Enigma's mission and stats with HF (Diablo 2)
Hello world!I want to share my experience of mining Enigma, as well as lay out statistics of drop runes with HF.
It all started on April 11, 2020. For 3-4 months he dragged wigs, and the remaining 2-3 months broke the stone in the forge. And today he finally became the happy owner of this object.
I needed 90 accounts with 8 mules each.
Here are the statistics:
1. fal/fal/io/io/pul/ko/lum/gul
2. hel/pul/ko/pul/lum/hel/lem/lum
3. lem/lum/lum/lum/hel/hel/lem/gul
4. hel/um/ko/um/gul/pul/lum/lum
5. lum/lem/pul/fal/ist/pul/pul/pul
6. fal/hel/lum/gul/lem/pul/fal/hel
7. io/io/um/fal/hel/pul/lum/io
8. io/hel/fal/hel/ko/io/mal/mal
9. lem/ko/hel/pul/lem/mal/io/fal
10. lum/hel/um/hel/lem/pul/lum/fal
11. io/lem/pul/io/mal/um/ko/io
12. um/pul/io/lum/lem/lum/lem/pul
13. ko/io/ist/ko/lum/hel/ko/pul
14. ist/lem/mal/ist/gul/lem/ko
15. hel/gul/ist/hel/ko/hel/ko/lem
16. mal/pul/lum/mal/um/lem/lum/lum
17. lum/pul/lem/um/lem/ko/gul/gul
18. ko/gul/lem/io/mal/lum/fal/fal
19. pul/lum/hel/um/lum/ist/ko/lum
20. ko/um/lem/um/mal/lum/pul/io
21. lem/mal/io/hel/hel/fal/pul/lem
22. pul/io/lem/fal/hel/hel/lem/ist
23. ko/lum/hel/ko/ko/gul/hel/hel
24. fal/pul/um/um/lum/mal/ko/gul
25. um/um/mal/pul/gul/io/lem/ist
26. ist/ist/um/ko/lem/ist/ist/lem
27. hel/gul/mal/gul/um/mal/io/ko
28. fal/io/hel/fal/lem/ko/lem/hel
29. um/fal/pul/io/ko/lem/hel/ist
30. ist/pul/hel/um/ko/io/pul/fal
31. hel/fal/ko/lem/ko/io/hel/ist
32. mal/lem/fal/mal/fal/fal/io/fal
33. lum/lum/ko/mal/mal/mal/ist/lum
34. io/lum/hel/ko/um/ko/ist/ist
35. gul/lem/um/pul/hel/hel/lem/um
36. pul/hel/ko/pul/gul/lem/io/lum
37. io/pul/lum/hel/fal/fal/io/fal
38. ko/fal/hel/io/ko/um/fal/mal
39. ko/lum/ist/pul/pul/gul/io/pul
40. hel/um/pul/ist/io/ist/mal/lym
41. lem/lum/fal/ko/hel/ko/mal/gul
42. lem/hel/lem/hel/fal/pul/hel/hel
43. pul/um/fal/fal/pul/um/hel/um
44. io/lem/ko/io/lum/pul/ist/lem
45. fal/lum/gul/fal/pul/ko/gul/io
46. lum/gul/lum/hel/lem/lum/fal/ko
47. lem/mal/fal/um/hel/io/lem/lem
48. um/ist/io/ist/um/ko/um/um
49. ko/fal/pul/fal/fal/io/ko/ist
50. mal/lum/ko/lum/pul/lum/ko/pul
51. lum/gul/lem/mal/hel/fal/gul/lem
52. fal/lem/fal/io/gul/ko/ko/lem
53. lem/hel/lem/io/hel/lem/lum/lem
54. io/ist/um/io/fal/lem/um/hel
55. lem/pul/pul/lem/io/lum/io/lum
56. io/lum/hel/gul/ko/io/gul/mal
57. fal/hel/ko/lem/gul/io/pul/gul
58. hel/fal/ist/io/ko/io/um/mal
59. lum/mal/pul/ko/ist/lum/pul/fal
60. pul/gul/gul/ko/hel/fal/pul/pul
61. hel/mal/um/hel/io/mal/lum/io
62. ist/ist/mal/mal/um/fal/ko/gul
63. lem/hel/um/fal/hel/ko/lem/um
64. lum/ist/ko/pul/ist/fal/io/ist
65. fal/gul/ko/hel/hel/lem/gul/lem
66. lem/lum/gul/mal/io/lum/fal/gul
67. lum/um/gul/mal/io/lem/ist/io
68. hel/io/gul/io/hel/lem/pul/lem
69. pul/ko/hel/lum/hel/mal/mal/mal
70. um/lem/fal/mal/io/hel/io/fal
71. gul/ist/lem/fal/gul/ko/ko/fal
72. pul/ko/pul/lem/pul/um/hel/ist
73. ist/mal/um/ko/um/gul/mal/lum
74. io/lum/lem/um/um/fal/mal/pul
75. ist/pul/io/lum/lum/lem/lum/lem
76. ist/um/fal/gul/lem/hel/lem/ko
77. lum/um/fal/ko/io/hel/ist/hel
78. io/gul/mal/mal/ko/hel/hel/pul
79. gul/pul/um/pul/pul/mal/io/pul
80. fal/um/lum/hel/ist/lum/ko/ist
81. io/io/lum/ist/hel/ist/mal/pul
82. gul/lum/lem/lem/gul/ko/mal/ko
83. io/lum/lum/io/lem/pul/fal/io
84. io/lum/mal/ko/lem/io/hel/um
85. gul/ko/hel/gul/mal/io/io/lem
86. ist/hel/um/ist/pul/pul/io/um
