What is your preferred language?
Actually, a subject. What language is the most beautiful? For example, I like Latin.Gee, thought it was really possible would someone discuss what the language is like and then gathered the wool, which is minus everything except Russian.
Sobsno on something - I love English, because since childhood he was taught and is now working on it. In this regard, as Dakota above began to dislike the British. Especially received pronunciation. When you hear us chewed as much as the soul is warm. Well, the Germans in English is very clearly saying.
My favorite language - that which I think.) And skills of French sounds funny. Not like English, though taught in school and constantly encounter with him, he is clumsy and poor.
as it is banal sounds, but a Russian. As this is the spoken and literary language. And what poetry in Russian! You can translate English verse into Russian and all its essence will be transferred. But Pushkin into English translating Fig, does not cover the breadth of the Russian word.
And as a singing language is more like English, sometimes French, German, Spanish. Also simpatiziruet Japanese. Latite still quite beautiful.