Burnout Paradise Music (Burnout Paradise)
Electronic Arts officials said that a song from cult band Guns N 'Roses, Paradise City, will lead the soundtrack for Burnout Paradise.In addition to Guns N 'Roses, you will also hear compositions of such bands as Alice in Chains, Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, Twisted Sister, Jimmy Eat World and NERD, Airbourne, Jupiter One and Junkie XL.
Most of the music in the game is slag, a couple of tracks are noteworthy, and the rest is trash.
Well, you and the jokers tries to tear it out of the game, it's not easier to find the music you need on the internet and download it.
Tell me please!!! And you can add your own music to the game !!! ???? If so how !! ???
ALL BURNOUT SONGS IN ONE ARCHIVE http://www.mp3-xit.net/3074-burnout-paradise-soundtrack-2009.html
But I, unlike most racers, prefer the classic style of the sound atmosphere of the game! I love when I hear the wildly wild roars of a car, at the start, in a drift or deafening blows at the time of accidents - you know how awesome it is !!!!!! and if you listen to music, then not during the game. even if it does not distract, but it turns out is not the same game ...
Another reason to import your music into BP is for that sound effect when you're in flight.