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Maddos 26.07.20 05:08 am

A question on the game \"Network\" (Uplink)

I'm going through the tasks of the lower levels, I reach the level of the task which are connected with the definition of the Bank account (approximately 4 the complexity of the network) (there is only a level 1 proxy and 1 monitor level), all done, but after a while I still catch (days 2-5). I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Or catch, where you have to change the status of a person. I change everything, I don't keep track, but prohodit a couple of days and catch me. What's the matter? How to avoid it?
And one more question, I downloaded the program itself analysis of Swazi for 20K and it bypass proxy LVL 5, bypass-monitors LVL 5 and bypass firewalls is also LVL 5. How to work with them. When zapuskaniya any of these programs popping up a box with 4 buttons (pause, close the red circle and even some sort). Tried to bypass the proxy in the same SOC. database, nothing works, I don't even know how to use it, you have to use the normal hacking proxy, and then I still catch.
Please explain these points. I have 5 or 6 acount in the game doing all the same, catch.
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OlroK 26.07.20

Salute. Two question people prokurennom. I'm on the English version a couple of points not understood

First, tasks such Carry all files on the computer. Simply delete the files of course, though not out. To climb through the console. Doing maneuvers, type cd usr -> delete -> cd sys -> delete, actually cleaned every directory. rec pub and not stripped, writes that it is impossible from the console to do so. After deleting the sys file and the system rebooted shutdown, there has been a mistake and temporarily closed. But when you write that the job is done they still say they haven't heard about it. SO HERE'S THE QUESTION. What I missed in the console or what I'm doing wrong..

Secondly. Yes Yes, LAN. Of course to start otapi her. Then how would you go on a straight path. Where it is possible the locks off, and where just a dead end. In short how to understand these yellow dotted points around computers or locks. And how to use spoof'om

Informational 26.07.20

Zdrastvuite doroghie druzia, ia novenkii v etoi sfere tak shto ne proshu suditi strogo v sfere kakoita shariu horosho, a v drughih net. U menia takoi vopros, ia podkliu4ion k netu , i unas lokalinoia setka v dome, v setke gdeto 20 kompov , kogda ia ha4iu zaiti v kakoito komp, mne sprashivaiut paroli, kato vzlamati mojno ili etot paroli brutiti?? viru4iaite pojailusta vedi v Informatike esti vihod s liuboi situatii a vi masteri. Zaranee Blogodaren!!!

Antonius2320 26.07.20

Hello world!) I'm one of the fans of the game NETWORK. And I want to help other players, although very few people play it... I'm probably new for you, I will not reveal, but I will broli Caralisa Darwin i.e. systematizing all the questions and answers. Hope this helps.
For a start, suggest pokupat: трассир2 and always with him, hacking password, stir логов1, but as soon as possible buy 4! and re-clean where you've been.
1)I'm going through the job of the lower levels, I reach the level of the task which are connected with the definition of the Bank account (approximately 4 the complexity of the network) (there is only a level 1 proxy and 1 monitor level), all done, but after a while I still catch (days 2-5). I don't know what I'm doing wrong?
There is such a thing as the passive trace - passive surveillance in our opinion. The gist of it is that the admin system that you just hacked, is looking for you on the logs that you leave on each machine, through which your connection. Accordingly, these logs need to wipe, and the easiest way to do this is to put the first point in connection with InterNIC(InterNIC) , this system provides no protection, there's only one screen with password once hack, in the future, the password cannot be changed and no one can not think of tracking you down. Accordingly, after each break-crammed here and without interference wreck everything related to you logs - all the logs to remove completely optional, but I removed.
2)I downloaded the program itself analysis of Swazi for 20K and it bypass proxy LVL 5, bypass-monitors LVL 5 and bypass firewalls is also LVL 5. How to work with them?
The bypass of security systems is as follows: second run of a program bypass in the menu, and poke the icon of the appropriate system safety analysis. And a box with 4 buttons hung on the badge - ready!
3)a job where you have to end a man's life, and methods to do this, you can choose yourself.?
To deal with this problem. If anyone russifitsirovat version, you must job to arrest people in criminal database to write 2 articles(any), for example, theft and Scam and the article 3 necessarily with the word password and in English. Eg. Broke Parole. Only then will you be able to use the button for arrest.
4)I can't go one mission where you have to hack the LAN, inside is a radio transmitter at the main computer. I know the purity of the transmission through the terminal. But when I enter this clean, nothing happens?
Enter the desired frequency -> press connect (or something like that - what there the button is) -> click on view LAN (if I understand correctly, so in rusifikacija called local area) and you're on the other side on the radio.
5)I Have a question: where have the Bank hack and a certain amount of money to transfer.. or account track. Well all the crack, I translate.. But caught fast enough, although all the logs trimmed at the Bank, and the public proxies that were hacked. What I can not understand. Maybe, who knows?
Okay, go to break open the Bank, poking and manage existing account (account), bypass the monitor and proxy, break the password, enter, bring $$$, ERASE the LOG ON the TRANSFER, FLY - all you need to do very quickly, on the receiving Bank, similar to break in through the monitor and proxy, we carry the log, exit, fly to the proxy public, erase the logs. Must ride.
There is another option 100% , But requires a lot of work! In short, buy a gateway безопасностью1, I samounichtozhitsya, after the transfer of money, fulfill a mission( don't like, better to your account flip), clean the log of the transfer and BLOW(from) your gateway and money in your pocket. I so with one Bank could get from 500000 to 2000000 REAL! and was the title of GURU!
6) do Not catch up how to hack voice indentificator in the Bank?
Looking for a Public server of this name as in Bank, junction, take the bodies of ADMINISTRATOR(+), and call him on voice stress Analyzer and include in the Bank when you check the voice.
7)And I have a question.
about the job obvinetiot is when you have in the Bank to leave any tracks, logs to replace..
mind narrow.. what am I doing wrong =) this way and that. even tried to put the penultimate (before the sacrifice ) ip brow, which substitute necessary?
Connecting 3-4 points (where the first InterNIC) -> start to break the password (monitor unit not included!)-> wait until the map-tracer red line will reach InterNICHE (this is optional.. although I) -> quick disconnect and run inside of interneka change logs.. replace and IP of the victim and wait for news.
That's only 70% neproxodim, it is necessary after each good luck frantically back up the saves.
Another bug is noticed.. sometimes you have to put the hacker, who is already sitting (or dead) - in this case also a bummer.
8)People, plz tell me there job is to destroy the system. How to do it?
After hacking the system(which must be destroyed) you go into the CONSOLE and deactivate the Proxy and Firewall. Then introduce ,as I have written, the words: cd usr -> delete. cd log -> delete. cd sys -> delete -> shutdown and you will dolium yourself to disconnect from your server. Then go to news and back it up time and then the report run task.
9)How to give a man HIGHER EDUCATION?
Where the word class put 1. Example: meanie Class1.
10)a Glitch with the ranges solved...in a hurry to put
All the matter in the clumsy translation.It is necessary to do so:
1,Open the folder with the game directory diction.
2,There open the file diction.rus Notepad.
3,Through the search to find the lines
Waiting for retry echo
Waiting for the repeat of the reverb.
Waiting for the repeat echo...
Waiting for the repeat echo...
they are consecutive in the column.
4,it's All about the third line..there is an extra point,now we need to erase the file and save.
Now everything will be okay.One point so many nerves spent half the night comparing English with Russian file.

