The problem with DirectX (Battlefield 1)
Faced with the problem. Googled-was gull the answer was never found. Thanks in advance for your help. ''directx function getdeviceremovedreason failed with dxgi_error_device_hung''The driver was updated,DirectX as well.
Helped me. Try to Dodge to zero, and gradually increase for one option.
so same error, only in multiplayer,what do not know, I hope to help.
Pic is my PC.
Sleepy Bot
the guys had the same problem was solved by disabling geforce experience before the game !!!
-100 mhz try helps me and rarely are flights,4 hours in the game - the game.
Yes, I have already figured out.
UPD: still crashes, but yesterday the 3 rollers in a row played by the rules.
So the patch came out. But he never solved the problem of flight with the error DirectX
New patch, new drivers, and the game just crashes with the error. Whether it's any other game, would be required to return the money. But the cartoon BF Keranen even time pieces
Today after updating all hell, frieze/prosidaet fps. Already the hair on the head ditch.