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vlastilin02 28.07.20 11:30 pm

Discussion of the ending (Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor)

Hi all. As you open-ended? What do you think will be in the sequel(if it is). I did not understand, after the victory over the black hand specter promised he will release the body of the protagonist(and the protagonist himself wanted), but in the end he did not and now is going to forge a new ring(hike will be even several parts).
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LightHOwUSE 28.07.20

The ending is very vague, and the plot in General. And insanely predictable. I have the feeling that the authors are not deprived of how much imagination, how frankly afraid to experiment. It is visible that the characters have not stinted on the high-quality videos are not stingy, even in the little things, like artifacts, visible light from a lamp designer and writer, who sat the night before - was up.

But Rocksteady also started with Batman AA where the plot was, but was slightly Kamenny, and the character was taken and fighting. But Batman AC, that's the story, greatly exceeded the first. So I believe, I hope. Such juicy characters needed more momentum.

SAORGA 28.07.20

Actually quite difficult to invent something already written the universe. Some moments of the game (like immortality YY) and so is quite controversial. Personally, I'm in the game for Laura played, not for the sake of the plot ).

LightHOwUSE 28.07.20

Are you kidding?)) It is difficult to come up with a good Universe, but a good script to ready the Universe is much easier. It's not as easy as to go to the store, but it's easier than coming up with Nations, all sorts of ethnic stuff. Look at Batman. How could the Universe do, indeed, fascinating, very interconnected journey. And here is an obvious hack. The game leaves off Batman-already approved-then rolled the suit and high-quality graphics, even the Persians are very charismatic. But if the overall look - the game is raw. Very raw. I'm not talking about the linearity of the ending.

And when I play now in Arkham City - I understand that not for the sake of the story - often I say to myself when the game is good, and the plot is not something to praise :) And when he's as good as in the City - every time thank developed internally for a jewelry approach to great Universe.

SergeySZV 28.07.20

This ending is deliberately made as if hinting at a sequel, there is some innuendo.

Ilya Rak 28.07.20

the ending with the style of the game very weak, but still playable.