IS_Argentum 26.07.20

Hello please help I was caught I did not understand what how to backup saves???

Antonius2320 26.07.20

IS_Argentum. I told you in the PM wrote.

IS_Argentum 26.07.20


LYZZOR 26.07.20

who passed the whole game?

Zheka zmey 26.07.20

All the people who live here?! :)

Antonius2320 26.07.20

is. Ask what you need, I will answer later

Zheka zmey 26.07.20

:) rules... Hey! listen,play Rus. version to LAN IR... what is there to do next? pass on three wireless transmitters,but one terminal OTS offline...

Antonius2320 26.07.20

nothing. This flaw in the Russian version. The game in General with the cracks ((( puslapiai Banks, accumulate 1000000!

Antonius2320 26.07.20

if you have other questions, see above, where Antonius(I) wrote a lot!

Zheka zmey 26.07.20

so there and so samho start broke the Bank,bought a good piece of metal,and went julianti... and the patches have any? nete th is not all in English version.....not hunting to put it...on the work of the English-speaking literature enough! :) I have read,thank you! :)

nickrt 26.07.20

The people,help! Looked everywhere, never able to find a solution. Here's the thing: doing a storyline for aranmor, the fourth kind of mission where you need to get into the LAN of IR, and copy the files, then sync them to the file server aranmor. Hacked LAN, the files are copied, transferred, poured, sending a reply that,well,all ready, comes a letter that no files on our server. And the mission is not delivered. Tried to spin the time nifiga,in the end, the revelation starts,and the end of the game. First started, all the same in the end. Help, please!

Antonius2320 26.07.20

nickrt - I never went all the ridiculous over Aranmor... One can assume that this is another glitch with the unfinished game! That many such cracks, it is not surprising that it is impossible to accomplish the mission. Here's my advice: Just for fun Hatay, just put in the jails, destroy, etc )))

OneZero 26.07.20

Good day! Been playing this goulue, then somehow scored, and then again recently decided to recall the old) Founded seifer your old and decided doprejte, but came across a problem. Mission Destroy the system" , but cannot but then when to the main computer. Highlights of triloka and says protected how to disable them, you also have no idea.. who can Help!) Thanks in advance! The screenshot attached)

sergeysa4ok 26.07.20

I had the same problem. It is in the translation.
I compared the two files - diction.eng and diction.rus. In the rows, which, as it seemed to me, is not just for text alerts the player, but to be read by the machine and containing the word revelation or revelation replaced string of Russian text line English. Rebooted the game. Quest I took.

To my surprise, with the complete replacement of the contents of the file diction.rus text from the English file, the game does not become completely English, text messages in Russian, that is, the game is Russified not only with this one file (and it works so not long, the error issue). Because before editing diction.rus should make him a backup, and after completing this quest to return to the previous state.

Here is my file with fixes for Wi-Fi transition and the quest with ARC-REVELATION *.dat

sergeysa4ok 26.07.20

these Loki to reveal the individual components with images of the castle on the monitors.
in General, I guess I can crack them with the right program.

sergeysa4ok 26.07.20

The mission of the confrontation of honour(faith), and revelation (revelation).

Algorithm: to drive issued dressirovschikami ip in ip Converter => get the name of the site (if this glucometer, => write the voice of the admin from the public server => looking for a car on him internal services), => connects still creating a large chain(it is created in advance from banks, terminals, training machines and keep), => disable all firewalls, proxies, monitors => break the password/decode matrix code/reproduce the voice of the admin, => copy the honor in the computer memory (you may need to delete files to free cells under the honor), => go to console => cd usr => run Honor => if it doesn't, the new...

Interested in this: after this quest line the game ends?
I have several in game months after playing it, and nothing new. The end of the game no? Or what I'm doing wrong?

Kirill Reshetov 19.11.20

that is, if writes failure and revelation still works, then you need to try on the same site to run it again? or go to others and there already try? and how many good things do you need?