87. um/lum/lem/lem/lem/hel/mal/io
88. pul/ist/fal/lem/ko/mal/ko/um
89. io/ko/lem/pul/io/um/lum/ko
90. lem/ko/fal/lem/gul/gul/um/lem
And here's the finished result:
And the english terminology, by the way, pumping enchantment is called - leveling.
CorvinOk wrote:
And PvP then logically would call Mordoboika ;D
And PvP among the militiamen, as a private case - stabbing!
Firk, just because you don't like a particular term doesn't mean it's wrong. It's your personal subjective perception. You can replace it with any more well-connected one, if it makes you feel better. But the fact that the term is correct does not cancel.
I, for example, can not stand at all so loved by the locomotives "hole." It's terrible. It's hard to imagine who thought of it. On this I replace the analogue - gatekeeper (short for GK) - with a pleasant analogue. Taken from Lineage2. There given the NPC is responsible for moving the player between locations, which, as to me, fits perfectly - allows the D2 to quickly move to Duriel. A hole is usually someone you study with at uni.
he's wrong not because I don't like it but because it's wrong
and the paravosers are weird.
firkax wrote:
and the paravosers are weird.
I agree. I wish there's someone who can take the steam locomotives out. It's a pity there is no such person.
FludoTron wrote:
It's a pity there is no such person.
He probably is and probably plays for the same team, just sometimes it makes sense that it is called not to stick out. Even if there is a person who will remove the locomotives, he will be forced to immediately bring something in return.
When I look at all this, I come to mind only a quote of the hero Anatoly Shhuravlev from one cult feature film about the banditoff, concerning the employees of the film industry.
I'm thinking, maybe it's political correctness. And the withdrawal of para-carts in any way could infringe on the rights of blacks and LGBT people?
It's just that I've been pinching the grass for a couple of weeks now - and I'm constantly getting the name of the LGBT community.
Alexey Bitardsky, it is insanely pleasant to see in this forum such sophisticated and educated young people, not arguing with all sorts of firs for all sorts of bilds. ;D
.. and the development of living things ©! :DD
You're a paladin, aren't you? If so, it's reverse racism, or whatever it is.
Alexey Bitardsky
No, you're what - I have a weed wet servant (!) Nordic barba - and the holopa's name is Wahid.
Maybe that's the point - pharma runes need tolerance, as well as for wigs; C
Learn, dove, as it should be highly intelligent, and even without a soban to swear.
Logically - this babra somehow sideways skidded in Lut Golain (the twin city of Tashkent). And who is here - the big question, and with tolerance even so complete order Suspicious.
Alexey Bitardsky
Weath grass in Kurast. And this is South (or Central) America - Vitslipuzli and so on.
And in Lut-Golain, Barb participated in a peacekeeping operation to destroy the local fauna - there was hired guest worker Wahid.
By the way, the farm is a negro of feral missionaries in the once slave-owning grass-in-the-bull - the apogee of tolerance.
if there was no difference, you would never have heard either Yuvanetsky or Vysotsky. I certainly don't compare - but my legs grow from there.