similar operations will apply to it will get wild for the delay. This is regardless of how much you have sections. If you want to change the situation, then put the screw as the vault and the screw(or SSD) to the system. I have 3 TB of this storage and SSD for game and system. Only then there will be contradiction.
Generally screw with the installation is divided into 2 sections. That death system is not deleted data on the partition with the vault only for this. And while any speed work there.