Enigma's mission and stats with HF (Diablo 2)
Hello world!I want to share my experience of mining Enigma, as well as lay out statistics of drop runes with HF.
It all started on April 11, 2020. For 3-4 months he dragged wigs, and the remaining 2-3 months broke the stone in the forge. And today he finally became the happy owner of this object.
I needed 90 accounts with 8 mules each.
Here are the statistics:
1. fal/fal/io/io/pul/ko/lum/gul
2. hel/pul/ko/pul/lum/hel/lem/lum
3. lem/lum/lum/lum/hel/hel/lem/gul
4. hel/um/ko/um/gul/pul/lum/lum
5. lum/lem/pul/fal/ist/pul/pul/pul
6. fal/hel/lum/gul/lem/pul/fal/hel
7. io/io/um/fal/hel/pul/lum/io
8. io/hel/fal/hel/ko/io/mal/mal
9. lem/ko/hel/pul/lem/mal/io/fal
10. lum/hel/um/hel/lem/pul/lum/fal
11. io/lem/pul/io/mal/um/ko/io
12. um/pul/io/lum/lem/lum/lem/pul
13. ko/io/ist/ko/lum/hel/ko/pul
14. ist/lem/mal/ist/gul/lem/ko
15. hel/gul/ist/hel/ko/hel/ko/lem
16. mal/pul/lum/mal/um/lem/lum/lum
17. lum/pul/lem/um/lem/ko/gul/gul
18. ko/gul/lem/io/mal/lum/fal/fal
19. pul/lum/hel/um/lum/ist/ko/lum
20. ko/um/lem/um/mal/lum/pul/io
21. lem/mal/io/hel/hel/fal/pul/lem
22. pul/io/lem/fal/hel/hel/lem/ist
23. ko/lum/hel/ko/ko/gul/hel/hel
24. fal/pul/um/um/lum/mal/ko/gul
25. um/um/mal/pul/gul/io/lem/ist
26. ist/ist/um/ko/lem/ist/ist/lem
27. hel/gul/mal/gul/um/mal/io/ko
28. fal/io/hel/fal/lem/ko/lem/hel
29. um/fal/pul/io/ko/lem/hel/ist
30. ist/pul/hel/um/ko/io/pul/fal
31. hel/fal/ko/lem/ko/io/hel/ist
32. mal/lem/fal/mal/fal/fal/io/fal
33. lum/lum/ko/mal/mal/mal/ist/lum
34. io/lum/hel/ko/um/ko/ist/ist
35. gul/lem/um/pul/hel/hel/lem/um
36. pul/hel/ko/pul/gul/lem/io/lum
37. io/pul/lum/hel/fal/fal/io/fal
38. ko/fal/hel/io/ko/um/fal/mal
39. ko/lum/ist/pul/pul/gul/io/pul
40. hel/um/pul/ist/io/ist/mal/lym
41. lem/lum/fal/ko/hel/ko/mal/gul
42. lem/hel/lem/hel/fal/pul/hel/hel
43. pul/um/fal/fal/pul/um/hel/um
44. io/lem/ko/io/lum/pul/ist/lem
45. fal/lum/gul/fal/pul/ko/gul/io
46. lum/gul/lum/hel/lem/lum/fal/ko
47. lem/mal/fal/um/hel/io/lem/lem
48. um/ist/io/ist/um/ko/um/um
49. ko/fal/pul/fal/fal/io/ko/ist
50. mal/lum/ko/lum/pul/lum/ko/pul
51. lum/gul/lem/mal/hel/fal/gul/lem
52. fal/lem/fal/io/gul/ko/ko/lem
53. lem/hel/lem/io/hel/lem/lum/lem
54. io/ist/um/io/fal/lem/um/hel
55. lem/pul/pul/lem/io/lum/io/lum
56. io/lum/hel/gul/ko/io/gul/mal
57. fal/hel/ko/lem/gul/io/pul/gul
58. hel/fal/ist/io/ko/io/um/mal
59. lum/mal/pul/ko/ist/lum/pul/fal
60. pul/gul/gul/ko/hel/fal/pul/pul
61. hel/mal/um/hel/io/mal/lum/io
62. ist/ist/mal/mal/um/fal/ko/gul
63. lem/hel/um/fal/hel/ko/lem/um
64. lum/ist/ko/pul/ist/fal/io/ist
65. fal/gul/ko/hel/hel/lem/gul/lem
66. lem/lum/gul/mal/io/lum/fal/gul
67. lum/um/gul/mal/io/lem/ist/io
68. hel/io/gul/io/hel/lem/pul/lem
69. pul/ko/hel/lum/hel/mal/mal/mal
70. um/lem/fal/mal/io/hel/io/fal
71. gul/ist/lem/fal/gul/ko/ko/fal
72. pul/ko/pul/lem/pul/um/hel/ist
73. ist/mal/um/ko/um/gul/mal/lum
74. io/lum/lem/um/um/fal/mal/pul
75. ist/pul/io/lum/lum/lem/lum/lem
76. ist/um/fal/gul/lem/hel/lem/ko
77. lum/um/fal/ko/io/hel/ist/hel
78. io/gul/mal/mal/ko/hel/hel/pul
79. gul/pul/um/pul/pul/mal/io/pul
80. fal/um/lum/hel/ist/lum/ko/ist
81. io/io/lum/ist/hel/ist/mal/pul
82. gul/lum/lem/lem/gul/ko/mal/ko
83. io/lum/lum/io/lem/pul/fal/io
84. io/lum/mal/ko/lem/io/hel/um
