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TopSide 28.07.20 11:06 pm

Where to buy GTA: VCS? (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories)

So, the game is officially released, and that means that soon it will be in stores, so...if anybody sees, immediately write a review!
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AlSar 28.07.20

Well, if we decided to clarify the situation, the VCS came out in DVD-box on PS2 and UMD box for PSP.
Games from PSP never released in DVD-boxes, boxes of a smaller size just for the UMD disks.

GTAman 28.07.20

Interestingly, and in DVD-boxes generally put the smaller disk diameter than a CD and a DVD? I never thought about it.

- Rick Sk1mmer - 28.07.20

Al above has written is true, under the disks in the umd format is umd cases. Only now all the cooler games on a regular DVD not wet, therefore, a new fashion there is only one license key to put.

GTAman 28.07.20

. -- Rick -- Sk1mmer .
Al above has written is true, under the disks in the umd format is umd cases.
I realized that UMD in a DVD the pits are not, but this is not the only drives of small diameter, there is still a Mini-CD and Mini-DVD, that's about them is also interesting.

therefore, a new fashion there is only one license key to put
Stupid. Out, GTA 5 did on seven discs, fine. Could two-way use.

- Rick Sk1mmer - 28.07.20

Mini-CD and Mini-DVD, that's about them is also interesting
Replicating compact discs Manufacturers most likely also will stick to the General concept, and invent with shoving a particular drive in the wrong for this purpose, the boks are unlikely to venture. However, all sorts of miniSD and the like usually do not put in appropriate packaging and in a normal paper envelope (for example manufacturers any printers/scanners that along with the very device to put some of miniSD driver). Of course, Pro-teli (THE edition movies, music) this option can not afford, and will push each disk in its corresponding packing, I mean the blur in the blur box, not anywhere else. I think, speaking about miniSD in the case of the games will experience the same situation.

Out, GTA 5 did on seven discs, fine.
Uh, okay - fans and collectors. The version with 7 discs is you have to admit that savagery. Especially over the past few years, the access to the network significantly easier for a wide range of users, and many much easier to download a digital copy of the game than to change disks in the drive. By the way, new computers are often delivered without DVD drives at all. However, the fact of a single key in a huge DVD box really looks, at least, ridiculous. After all, with the same success that the small print on any miniature card can be placed in any small blister, which, however, is no less crazy when there are a variety of digital services. So, IMHO, if you continue to produce games in dvdbox, at least on Blu-rays (which at the same time is not at all, so this is no longer an option), or crocked option flexplate, but then the manufacturing costs greatly increase, but the manufacturer is unprofitable, that is, this option is also not considered.

GTAman 28.07.20

. -- Rick -- Sk1mmer .
invent with shoving a particular drive in the wrong for this purpose, the boks are unlikely to venture
Practical sense this is no, we are only on the marketing component. DVD-box a little "lukava" just.

However, all sorts of miniSD and the like usually do not put in appropriate packaging and in a normal paper envelope
Yeah, personally I'm not experienced with Mini-CD in the "normal" packages. Generally speaking, for media content the media somehow did not stick. For example, they would be wise to release a music singles with a small number of tracks, but they are still released on CD.

Uh, okay - fans and collectors. The version with 7 discs is you have to admit that savagery.
Now buy content on any medium — a lot of first fans, and they should stronger be happy that they will get more material artifacts. Of course, this does not mean that you have to stretch the product to the largest possible number of carriers should be the balance between their number, the popularity of the format and price. DVD the best.

- Rick Sk1mmer - 28.07.20

destiny first and foremost fans, and they should stronger be happy that they will get more material artifacts
Especially if someone one of the disks after the purchase will be unreadable, then it tangible artifacts will do more, and in the truest sense of the word, as much as 7штук. (for the rest of the install will not work=>have to pull the net again).

DVD the best.
DVD the perfect media for the boxed editions of games, no one denies. But 2-4 is optimal, but 7 is clearly too much.

AlSar 28.07.20

Interestingly, and in DVD-boxes generally put the smaller disk diameter than a CD and a DVD?
The idea is not. Smaller disc can be Packed in a smaller box, respectively,
it will be less material-intensive and cheaper. Mini CD and DVD are packaged in the best
case, Slim Jewel, and is usually the same - in a paper envelope, as their main content driver.
Out, GTA 5 did on seven discs, fine. Could two-way use.
Bilateral not cover to print, of licensed products at them does not happen.

. -- Rick -- Sk1mmer .
new fashion there is only one license key to put
the fact of a single key in a huge DVD box
Already have heard about such stories, they say a man bought a DVD-box, and there is a piece of cardboard with the key.
But never personally experienced or seen. I think this is a delusion or a story, nothing more.
If the manufacturer doesn't want to release a CD, it will not spend money on the box, isn't it?
So, the only digital distribution system. And mentioned the story - perhaps a single exception.
The mass nature of such behaviour of publishers in any case is not for today.
The version with 7 discs is, we must admit, wildness
But 2-4 is optimal, but 7 is clearly too much
I agree, the packaging is of normal size includes 4 discs, and that is enough.
Does not fit - use Blu-Ray. One it is not, that physical media is no longer needed.
Those who prefer optics, gain and BD drive, its price now is not a problem.
While it is possible to use the transient schema. In the area of 2003-2005 produced publications
at the same time as in 3-4 CD's and 1 DVD, for example license Doom 3.
But then, of course, optics was urgent at times, now it is enough to release on Blu-Ray.

PS Let us VCS from the topic not to deviate still.

- Rick Sk1mmer - 28.07.20

But never personally experienced or seen.
In 2010 came the addition of Vietnam for Battlefield BadCompany 2, there were two options: jewel (just a key for the dlc), and box with two keys(plus the game itself). At the same time, there was a variant of a regular DVD box, and includes just the game disc. But the disc with the dlc just did not deliver.

ProstoqYParen 28.07.20

wherever eating ieradi,or in an Internet store or torrent.