85. gul/ko/hel/gul/mal/io/io/lem
86. ist/hel/um/ist/pul/pul/io/um
87. um/lum/lem/lem/lem/hel/mal/io
88. pul/ist/fal/lem/ko/mal/ko/um
89. io/ko/lem/pul/io/um/lum/ko
90. lem/ko/fal/lem/gul/gul/um/lem
And here's the finished result:
It is not worth collecting for PvM in superior.
it doesn't matter pvm or pvp, it's important whether you're willing to spend the gold for the sake of the ideal or not
It won't affect the mechanics in any case.
It's not often that you have to fix the armor. If you're wasting on a runword of 96 ghouls, why not pay a gul-two for a dummy, which you won't regret. It's subjective, but for ed I see the point of paying, but for md - no.
What difference does it make if there's a bolva from Knightmar?
Aside from ed - which is really insignificant, many forget that superior makes the base perfect, as a result, the total armor turns out a tangible gain
it wasn't about that, it was about 1% stupidity.
but I'll answer your statements: the point was that instead of looking for a perfect knight-snip, it's better to look for a bolva from the hell, it's even a low would be better
Mom and grandma let the baby deal, a real man should have an enigma!
I'm stuck here, you know. It would be better to himself, instead of driving on the forum, the diapers would go, or what this audience usually does with the squat in the form of children.
This applies to any other runward, but Eni has a flat additive to the def, so taking bolva with elevated requirements for pp is meaningless, and mp is the middle ground between def and demand.
Mathematics is the queen of science.
Enigma is 96 drones. 90 wigs of 8 mules - it's 720 mules. 720/96=7,5. Total on average for the hospital - 1 drone with a wig.
Do you know what? I'm going to break my own.
If you spend 96 drones on the moat, the use of this moat should be as comfortable as possible. Including that the clothes were repaired for 20 cents.
But there are no bazaars, people who think the same way, quite a few, which means the price of the enigma without 15 units will be below the market. Therefore, if you are not sure that until the end of the season you will not merge the riddle, then you can brew in the superior arm. But dura on armor is not a justified topic at all. The price of the moat will not affect, but it will significantly increase the cost of repairs. The more 14 dur looks so-so, better 0 than NOT 15!
Ideally, cook eni in clear bases! At the same time, the clear of the bolva with the maximum def is more rare outlandish than 15% of the armor.
8 mules - account! Thoughts are wider) scatter on the akaunas. The wig looks like 1x8x7, that is, 8 mules are created on 1 account and 7 such accounts are maintained.
We get 8 mules, which we break. That's all) BUT! there are rumors that the enigma used to be assembled with 96 x7 x7 q-) Even smaller.
49-gul | 47-ist | 50-mal | 128-um | 70-pul | 84-lem | 63-fal | 71-lum | 73-ko | 76-io| 78-hel
Tell me, What's the power? Are they in the kids? My friend says she's in the kids. You have a lot of kids, and what? I think the power is in the enigma. Who has an enigma, he's stronger! Here you are , someone, children made, and what - you have become stronger? No, I didn't, because the enigma is behind you!